Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

wrong joe every action doesn't deserve a reaction by the leader of the greatest country on earth Let NK react We should be bigger than that

True. But when was the NFL going to stop the players from being involved in things that have nothing to do with football .

Never .................
That’s up to the NFL to decide, not you.

The NFL clearly wants this fight. So they are getting it.
So you think they should turn the other cheek ? Sorry they won't let that racist schmuck in our WH get the better of them

Racist. Nazi. White Supremacist. Name calling befitting a kindergarten student. That's all you left wingers have anymore. Worked so well for you in 2016 didn't it now.
By all means keep it up.
Is he still patting himself on the back for Puerto Rico?? What a great job HE's doing??? What slime
America is all about the dollar...that's what it stands for....the players making millions are getting their cash
Oh OK so what are those boys doing? Keeling to HONOR the flag? You do know that honoring the U.S. flag is done standing up with your hand over your heart don't you? No fool, they are dissing the flag and our Constitution and not one of them can tell you why they are dishonoring the very flag that gives them their rights and all that money.

{quote]They are protesting. That is all they are doing. And they're allowed to. It is what your country was founded on. I don't need to stand with my hand over my heart to let people know I love, or don't love, where I live. As I said, patriotism is close to fascism as far as I see. I'm reading William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich at the moment.

Protesting what exactly? The flag? Why? And why do it at an event that has nothing to do with protest? Your notion that patriotism is close to fascism is ludicrous and ignorant. Tell that to the families of our fallen soldiers who gave their lives.

What you are talking about is exactly what Hitler did in the 30s.

Bullshit, what you are advocating is more like what Hitler did

Dissing people and manipulating them into being 'patriotic' Germans by kicking the shit out of anybody who disagreed with their point of view. Kneeling during the anthem isn't costing you a damn thing. It's not hurting anybody. It's not causing delays in the game. As I said in a previous post, if it was Tim Tebow protesting about same-sex marriage you'd be throwing him a parade. Grow the fuck up.

Who is dissing anyone and 'kicking the shit out of' them? You are promoting hysterical, divisive rhetoric and propaganda.......Just like Hitler. Look in a fucking mirror.
True. But when was the NFL going to stop the players from being involved in things that have nothing to do with football .

Never .................
That’s up to the NFL to decide, not you.

The NFL clearly wants this fight. So they are getting it.
So you think they should turn the other cheek ? Sorry they won't let that racist schmuck in our WH get the better of them

Racist. Nazi. White Supremacist. Name calling befitting a kindergarten student. That's all you left wingers have anymore. Worked so well for you in 2016 didn't it now.
By all means keep it up.
Is he still patting himself on the back for Puerto Rico?? What a great job HE's doing??? What slime

Idiot. FEMA is rocking. It's unreal the effort that they are putting out for both Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. I've been monitoring FEMA. Doing a great job for the citizens.

Grow up. Recognize that in times of dire straits for fellow citizens you should stop with your fucking politicalization of rescues. It's disgusting.

Federal Response Teams Assisting in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
Release date:
September 24, 2017
Release Number:
WASHINGTON – In the wake of Hurricane Maria, life, personal safety, and access to safe shelters for disaster survivors remain a priority of local responders, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the entire federal family.

To aid in life sustaining missions, six FEMA Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) task forces are deployed to the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico and are working in tandem with numerous federal partners to rescue and render aid to distressed survivors in the region.

Additional FEMA US&R task forces are arriving today to expand operations, as areas become accessible. FEMA US&R task forces currently conducting operations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands include Virginia Task Forces 1 and 2, Florida Task Forces 1 and 2, and California Task Forces 6 and 7. Components of New York Task Force 1 and Massachusetts Task Force 1 are on the ground providing logistics support.

Federal partners assisting with Search and Rescue (SAR) missions include the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and the U.S. Department of the Interior / National Park Service.

