Trump: California Causes Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific (and other crazy things)


Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

From what I was reading there, Trump is not proposing rolling back emission standards from todays standard. He's only talking about freezing them at the 2020 mark. So saying he is scraping emissions standards is a bit misleading. We would still have the toughest laws in the nation

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Well, honestly most of the wild fires here in California have been caused by dense brush and high winds that are kicking up the flames. People not clearing out the rain gutters of their house doesnt help either and is responsible for a lot of houses burning.
To be fair to Trump though, there probabaly are some dense forest areas where beetle infestation has turned some trees into tinder boxes and in those areas, some thinning out is probably needed.
Thats just not the main cause of what we have been experiencing lately.

What if they did allow enough logging to make some really massive fire breaks?

What if water was held up behind the dams to be there for the environment, instead of being released to flow into the ocean?
But first, your attacking me for asking the OP to support his conclusions, just shows what a dishonest piece of work you are.

You're "right", Corn-ell...........Trump is also right n target......California's wildfires are a result of wasting water by directing it into the Pacific instead of the fires, AND, due to not enough tree-cutting........I mean, WHO thefuck couldargue against such Trumpian wisdom?
Gnat. That isn't what he said. Your comprehension skills need work. Those things help contribute to the fire but wasn't the cause. If you tried to understand the words, you might actually get it!

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

From what I was reading there, Trump is not proposing rolling back emission standards from todays standard. He's only talking about freezing them at the 2020 mark. So saying he is scraping emissions standards is a bit misleading. We would still have the toughest laws in the nation
JED and facts are like oil and vinegar.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Yeah, it doesn’t take an expert to understand that “tree clear” won’t fight wild fires. And to say that California is diverting water to the pacific is just asinine.

How about the Orange Dumpster Fire back up HIS claims with facts for a change? That doesn’t matter to you though, right? Whatever he says is the gospel.

Go wipe your chin, kid.

The US Forest Service does clear trees to manage the amount of fuels(trees), in the forest. That policy went into effect after the 1988 yellowstone fires. NOt all forest service areas clear trees but some do and fires are now managed to burn unless they're approaching stuctures and people.
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Doesn't trump have enough on his hands without now being an instant expert on California? I mean, there's a whole crew of crotchety old maid right wingers posting crap about California at any given time on usmb. They have Califonia covered. Trump needs to do the job he's paid for like playing golf, goofing off and getting his knowledge from fox news and drudge, insulting athletes and just about everybody else, tearing little children away from their parents and locking them up in cages, figuring out how he can make his alpha male putin like him more, on and on.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?

Well, honestly most of the wild fires here in California have been caused by dense brush and high winds that are kicking up the flames. People not clearing out the rain gutters of their house doesnt help either and is responsible for a lot of houses burning.
To be fair to Trump though, there probabaly are some dense forest areas where beetle infestation has turned some trees into tinder boxes and in those areas, some thinning out is probably needed.
Thats just not the main cause of what we have been experiencing lately.

What if they did allow enough logging to make some really massive fire breaks?

What if water was held up behind the dams to be there for the environment, instead of being released to flow into the ocean?

I'm not saying there aren't some places where logging isnt warranted but REALY, I live here in Northern California and I know what we have been experiencing these last few years and its mostly brush fires that are the culprit. It happens in areas where you just have sparse oak trees and wide open spaces. Every rainy season here we get this dense tall grass that dries out in Summer. Someone starts a fire on a windy day and thats it. Even more water in dams wouldn't help with that. It's not like you can keep the dry hills irrigated with water. You just have to be here to understand. We probably do need some more dams and I'm not condemning Trump for the tweet. I keep in mind he does tweet a lot. Sometimes people make mistakes, no big deal. I think he's just slightly out of touch with the California situation.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You’re going to get your ass kicked on this one. Wish I had the time to do it.
“I was going to kick your ass, but my mom is calling me.”


Anyway.....Bring it on, clown. This is an open forum. Come back after you’ve dug up some right-wing talking points

Fire breaks and ecological water use, are hardly right wing talking points, dumb ass.
Hey, dipshit, I think the fire fighters know when and where to clear forest to aid in their efforts. They dont need the Retard-in-Chief to tell them how to do their jobs.
It doesn't matter if the fire fighters know what to clear. Environmentalists will stop them.
Trump never said "wildfires are caused by diverting water to the ocean". It's Media Matters spin that is fed to lefties for their daily dose of hatred. Pot head Jerry did, however, blame global warming for the fires. "Never let a tragedy go to waste".

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You ignored the second part of his tweet. California environmental laws prevented clearing brush.
yep....back in the 80's the Forrest service wanted to clear dead brush around areas that seem to have most of the fires,the environmentalist stopped them from doing it...the reason?...the Forrest service wanted to clear an area 4-5 hundred yards from the cities....environmentalist wanted only 100 yards....the environmentalist won....
California is diverting lots of fresh water to the ocean. Why are they infested with fools? They need to impound that water and make use of it.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Pray tell, show us how correct he is. When have you been to CA during a Santa Anna? During a drought?
I was for 8 years.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.
You ignored the second part of his tweet. California environmental laws prevented clearing brush.
Poor trumpanzees...brush is required to be cleared.
around your own house yes a 100 yards...but around the cities the Forrest service has a conflict with the environmentalist on what should be done.....
But first, your attacking me for asking the OP to support his conclusions, just shows what a dishonest piece of work you are.

You're "right", Corn-ell...........Trump is also right n target......California's wildfires are a result of wasting water by directing it into the Pacific instead of the fires, AND, due to not enough tree-cutting........I mean, WHO thefuck couldargue against such Trumpian wisdom?
Learn or burn Gnat................your politicians out there prefer the burn.........
Yeah, let's blame Trump for Communists/Democrats fuckin California up. Uh huh, it's all his fault. :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

  1. Just an opinion but I'm pretty sure I'm right, as usual, California Democrats are behind the fires.
  2. They are burning the land to get federal money.
  3. Yes, you heard it here first!
  4. CWN NEWS at aug 6th 12 noon 2018 all rights reserved.

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