Trump: California Causes Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific (and other crazy things)

Liberals appear to be their own worst enemy. The OP doesn't even bother to know what he's talking about, just that he hates Trump. Doesn't bother to ask why so many fires in California, can't understand that clearing dead trees eliminates fuel for fires, only understand he hates Trump.


Why Does California Let Billions Of Gallons Of Fresh Water Flow Straight Into The Ocean?

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Yeah, it doesn’t take an expert to understand that “tree clear” won’t fight wild fires. And to say that California is diverting water to the pacific is just asinine.

How about the Orange Dumpster Fire back up HIS claims with facts for a change? That doesn’t matter to you though, right? Whatever he says is the gospel.

Go wipe your chin, kid.

Actually, if there are no trees, there will be no forest fires.

Most of these fires are made worse by years of fire suppression policies by the U.S. forest service. The forests grow too dense and are not natural. Letting light grass fires burned contributed to thermal pruning which does reduce the intensity of fire in the long run.

Safe and effective tool when the right people are doing it..........Prescribed burns...........

You can't prescribe burn the entire state.........but you can certainly protect major population areas.......

Safe and effective tool when the right people are doing it..........Prescribed burns...........

You can't prescribe burn the entire state.........but you can certainly protect major population areas.......

Dems are the most certain when they are the most ignorant.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
I thought the diversion of water is what keeps southern California from being a desert, including the Imperial Valley where much of our vegetables come from, and where most of our wildfires occur. Is Trump suggesting California should stop diverting water?

No, he is referring to diversion of water for ecological purposes.

Man-Made Drought: A Guide To California's Water Wars | Investor's Business Daily

"There's not enough water in California": Environmentalists often claim that the California water crisis stems from the state not having enough water to satisfy its rapidly growing population, especially during a drought.

However, the state in fact has abundant water flowing into the Delta, which is the heart of California's irrigation structure. Water that originates in the snowpack of the Sierra Nevada Mountains runs off into the Delta, which has two pumping stations that help distribute the water throughout the state.

But on average, due to environmental regulations as well as a lack of water storage capacity (attributable, in large part, to activist groups' opposition to new storage projects), 70% of the water that enters the Delta is simply flushed into the ocean. California's water infrastructure was designed to withstand five years of drought, so the current crisis, which began about three years ago, should not be a crisis at all. During those three years, the state has flushed more than 2 million acre-feet of water — or 652 billion gallons — into the ocean due to the aforementioned biological opinions, which have prevented the irrigation infrastructure from operating at full capacity.

"Farmers use 80% of California's water": Having deliberately reduced the California water supply through decades of litigation, the radicals now need a scapegoat for the resulting crisis. So they blame farmers ("big agriculture," as they call them) for using 80% of the state's water.

This statistic, widely parroted by the media and some politicians, is a gross distortion. Of the water that is captured for use, farmers get 40%, cities get 10% and a full 50% goes to environmental purposes — that is, it gets flushed into the ocean. By arbitrarily excluding the huge environmental water diversion from their calculations — as if it is somehow irrelevant to the water crisis — environmentalists deceptively double the farmers' usage from 40% to 80%.

If at first you don't succeed, do the exact same thing: Many of the Delta water cuts stem from the radicals' litigation meant to protect salmon and smelt. Yet after decades of water reductions, the salmon population fluctuates wildly, while the smelt population has fallen to historic lows. The radicals' solution, however, is always to dump even more water from the Delta into the ocean, even though this approach has failed time and again."
Thank you for that link. I never knew California water was dumped into the ocean. I thought it came from the Colorado which dried up before it got to the ocean.
I also wonder about the salmon. I always thought they spawned in streams more north of California. Is there a sizable wild salmon population in California. I know there are fish farms, and assume they have controlled spawning, but the wild ones are the question.
dimocrap scum are too stupid to be much fun. They take a piece written by some 25 yr-old at HuffSuckNBlo and run with it.

At a single glance, I knew Trump was right and our resident dimocrap moron was wrong.

dimocraps are not only scum, they're sheep. Stupid sheep.

This thread is a joke.
Perhaps the left will accept criticism from the New York Times........

Harvesting Trees Will Prevent Fires -

The U.S. Forest Service estimates that more than 190 million acres of public land are at risk of catastrophic fires, including 60 percent our national forests. Too many trees, too much brush, and bureaucratic regulations and lawsuits filed by environmental extremists are to blame. Timber harvests have plunged more than 75 percent from 12 billion board feet per year to less than 4 billion board feet per year. The result: historically large ponderosa pines which grew in stands of 20 to 55 trees per acre now grow (and burn) in densities of 300 to 900 trees per acre.

Twenty years ago, a wildfire exceeding 100,000 acres was deemed to be catastrophic. Today, such large-scale fires are the rule rather than the exception. For instance, in 1998 there were 81,043 wildfires, burning 1,329,704 acres; but in 2007, 85,705 fires burned 9,328,045 acres. In 2011, 74,126 fires left 8,711,367 acres in cinders – below 2007’s amount but still well above the average.

The fact is excessive fuel, and thus the fire hazard, can be reduced in three ways. First, is to use mechanical thinning of vegetation and logging. Second, is to use small “controlled” burns which, the Los Alamos fires of 2000 taught us, are inherently risky unless there has been some logging of the site before the fires are set. Failing to choose one of these options leaves only the “burn, baby, burn” result that we are currently witnessing.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Yeah, it doesn’t take an expert to understand that “tree clear” won’t fight wild fires. And to say that California is diverting water to the pacific is just asinine.

How about the Orange Dumpster Fire back up HIS claims with facts for a change? That doesn’t matter to you though, right? Whatever he says is the gospel.

Go wipe your chin, kid.

Actually, if there are no trees, there will be no forest fires.

Most of these fires are made worse by years of fire suppression policies by the U.S. forest service. The forests grow too dense and are not natural. Letting light grass fires burned contributed to thermal pruning which does reduce the intensity of fire in the long run.

The problem is the policy of "fight every fire as quickly as possible' was policy for almost a century, leading to massive undergrowth "deadfall" being a major fact in most forest areas out west. The policy of letting some fires burn in order to clear out this growth cannot really be allowed to flourish until all the massive undergrowth is gone, and that means for a while some fires are going to be massive.

20 years from now the next fire in the area in question will be more manageable because it doesn't have 8 decades of undergrowth to fuel it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So for about 20 years now California has been on FIRE!
  2. Noway is that possible without human intervention.
  3. That's a simple fact.
  4. These control burns are just one reason.
  5. Not using the water for human purposes is another.
  6. Mistakes made by fire chiefs.
  7. Home owners not being prepared with their own garage kept fire fighting equipment.
  8. Other than that there is *NO PROBLEM* in California as far as it constantly burning.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
Trump is right.

California makes it worse.

They needed more controlled burns.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You ignored the second part of his tweet. California environmental laws prevented clearing brush.
Trump declares a state of emergency in California as wildfires ravage the state

  • President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency on Saturday as the Carr Fire ravaged the city of Redding in Northern California.
President Donald Trump on Saturday declared a state of emergency in the state of California as a series of deadly wildfires ravaged the state.

The declaration authorizes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate disaster recovery efforts and work with local officials.
So, you got anything to show that he is wrong?

No, NO, Corn-ell........Trump is ALWAYS correct.......
Isn't that rule number one in the Trump Cult manual???

YOu should read the rest of the thread, before you say anything else, dumb ass.

But first, your attacking me for asking the OP to support his conclusions, just shows what a dishonest piece of work you are.

Which is another way of saying liberal.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.

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