Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - It's a BAD Economy NOW

How would I be making him Black when its the Torah and OT that does that?
For believing a fairy tale for believing a fairy tale written be people to herd others.
Youre still not making sense. You claim you dont believe in Jesus but you think I'm weird for agreeing he is Black?
Yep. How can agree on a color of someone that doesn’t exist?
Whats weird is that you are questioning the race of someone you claim doesnt exist. Does that make sense to you?
I’m questioning your belief As to why you would think it. I’m not questioning someone that doesn’t exist
No you were questioning why I thought he was Black. Here is what you said.

" I just find it funny that you want to make him black."

How can I make someone Black that you claim doesnt exist?
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'

Were you as excited when Reagan fired over 11K PATCO controllers in 1981 & effectively killed organized labor in the US?
those guys knew the consequences when they decided to strike....and through out the 80's we heard Reagan was coming for the PO union....they are still around....

the route where I reside is serviced by five different carriers. The PO sent 'bean counters' out on teh routes about two years ago, had them follow carriers around with a stop watch, and after that, my route has turned into s***.
One of the carriers f***ed up two of my Priority deliveries on purpose. I let him slide the first time but the second time I went straight to his station manager. I told him if that guy ever shows up on my property again I will call police, file a trespassing complaint, and ask the cops to arrest the guy. The station manager said I was threatening the carrier. I said ,"No, it's not a threat; it's a legal matter." That carrier doesn't come around here any more.

My regular carrier works his azz off but now, since they f**ed up the route, after the bean counters a couple years ago, carriers will be on this route some times until 7 PM. F***ing crazy.

The police will not arrest a mail carrier delivering to your address, no matter how much you cry.
He's not whining about his job liar, he's complaining about all the lying liberals and corruption in DC.
But its his conservative hand picked circle that is getting busted for crimes. He should focus his attention closer to home.
I never knew Trump picked all those scum bags at the FBI.
The FBI is not in Drumpfs circle. What are you talking about?

He owns them. The flushing is coming. Long overdue.
He better hurry up before the put him in prison for his crimes.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Both that scumbag Bill Clinton and that shithead Barry Obama did the same thing. Federal pay freezes in both administrations.

Libs only think it’s evil when a Republican does it.
No its only evil when repubs do it and they dont cut the military budget as well.

Why should the military budget be cut?

We need the military.

We don’t need many of the civilian federal workers in the first place. Congress needs to take steps to reduce the size of government.
For believing a fairy tale for believing a fairy tale written be people to herd others.
Youre still not making sense. You claim you dont believe in Jesus but you think I'm weird for agreeing he is Black?
Yep. How can agree on a color of someone that doesn’t exist?
Whats weird is that you are questioning the race of someone you claim doesnt exist. Does that make sense to you?
I’m questioning your belief As to why you would think it. I’m not questioning someone that doesn’t exist
No you were questioning why I thought he was Black. Here is what you said.

" I just find it funny that you want to make him black."

How can I make someone Black that you claim doesnt exist?
You are the one that claimed he was black. I simply asked how you could know since he doesn’t exist. It really isn’t that difficult.
But its his conservative hand picked circle that is getting busted for crimes. He should focus his attention closer to home.
I never knew Trump picked all those scum bags at the FBI.
The FBI is not in Drumpfs circle. What are you talking about?

He owns them. The flushing is coming. Long overdue.
He better hurry up before the put him in prison for his crimes.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Obstruction of justice, aiding a hostile foreign power, money laundering etc....etc......etc.....etc. He hasnt been convicted yet which is why he better hurry up.
Youre still not making sense. You claim you dont believe in Jesus but you think I'm weird for agreeing he is Black?
Yep. How can agree on a color of someone that doesn’t exist?
Whats weird is that you are questioning the race of someone you claim doesnt exist. Does that make sense to you?
I’m questioning your belief As to why you would think it. I’m not questioning someone that doesn’t exist
No you were questioning why I thought he was Black. Here is what you said.

" I just find it funny that you want to make him black."

How can I make someone Black that you claim doesnt exist?
You are the one that claimed he was black. I simply asked how you could know since he doesn’t exist. It really isn’t that difficult.
I didnt claim he was Black. The OT and Torah does that. You should be able to understand that.
My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.
Delivering mail?......I suggest you don't know what working your azz off means.....
apparently you dont know either.....
It doesn't take brains and should not be a high paying job. A mail carrier should make $40K. $50K in California and NY.
thats what they make.....and lets see you get out there and deliver a route in pouring rain or a snowstorm would have called in sick on those days....its a lot different than sitting on your ass in an office looking out the window....
No harry! Wrong wrong wrong. That’s manual labor. Anyone can do that. That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain. I was a paperboy once. Had to deliver in the rain. That didn’t pay very well. They overpay postal workers because many are veterans.

I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code. Never ending. They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.

You could not take your companies aftermarket department from $50k a month to $300k this month. New record. That’s why I make more than everyone else in my office because like you, they’re staring out the window.

You’re making me more conservative. If you want more money go to ups
Anyone can do that.
i would loved to have seen you down there getting a route ready to carry during election/christmas time would have quit OR if you stick it out.....i bet you would have a new attitude about how easy this job is.....i can guarantee that..
That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain.
base pay right now around 60 thousand a year....and doing it in the rain is one of the reasons for that....
I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code.
wow a couple of weeks in the summer,once again working inside sitting on your ass .....and you have it all figured are good bobo...
They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.
around 25-30% military....
like you, they’re staring out the window.
got news for you bobo....i am on the outside working,you are sitting on your ass inside looking out that window....
You’re making me more conservative
you have always been conservative aint foolin no
If you want more money go to ups
to late for me to do that....they made about 2-3 dollars more per hour than letter carriers, but guess who had better benefits?.....

