Trump Blasts Pence For Not Overturning The Election

I am not talking about whether or not the election was stolen, maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. What I am talking about is the possibility of election fraud, which I think is possible if not likely. I see it as a problem when so many question the honesty of our elections:

America's faith in the integrity of the election system remains shaken by the events of Jan. 6, with only 20% of the public saying it's very confident about the system, a new ABC/Ipsos poll finds. This is a significant drop from 37% in an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted in the days after the insurrection last year.

The lack of strong confidence in the country's ability to conduct an honest election crosses partisan lines. Among Democrats, whose party leaders have been struggling to legislatively protect what they believe to be deteriorating voting rights across the country, 30% say they are very confident in the U.S. election systems overall. Regarding independents, only 1 in 5 consider themselves "very confident" in the nation's elections.

How something like this does not bother the Left is disturbing. It's like everybody who questions the election system are a bunch of idiots and we don't give a damn what you think. Not surprisingly, they feel the same way about the Left. And here we are, not trusting each other and doing little or nothing about it except to bitch about the efforts to increase the integrity of our elections.
It's a mental disease to question an election which had no evidence of fraud. People by nature do not like to lose. But everything points to that loss logically. There is nothing at all mysterious about Biden's win.
Baloney on the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution provides the power to uphold the rightfully elected president. And the Republican party understood that had to be Trump.

Next time the danger is multiplied through several different means that negate any constitutional power.
The Republican party is wrong, and if you are going to call out the Constitution, you are wrong. See how easy that was?
You're missing the point. If the phony electors had been able to get in, the possibility exists of them being chosen as the legitimate electors. The Republican members were indoctrinated and ready.
Why would you allow phony electors? There is only one possible answer. To cheat.
All I know that there was election fraud in Detroit, Michigan (as well, in a few other places in 2020). Pence should have made it clear back then. But maybe Pence had enough of Trump and decided to backstab him toward the end of their terms.

Yes, I voted for Trump in 2016. Not because, he is a Republican. Because, I was sick and tired of both parties acting like they're "holier than thou". GW Bush was a Republican, but I didn't think he was a great President. Not even a good one.
How do you know? If you know, you have to be in possession of concrete evidence. What is it?
She actually had more votes than Trump, and the poll closings were the reason she lost.
To be honest, I think whatever Pence thought about the election results is immaterial. First of all, I highly doubt that one man, even the VPOTUS has the power to overturn the election results of any election. It better not be possible, otherwise we could be living in a future dictatorship.

Second, Pence can say whatever he wants, but doing anything about it requires more than allegations. You gotta have sufficient, verifiable proof that will stand up in court as admissible evidence before you arbitrarily overturn an election. That's some serious shit there folks, you gotta have ironclad and undeniable proof and so far that has not been shown to exist. There is evidence of fraud, no doubt about that IMHO, but as yet no one has proved that the election was stolen. Nobody. And that is probably the main reason why Pence did what he did. I believe that Mike Pence is/was an honorable man who did the right thing for his country. And if Trump doesn't like it then that's too fucking bad.

So, let's have the state legislatures around the country do what they can to tighten up our election laws in an effort to address as many of the allegations as possible. It may not be as easy as it was in 2020, tough shit. Nobody's vote is being suppressed, that is a crock of bullshit. Election integrity is of primary importance; as a country we goota believe the right people were properly elected, and right now that is not the case for quite a few people out there.
Why would you need to tighten up our election laws, when we had an air tight election? These 400 voter suppression bills that Republicans set forth will only suppress not help.
So what is it Republicans?

Do you support Trump in his claims that his Vice President could overturn states Electoral Votes?
If you do, then you agree that VP Harris now has that power

If you claim Harris does not have that power, then you must admit that Trump sent a mob against the Capitol on false pretenses
I don't think they are capable of answering.
Pence released statement was what set off the protest and enraged many in the crowd. The majority of people most likely knew they election wasn't going to change, but they were their to support the senators who were opposing the count without a fair investigation of the last minute forced through mail-in votes in the states where counting was stopped and watchers were forced out.
People just watch 3 years of the Russia investigation which republicans like Mitch justified and it turned out to be a hoax. In the last 2 years people have watched the scamdemic unfold with the ever changing "science" getting everything wrong. And after Afghanistan people will have little faith in the the FJB administration being transparent and honest about whatever happens in the Ukraine.
The Russian investigation was no hoax; Russiagate Was Not a Hoax
There are numerous sources (if you even bother to look) that you may find about how Detroit was one of many Democrat cities that overturned the 2021 Presidential Election results.

I am sure you a smart guy, do your research.
There are numerous sources (if you even bother to look) that you may find about how Detroit was one of many Democrat cities that overturned the 2021 Presidential Election results.

I am sure you a smart guy, do your research.
14 months later, and you haven't produced them? What makes you think I'm going to? :laughing0301: :rofl: 😂 :aargh: 🤪 :auiqs.jpg:You are posting nonsense.

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