Trump: California Causes Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific (and other crazy things)


Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
Hey there shit for brains. He didn't blame California, he simply stated that it is part of the problem. Mindless little twits like you are hilarious. Go back to your coloring book.
Hey assclown, Donald is a god damn idiot. He knows nothing of fighting fires, and just talks out of his ass, but dipshits like you gobble it up like it came straight from the mouth of God himself.

Go get some new kneepads, faggot. Your MAGA kneepads are worn out.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.
Hey, dipshit, I think the fire fighters know when and where to clear forest to aid in their efforts. They dont need the Retard-in-Chief to tell them how to do their jobs.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points
Anyone who has lived in Germany knows that clearing deadwood and underbrush is essential in a healthy forest. Also, conducting controlled burns after heavy rains helps remove the threat of future fires during dry spells. It also helps prevent mudslides and erosion.
Must tree clear! SAD!
In most cases, firefighters do tree clear in large fires of this nature. It takes away the fires fuel. Learn something before you post. You fucking moron.
Yeah I already know that, faggot. And so do firefighters. They don’t need Donald yelling “tree clear!” to figure that out

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.
Hey, dipshit, I think the fire fighters know when and where to clear forest to aid in their efforts. They dont need the Retard-in-Chief to tell them how to do their jobs.
Trump wasn't talking to firefighters. He was talking to looney liberals in charge of the states that are currently on fire.
Must tree clear! SAD!
In most cases, firefighters do tree clear in large fires of this nature. It takes away the fires fuel. Learn something before you post. You fucking moron.
Yeah I already know that, faggot. And so do firefighters. They don’t need Donald yelling “tree clear!” to figure that out
And Trump doesn't need your smelly butt telling him what to do

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
Hey there shit for brains. He didn't blame California, he simply stated that it is part of the problem. Mindless little twits like you are hilarious. Go back to your coloring book.
Hey assclown, Donald is a god damn idiot. He knows nothing of fighting fires, and just talks out of his ass, but dipshits like you gobble it up like it came straight from the mouth of God himself.

Go get some new kneepads, faggot. Your MAGA kneepads are worn out.
Everything I said is true. Look it up, the internet can be quite helpful. You on the other hand are a moron that only thinks of blowing a guy.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.
Hey, dipshit, I think the fire fighters know when and where to clear forest to aid in their efforts. They dont need the Retard-in-Chief to tell them how to do their jobs.

YOu jumped on this because you were so ignorant you though what he said made no sense.

Now you are walking it back to, you think his advice was unnecessary.

You are not fooling anyone, lefty.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Pray tell, show us how correct he is. When have you been to CA during a Santa Anna? During a drought?
But first, your attacking me for asking the OP to support his conclusions, just shows what a dishonest piece of work you are.

You're "right", Corn-ell...........Trump is also right n target......California's wildfires are a result of wasting water by directing it into the Pacific instead of the fires, AND, due to not enough tree-cutting........I mean, WHO thefuck couldargue against such Trumpian wisdom?
Must tree clear! SAD!
In most cases, firefighters do tree clear in large fires of this nature. It takes away the fires fuel. Learn something before you post. You fucking moron.
Yeah I already know that, faggot. And so do firefighters. They don’t need Donald yelling “tree clear!” to figure that out
You obviously didn't know that other wise you wouldn't have made your ignorant comment. Your Op was misleading, no, let me restate, your op was a lie. You threw out inane statements and in return you got your ass handed to you by several people. That being said, lets talk about your preoccupation with faggots and blowing guys. Is there something you need to tell people? Would you like to use this forum to finally come out of the closet? I'm sure your friends, coworkers, Mother, Father, the blind deaf guy down the street already know. Wouldn't it be liberating for you to finally say it and not have to hide?
Last edited by a moderator:

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You ignored the second part of his tweet. California environmental laws prevented clearing brush.
Poor trumpanzees...brush is required to be cleared.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Pray tell, show us how correct he is. When have you been to CA during a Santa Anna? During a drought?

Normally when someone makes a claim, it is on them to support it.

It is telling that this has to be explained to you.

Very, very telling.
But first, your attacking me for asking the OP to support his conclusions, just shows what a dishonest piece of work you are.

You're "right", Corn-ell...........Trump is also right n target......California's wildfires are a result of wasting water by directing it into the Pacific instead of the fires, AND, due to not enough tree-cutting........I mean, WHO thefuck couldargue against such Trumpian wisdom?

I and several other posters have posted links discussing the policy of ecological use of water, ie directing large amounts of water in the ocean.

YOur attempt to ridicule this point, makes you look like a dishonest fool.

Because you are.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.
Hey, dipshit, I think the fire fighters know when and where to clear forest to aid in their efforts. They dont need the Retard-in-Chief to tell them how to do their jobs.

YOu jumped on this because you were so ignorant you though what he said made no sense.

Now you are walking it back to, you think his advice was unnecessary.

You are not fooling anyone, lefty.
I’m not walking shit back.

Donald is a god damn idiot, and so are you.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You ignored the second part of his tweet. California environmental laws prevented clearing brush.
Poor trumpanzees...brush is required to be cleared.
Yeah, so you say.
However, the state doesn't do enough of it.
Clearing a few acres isn't going to cut it. And GOV. Jerry Browns new water use laws prevents property owners from irrigating or watering around their homes, creating perfect tinder for brush fires.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.
Hey, dipshit, I think the fire fighters know when and where to clear forest to aid in their efforts. They dont need the Retard-in-Chief to tell them how to do their jobs.

YOu jumped on this because you were so ignorant you though what he said made no sense.

Now you are walking it back to, you think his advice was unnecessary.

You are not fooling anyone, lefty.
I’m not walking shit back.

Donald is a god damn idiot, and so are you.

You did not even know what a fire break was, in the op.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Well, honestly most of the wild fires here in California have been caused by dense brush and high winds that are kicking up the flames. People not clearing out the rain gutters of their house doesnt help either and is responsible for a lot of houses burning.
To be fair to Trump though, there probabaly are some dense forest areas where beetle infestation has turned some trees into tinder boxes and in those areas, some thinning out is probably needed.
Thats just not the main cause of what we have been experiencing lately.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Well, honestly most of the wild fires here in California have been caused by dense brush and high winds that are kicking up the flames. People not clearing out the rain gutters of their house doesnt help either and is responsible for a lot of houses burning.
To be fair to Trump though, there probabaly are some dense forest areas where beetle infestation has turned some trees into tinder boxes and in those areas, some thinning out is probably needed.
Thats just not the main cause of what we have been experiencing lately.
He didn't say it was the main cause. He said it contributed.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Pray tell, show us how correct he is. When have you been to CA during a Santa Anna? During a drought?
And your point is what?

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