Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.

Methinks the WH underestimates Trump supporters.

Despite Hillary paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies in 2015 - 2016, Trump supporters still showed up.

Despite violent domestic terrorists assaulting some Trump supporters waiting in line to get into the last convention, the Trump supporters showed up.

Despite the fear-mongering Democrats and their surrogate media and despite the chance of contracting the virus, Trump supporters still showed up.

(I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing - I am just saying Trump supporters are not as 'fragile' and as easily cow-towed / intimidated as the snowflakes on the left. :p )
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.
Everywhere Trump goes someone gets infected. Mostly in their minds.
Trump knows that there won't be any new voters showing up to increase the chances of that.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.

You dumb fuck, the area is under a tropical storm warning, with flooding expected. The event was scheduled to be outside. With any luck from NY north will all be under water.

Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.

You dumb fuck, the area is under a tropical storm warning, with flooding expected. The event was scheduled to be outside. With any luck from NY north will all be under water.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.

You dumb fuck, the area is under a tropical storm warning, with flooding expected. The event was scheduled to be outside. With any luck from NY north will all be under water.

20% rain forecast = Tsunami to you? Talk about a dumb MFR.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.
A chance of showers through 11 Portsmouth, NH

What time was the Saturday rally scheduled?
Is Slow Joe having a rally soon? Lol

In comparison to the rolling pandemic that is the Covid Donnie's re-election campaign, which is fanning out across the nation, spreading covid where ever they go, Biden is holding virtual events which keep HIS voters safe from the pandemic. Joe Biden is modelling the behaviour of a well-informed and empathic leader in a time of crisis. He wears a mask and socials distances. He offers support and sympathy to the families who have lost over 130,000 loved ones.

I'm all in favour of Trump planninng rallies, and even holding them. It demonstrates his utter lack of concern for the health of the his voters. They only exist to glorify his existence. If he can't go out and lie to the people and do his comedy shtick and stoke their fears and hatred, he has no way of communicating with his adoring cult, without the filter of the media questioning his false claims, and pointing out his lies.

Only Trump is stupid enough to schedule another rally after the clusterfuck that was Tulsa. Not only did was the crowd a disappointment, but right on schedule, corona virus cases in Tulsa spiked this week as a result of the rally. People in Oklahoma were (rightfully) scared to attend a rally in a closed space and their worst fears are now being confirmed.

New Hampshire is in the middle of a pandemic spike and the governor has been hinting that it may be necessary to close the state. The rally has been "postponed" for two weeks. IOW, the moment cases start to go down, Dumpster Fire Donnie will be holding a rally to spike them right back up again.

The moment cases started going down, Covid Donnie couldn't wait to re-open the country. Not one of the states that re-opened met the White House guidelines, but Trump attacked states that refused to re-open. If you want to know how to manage a corona virus epidemic, just do the exact opposite of everything Donald Trump has done, and you'll be fine.

We're re-opening, but we're only in Phase 2. We only achieved Phase 2 on June 19th. I hear we may go to Phase 3 next week. I'm excited. The local swimming pool is opening!!! I can do laps again.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.
Not cancelled, postponed. And the reason given is the tropical storm

Two lies exposed.
Trump cancels New Hampshire Rally set for this weekend.
The reason is no one was going to show up. No, the White House has corrected us. The reason the rally is cancelled is it might rain.

You dumb fuck, the area is under a tropical storm warning, with flooding expected. The event was scheduled to be outside. With any luck from NY north will all be under water.

20% rain forecast = Tsunami to you? Talk about a dumb MFR.

I notices that Repubs have been winning some special elections. Might not mean anything.

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