Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

To think, this man will soon be the face of the GOP, as its nominee for the White House. Frigin Amazing!

What is even more amazing, as you Marxist ideologues are predictable and boring, that is quite the opposite, is that fellow GOP activists are tearing downt he man that is the most likely nominee for their party.

Is it stupidity or is the GOP just full of that many lying whores?

I mean we have been subjected to some amazingly stupid stuff the past few weeks. We have had Cruz insist that Trump cant win as he would have to get a little under 60% of the remaining delegates to get the nomination, while Cruz has the inside track needing only 85% of the remaining delegates and Kasich is insisting that he will be the nominee and Trump and Cruz should make him offers of support.

Baghdad Bob has taken over the Party of Lincoln
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This I would say "OK, misdemeanor battery"

No argument there.

The video tape fucking way :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a friend coming over in a while who is a retired television/film editor. I'll have him watch it and he will be able to tell how much time between frames. But the video skips. Maybe 1-2 seconds between frames.

But it is obvious that he approaches her and puts his hand or hands on her. Lewandowski is a pussy. I bet if it had been a male reporter the same size or bigger he would have not approached at all. He's a total pussy who probably got the shit beat out of him when he was a kid and it's been pay back ever since.
Here's another angle with no frames missing.

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This I would say "OK, misdemeanor battery"

No argument there.

The video tape fucking way :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a friend coming over in a while who is a retired television/film editor. I'll have him watch it and he will be able to tell how much time between frames. But the video skips. Maybe 1-2 seconds between frames.

But it is obvious that he approaches her and puts his hand or hands on her. Lewandowski is a pussy. I bet if it had been a male reporter the same size or bigger he would have not approached at all. He's a total pussy who probably got the shit beat out of him when he was a kid and it's been pay back ever since.
Here's another angle with no frames missing.

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This I would say "OK, misdemeanor battery"

No argument there.

The video tape fucking way :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a friend coming over in a while who is a retired television/film editor. I'll have him watch it and he will be able to tell how much time between frames. But the video skips. Maybe 1-2 seconds between frames.

But it is obvious that he approaches her and puts his hand or hands on her. Lewandowski is a pussy. I bet if it had been a male reporter the same size or bigger he would have not approached at all. He's a total pussy who probably got the shit beat out of him when he was a kid and it's been pay back ever since.
Here's another angle with no frames missing.

What I find amazing is someone had a camera and was zeroed in to the exact spot at the exact moment of the exchange.

Things that make you go, "hmmmm!"

Except that Trump and staff said there were no cameras around to video tape it. Makes you go, "hmmmmm" about how much Trump bald-face lies.

This tape is highly edited, and also was the first video to be released. Evidently the Jupiter PD relied on the CCTV version.

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This I would say "OK, misdemeanor battery"

No argument there.

The video tape fucking way :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a friend coming over in a while who is a retired television/film editor. I'll have him watch it and he will be able to tell how much time between frames. But the video skips. Maybe 1-2 seconds between frames.

But it is obvious that he approaches her and puts his hand or hands on her. Lewandowski is a pussy. I bet if it had been a male reporter the same size or bigger he would have not approached at all. He's a total pussy who probably got the shit beat out of him when he was a kid and it's been pay back ever since.
Here's another angle with no frames missing.

What I find amazing is someone had a camera and was zeroed in to the exact spot at the exact moment of the exchange.

Things that make you go, "hmmmm!"

You don't know if that was the exact moment. Apparently you are better at this from your armchair than the police.
Congratulations. Maybe they will hire you to be their video forensics expert.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
They both, the football player and the asshole that grabbed the reporter, need to be punished. But you go right ahead and excuse it.

Dumbass - no one is excusing a damned thing. I just do NOT believe in making a mountain out of a mole hill. What? You think the campaign manager should be hung at dawn? Jesus, you guys are an amazing lot..
Oh, you excused him alright. And no, he shouldn't be shot. He should be charged with battery and punished appropriately.
Fields needs to toughen up.

Yeah, she needs to meet up with some clown who describes himself as wild on anonymous internet forums....

Why is it impossible for Liberals to present an argument without personal attacks? Is it a sign of weakness?

And, I'm guessing you never watched the movie, "1941".

Maybe you're the one who needs to toughen up. And maybe you want to defend men who think it's OK to grab a woman without her permission. But sorry for you, it's breaking the law.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
They both, the football player and the asshole that grabbed the reporter, need to be punished. But you go right ahead and excuse it.

