Trump Blasts Pence For Not Overturning The Election

Your side had their day in court and lost.

All the States had certified their votes as valid and accurate. Accusation by some state law makers (not the legislatures) and baseless allegations does not count.

There were no competing state governments in 2020 like there was in 1876 that caused that crisis.
Accusation by some state law makers (not the legislatures)
Legislatures and their members are the law makers. Could you make a bigger fool of yourself?

Of course you can.
Accusation by some state law makers (not the legislatures)
Legislatures and their members are the law makers. Could you make a bigger fool of yourself?

Of course you can.
Some of them are, like you, pretty wacky and stupid in what they believe. See a few like minded nutobs, like you, can't just get together and make proclamations for the entire legislature.

Let me put it this way. As legislators they have certain powers and privilege's, but the legislature, they can pass bills and make resolution and it be binding. Whereas individually they still have their opinions which are not binding.

Does that help clear things up?
Some of them are, like you, pretty wacky and stupid in what they believe. See a few like minded nutobs, like you, can't just get together and make proclamations for the entire legislature.

Let me put it this way. As legislators they have certain powers and privilege's, but the legislature, they can pass bills and make resolution and it be binding. Whereas individually they still have their opinions which are not binding.

Does that help clear things up?
The same legislatures that never legalized drop boxes? The legislatures that let the SOS make bargains? Some members of those legislatures are pointing those things out. Does that clear things up?
The same legislatures that never legalized drop boxes? The legislatures that let the SOS make bargains? Some members of those legislatures are pointing those things out. Does that clear things up?

There was never anything to clear up on my end, It's always been clear you don't really know what you're talking about half the time, and for the other half, what you think you know is wrong.
It wouldn't have been overturning an election, it would have been righting a wrong.
Without evidence of course. Which makes it just fantasy.

It's a shame that so many on the Trump side hate this country. If they really cared, they wouldn't continue with the big lie.
You haven't shown jackshit you stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Congress has a precedence for doing an audit and one should have done in the 2020 election due to the overwhelming evidence of fraud by the Democrat filth.

An election where the Democrat filth used the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots, counted by Democrats, in Democrat controlled swing districts.

An election where the Democrats stopped counting ballots when Trump was ahead and resumed hours later with thousands of ballots only marked for Potatohead.

An election where Republican observers were prevented from observing the Democrat counting.

An election where lax Democrat laws allowed the Illegal filth to illegally vote without consequences.

All Pence had to do to legitimize the election giving the overwhelming evidence of fraud was to order a Federal audit.

But he didn't and he will always go down in history as being a traitor to his country just like Potatohead will always be an illegitimate President.
If Pence had called for the election count to be stalled, it would have been at the behest of fake electors, using fake documents, with fake signatures.
Get over the fact that you installed a fraudulent, demented old man who is weakening our country, intentionally? The idiot is bringing in millions of illegals, secretly flying them around the country, in violation of #42, during a panedemic.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
You cannot prove anything you said. Simply put, you are a pathetic liar. And there is nothing worse than a pos liar like you.
The biggest fraud was perpetrated by the four-year lies of the leftist media.

And you’re proud of what your side did? Look at how the demented old man is bringing down our country!
Nothing like a liar, calling others liars, when the one doing the accusing cannot prove the lies. You are the worst.
His duty on that day was to order an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled swing districts.

You know, like the districts where Trump was ahead and the Democrats shut down counting and reopened hours later with hundred of thousands ballots with nothing checked expect Joe Potatohead.

Districts where Republican observers were prevented from observing the counting.

An audit of the mail in and harvested ballots against actual voter registration rolls.

Shit like that.
Shit like that is legal. Try again.
The biggest fraud was perpetrated by the four-year lies of the leftist media.

And you’re proud of what your side did? Look at how the demented old man is bringing down our country!

keep on lying

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