Collectively, these federal agencies have rescued 180 individuals and searched more than 45 structures in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

More at link:

Federal Response Teams Assisting in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands |
His base ,,,Americas shame
The shame belongs to the anti American assholes that voted for a Kenyan to be our president.......notice how much better the economy is doing? That is because we have someone that loves America running things again.
Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale...
Free speech goes both ways. They have the right to protest and we have the right to call them all SOB' you get it now?

Of course he has right to speak. He doesn't have right to be heard. :D
and guess who brought it to the boiling point it is now? Maybe same AH that brought us the NK situation ?

Yes, but if this stupid ass players wouldn't have started this shit, then Trump would of never spoke .

For every action, there's a reaction ............
wrong joe every action doesn't deserve a reaction by the leader of the greatest country on earth Let NK react We should be bigger than that

True. But when was the NFL going to stop the players from being involved in things that have nothing to do with football .

Never .................
That’s up to the NFL to decide, not you.

The NFL clearly wants this fight. So they are getting it.
Poor, rightards, always looking for a fight. Then crying like a two year old when you get your ass kicked in one.

His base ,,,Americas shame
The shame belongs to the anti American assholes that voted for a Kenyan to be our president.......notice how much better the economy is doing? That is because we have someone that loves America running things again.
Tell me ,,how much better is it doing ?? Has he more than doubled the dow ,,brought unemployment down over 4% ,,,had 75 straight months of employment gains???? The pos is walking in Obama's boots
They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
/end thread

This is it right there - they have the right to protest and everyone else has a right to respond. That is how freedom of speech works - the ideas presented are brought into the public space and debated until one comes out on top.

Yes, everyone has the right to respond. But the response should be something better than sit down and shut up. I have yet to see a single person make an argument as to what the protest are about, just complaining about the protest. No one has said black people are not being killed by law enforcement officers at a greater rate than whites. No one is arguing what black people have it as good as white people. No one is arguing that this nation is not a nation for white people.

And this thread is about Trump calling those players exercising their constitutional rights as SOB's and proclaiming they should be fired for doing something they have every right to do.


So then he should of had boycotted the tea companies in China.But not disrespected the ones that supported him, his fans.
Free speech does not go both way when one side is the government. Individuals’ free speech is protected from government censorship
Bullshit snowflake...Trump is the president and he has the right to free speech just like morons like you do.
Not when he represents the government and he’s attempting to suppress peoples’ free speech. I know he doesn’t act like the president of the United States, but he is.
They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
/end thread

This is it right there - they have the right to protest and everyone else has a right to respond. That is how freedom of speech works - the ideas presented are brought into the public space and debated until one comes out on top.

Yes, everyone has the right to respond. But the response should be something better than sit down and shut up. I have yet to see a single person make an argument as to what the protest are about, just complaining about the protest. No one has said black people are not being killed by law enforcement officers at a greater rate than whites. No one is arguing what black people have it as good as white people. No one is arguing that this nation is not a nation for white people.

And this thread is about Trump calling those players exercising their constitutional rights as SOB's and proclaiming they should be fired for doing something they have every right to do.



It is like if my job is getting on my nerves, that I take my anger out on my friends and family.
Not when he represents the government and he’s attempting to suppress peoples’ free speech. I know he doesn’t act like the president of the United States, but he is
He didn't pass a law or sign an order....he stated an opinion just like we do here. Calm yourself snowflake.......
Tell me ,,how much better is it doing ?? Has he more than doubled the dow ,,brought unemployment down over 4% ,,,had 75 straight months of employment gains???? The pos is walking in Obama's boots
Sit down and talk to any business owner.....give yourself an education that will serve you well for your lifetime....
Tell me ,,how much better is it doing ?? Has he more than doubled the dow ,,brought unemployment down over 4% ,,,had 75 straight months of employment gains???? The pos is walking in Obama's boots
Sit down and talk to any business owner.....give yourself an education that will serve you well for your lifetime....
I rent to 5 businesses All there for 7 or more years ,,never missing rents etc etc Was in business for 40 or so years I forgot more about business than you'll ever know

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