Dumbass - no one is excusing a damned thing. I just do NOT believe in making a mountain out of a mole hill. What? You think the campaign manager should be hung at dawn? Jesus, you guys are an amazing lot..
Oh, you excused him alright. And no, he shouldn't be shot. He should be charged with battery and punished appropriately.

I'll give you pussies one thing, you are true to form. Thankfully, I grew up in a time where this bullshit litigation society didn't exist. Jesus Christ, grow up and while you are at it - grow a pair missy.
The reporter was doing what every reporter does. To portray her otherwise is dishonest.

If you are a political candidate, you are going to have reporters approaching you at your events. Duh!

That's what the candidates want. Duh!
Yep. This is against the first amendment, aside from being battery. And shame on Breitbart for calling their own reporter a liar.

Just remember all you Trumpsters.....What you see on the small screen is what you're going to see on the streets if this spray-tanned, orange-haired freak gets elected. He is in it for himself, not you. As a very wise woman once said, "You can only make so much money before all that's left is power".
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
They both, the football player and the asshole that grabbed the reporter, need to be punished. But you go right ahead and excuse it.

Dumbass - no one is excusing a damned thing. I just do NOT believe in making a mountain out of a mole hill. What? You think the campaign manager should be hung at dawn? Jesus, you guys are an amazing lot..
Oh, you excused him alright. And no, he shouldn't be shot. He should be charged with battery and punished appropriately.

I'll give you pussies one thing, you are true to form. Thankfully, I grew up in a time where this bullshit litigation society didn't exist. Jesus Christ, grow up and while you are at it - grow a pair missy.
Talking to women like an internet tough guy is the epitome of pussy, pussy.
I watched the video (wanted to see the big bad bully, picking on women) and what did I see? Him take her by the arm and move her aside.

Oh my God!!! The humanity. Jesus you folks are grasping at straws here (as usual). He'll get a stern warning and the case will be dropped.

Funny, though, after thinking about it - I wonder where the hell you folks are when some pro football player or some rapper beats the living hell out of his girlfriend, throws her down a flight of stairs.

Geez..if you're going to feign outrage - how about doing it correctly?
A football player or a rapper .... these folks are not running for president of the United States. It is a completely different issue. Your post is a red herring.

Oh, I see. So, according to you, it's fine to beat the stem-winding shit out of a woman, throw her down a flight of stairs, nearly killing her, but somehow a guy taking a woman by the arm, because she is too close to a presidential candidate and moving her aside is a capital offense.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

Do you have a mental problem? Where did she or anyone say it's okay to knock a woman down stairs?

Do we need to get straw man out for your play time?


Just trying to understand the justification of the left. Care to enlighten me? I have never heard anything from the left when this sort of thing happens to a "nobody" - but you folks sure go ape-shit when a minor altercation happens in the course of a political campaign. You folks go crazy. So, what's it going to be? you going to stand up for everyone? or just those you deem "worthy?"
Maybe we don't want thugs battering the press. You do though, amirite?
LOL, something that happened on March 8th and all the lamestream leftwing stations has BREAKING NEWS on someone grabbed the poor wittle reporters arm. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SPARE US your whiny crap

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?

well I hope they have better video then the one out there. I think this gets dropped quickly.

Just remember all you Trumpsters.....What you see on the small screen is what you're going to see on the streets if this spray-tanned, orange-haired freak gets elected. He is in it for himself, not you. As a very wise woman once said, "You can only make so much money before all that's left is power".
Are you threatening violence if Trump is elected? Sure seems like it.

Just remember all you Trumpsters.....What you see on the small screen is what you're going to see on the streets if this spray-tanned, orange-haired freak gets elected. He is in it for himself, not you. As a very wise woman once said, "You can only make so much money before all that's left is power".
ahhh how nice a political speech. save it fred.

Glad you threatened us all. shows who you are.
This is the establishment trying to turn a minor contact into a beat down.
well I watched the video for fifteen minutes and I he grabbed her upper arm and she never reacted like she was hurt. here I'll post the video at the time he grabbed her 5 second mark. hmmm wrong part of the arm. blow up the image. And then watch her reaction. too funny, yeah I want to see prosecutor take this one on. I'll laugh.
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Charged with battery for TOUCHING someone.....
Petraeus court-martialed.....
Meanwhile Hillary skates for a federal offense to this point.....

Trump is a punk but this is absurd
This is the same guy Trump was championing for assaulting the reporter.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager was just charged with battery
Yep. That will probably gain Trump more voters.
Yeah, it will. A lot of cons are against the first amendment, sadly.
I hope you are right, but the DON seems to be unstoppable. And I don't understand why, either. Every gaffe every little misstep brings him so much closer to nomination.

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