Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

After the crazy left smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a crazy Sanders democrat tried to assassinate an entire republican baseball team the crazy left is hysterical about the President referring to treasonous f'ball players as "sons of bitches". No surprises here.
This all started from one stupid ass football player who decided to protest against police brutality and the criminal justice system ....
and guess who brought it to the boiling point it is now? Maybe same AH that brought us the NK situation ?

How did Trump start the NK situation? In June 1950 when the Chinese puppet Korea started a hot war, Trump was 4 years old. Learn history.

Yes Trump is responsible for bringing it to the boiling point it is now where Un says we declared war and they'll shoot down our bombers It WAS Trump and his big yapper that's responsible

C'mon ram call me an SOB....please. My brother died in service...please c'mon do it.

If being called a SOB gets your panties in a twist, you must be quite a snowflake.

Grow a pair!
Is he still patting himself on the back for Puerto Rico?? What a great job HE's doing??? What slime

You are confusing President Donald Trump with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who had journalists keeping count of how many times he used the words I or me.

‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular 91 Times in Speech on Immigration

By Terence P. Jeffrey | November 27, 2014 | 10:52 PM EST

President Barack Obama speaking on immigration in Chicago on Nov. 25, 2014. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Leaving aside passages in which he quoted a Chicago pub owner and a letter from a citizen from Georgia, President Barack Obama used the first person singular—including the pronouns “I” and “me” and the adjective “my”—91 times in a speech he delivered in Chicago Tuesday to explain his unilateral action on immigration.

‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular 91 Times in Speech on Immigration
The Russian agent brags about how well he's doing in Puerto Rico

  • Unfortunately it's yet another of his lies. People are continuing to die. No power. No drinking water. Food supplies dwindling. Little fuel to run generators. Houspitals are death traps. Widespread looting of crucial goods. Armed vigilantism talking control like Mad Max.

    Trumpovitch is a fucking liar
Obama and the race baiters started the bullshit about cops going after blacks for no reason. Racists are real but racism is not in our DNA and America is the best place for minorities. No other country offers the opportunities we do. Everything possible has been done to 'level the playing field', like affirmative action.

We hear a lot of bitching and see a lot of violent riots but so few examples of a real problem. Many still repeat outright lies about police shootings. Time to end the bullshit. The actions of BLM and other groups are divisive. Some liberals are bringing back segregation.

If these overpaid ball players want to protest police brutality, I suggest they search for an actual case and then protest where they find it. Twice as many whites are shot by police. And don't even pretend that most gang members are minorities. Most shootings in the streets are committed by black males. Stop disrespecting an entire country with your bullshit.

The Russian agent brags about how well he's doing in Puerto Rico

  • Unfortunately it's yet another of his lies. People are continuing to die. No power. No drinking water. Food supplies dwindling. Little fuel to run generators. Houspitals are death traps. Widespread looting of crucial goods. Armed vigilantism talking control like Mad Max.

    Trumpovitch is a fucking liar

What was John Podesta bragging about? Link?
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

Only Trump's eye? I beg to differ. The NFL has spit in America's eye.
That's our business, Canadian.
Republicans think Americans fought for a flag and a song.

Republicans, back when they were called Democrats, fought for this flag:


Seems like they still fight for it.
That's your opinion snowflake..... he still has his base intact and we are winning.
His boy lost in Alabama tonight.

A NH special election today that went 59% for Trumpy was just won by the Democrat.

Another state election in Florida in a long-held GOP district just went Democrat, too.

Trump is toxic.
Racist. Nazi. White Supremacist. Name calling befitting a kindergarten student. That's all you left wingers have anymore. Worked so well for you in 2016 didn't it now.
By all means keep it up.
Funny from someone who voted for the guy who name-called everyone:

Crooked Hillary
Lying Ted
Little Marco
Sleepy-Eyed Chuck Todd
Crazy Mika

You really have zero integrity, tinydancer.
His boy lost in Alabama tonight.

A NH special election today that went 59% for Trumpy was just won by the Democrat.

Another state election in Florida in a long-held GOP district just went Democrat, too.

Trump is toxic.
You're so wrong....Roy was Trump's true choice and we and he won again.....The swamp can't blame Trump for the loss but Trump gets his man....That is called winning.....but a loser would have trouble seeing it.
That's what Trump said before the election. Yes - it was total bullshit, like everything he says
Do you want to look back to Obama's and Bill's words in their campaigns?
No you don't because you are a political want your side to win even if it destroy's your own pathetic life. You want to destroy the nation because you hate Trump and his ain't gonna work snowflake....we got your ass....we are large and in charge buttercup.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Agreed it is, absolutely. There is a better way to urge people to stand for the flag if that's what you believe. A much much much better way, which he knows, if he actually would've wanted to be uniting he'd say that...he didn't. Because he wanted to rile up his supporters, and get the crowd cheering over being a uniting president. Clearly that isn't his goal. And I find it quite upsetting.

And it is time for the right to recognize that maybe there is a problem with this nations police. This doesn't at all mean you have to side with BLM, I do not, mainly because of leadership, but that doesn't mean there is no middle ground there. I shouldn't have to say this, but we have a problem with police when our soldiers rules of engagement in war zones is more strict than our own police ROE...against US CITIZENS...that's a problem. Police are citizens, not military, sure they are responsible to enforce the law which is very important, but they are citizens. If they choose to use lethal force then they need to be held to the same standard as a citizen. E.G. Let's say there is a crazy person by themselves with a knife in the streets, and police respond...there is zero reason why police should put themselves in the crazy person knife range and be forced to use lethal force when they don't obey commands to drop the knife, that's on police. Or we can look at the philando Castile case, I would be put away for manslaughter (at the bare minimum) for acting the way that cop did. I don't think police ROE should be return fire only, but I also don't believe they should use lethal force when they merely suspect someone might have a weapon, like say someone reaching for something (like philando). The weapon needs to be identified first, and there needs to be a credible threat from that weapon. Basically the rules that apply to me as a citizen if I were to ever have to use force to defend myself, should be the same that police have to adhere too, they are citizens themselves after all. Also no more of the Law Enforcement bill of rights BS. Enough! You are citizens, you should absolutely not get special treatment in investigations because you are in LE. Nope sorry, that is complete BS.

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