Its a dog whistle to his base. They think all federal employees are Black.

LAMO race card attempt.

Touched a nerve I see. :laugh:

Not at all dear heart. The comment you made was as stupid as Jeffrey Toobin claiming we are against Antifa because Antifa is black. How far off the mark can you be?

People have a hard on for federal employees because they are what one consider the one percenters of workers in America and other countries. No private citizen worker gets everything the fed worker does.

And its fucking wrong.
I see nothing wrong with the perks federal workers get. If you are jealous then you should get a job with the government.

Not jealous at at all. Ran my own business. Music industry. Made more than a good living.:lol: Got rich. Retired early. Blessed with not just money, but with all the wonderful artistic souls I was surrounded with.

I have a hard on for fed workers vs private workers because of the nepotism that exists in the fed worker society. No one else from the outside stands a chance. I would have thought I wouldn't have been more pro worker on you than this.
i did not have any relatives in there and i got hired....but there are a lot of families working there....
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'

Were you as excited when Reagan fired over 11K PATCO controllers in 1981 & effectively killed organized labor in the US?
those guys knew the consequences when they decided to strike....and through out the 80's we heard Reagan was coming for the PO union....they are still around....

the route where I reside is serviced by five different carriers. The PO sent 'bean counters' out on teh routes about two years ago, had them follow carriers around with a stop watch, and after that, my route has turned into s***.
One of the carriers f***ed up two of my Priority deliveries on purpose. I let him slide the first time but the second time I went straight to his station manager. I told him if that guy ever shows up on my property again I will call police, file a trespassing complaint, and ask the cops to arrest the guy. The station manager said I was threatening the carrier. I said ,"No, it's not a threat; it's a legal matter." That carrier doesn't come around here any more.

My regular carrier works his azz off but now, since they f**ed up the route, after the bean counters a couple years ago, carriers will be on this route some times until 7 PM. F***ing crazy.

The police will not arrest a mail carrier delivering to your address, no matter how much you cry.
yep...unless he commits a felony in your presence.....
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
Not talking about the military troll.
Bullshit. Don't you think they were in line for those raises too?
I never knew Trump picked all those scum bags at the FBI.
The FBI is not in Drumpfs circle. What are you talking about?

He owns them. The flushing is coming. Long overdue.
He better hurry up before the put him in prison for his crimes.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Obstruction of justice, aiding a hostile foreign power, money laundering etc....etc......etc.....etc. He hasnt been convicted yet which is why he better hurry up.
Has he been convicted?
The FBI is not in Drumpfs circle. What are you talking about?

He owns them. The flushing is coming. Long overdue.
He better hurry up before the put him in prison for his crimes.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Obstruction of justice, aiding a hostile foreign power, money laundering etc....etc......etc.....etc. He hasnt been convicted yet which is why he better hurry up.
Has he been convicted?
Have you been educated on how to read yet? What did the post you replied to say?
Yep. How can agree on a color of someone that doesn’t exist?
Whats weird is that you are questioning the race of someone you claim doesnt exist. Does that make sense to you?
I’m questioning your belief As to why you would think it. I’m not questioning someone that doesn’t exist
No you were questioning why I thought he was Black. Here is what you said.

" I just find it funny that you want to make him black."

How can I make someone Black that you claim doesnt exist?
You are the one that claimed he was black. I simply asked how you could know since he doesn’t exist. It really isn’t that difficult.
I didnt claim he was Black. The OT and Torah does that. You should be able to understand that.
We’ve already covered this. Get some new material.
He owns them. The flushing is coming. Long overdue.
He better hurry up before the put him in prison for his crimes.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Obstruction of justice, aiding a hostile foreign power, money laundering etc....etc......etc.....etc. He hasnt been convicted yet which is why he better hurry up.
Has he been convicted?
Have you been educated on how to read yet? What did the post you replied to say?
Yes I can read. You have already decided he’s guilty even though in your own words he hasn’t been convicted. I was reiterating the fact that he hasn’t. Try to keep up.
Whats weird is that you are questioning the race of someone you claim doesnt exist. Does that make sense to you?
I’m questioning your belief As to why you would think it. I’m not questioning someone that doesn’t exist
No you were questioning why I thought he was Black. Here is what you said.

" I just find it funny that you want to make him black."

How can I make someone Black that you claim doesnt exist?
You are the one that claimed he was black. I simply asked how you could know since he doesn’t exist. It really isn’t that difficult.
I didnt claim he was Black. The OT and Torah does that. You should be able to understand that.
We’ve already covered this. Get some new material.
Trying to get to the root of your logical conundrum. How can you argue someone isnt Black if you claim they didnt exist?
He better hurry up before the put him in prison for his crimes.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Obstruction of justice, aiding a hostile foreign power, money laundering etc....etc......etc.....etc. He hasnt been convicted yet which is why he better hurry up.
Has he been convicted?
Have you been educated on how to read yet? What did the post you replied to say?
Yes I can read. You have already decided he’s guilty even though in your own words he hasn’t been convicted. I was reiterating the fact that he hasn’t. Try to keep up.
Looks like you have a hard time trying to read.

Doesnt matter what I have decided. My point is he better hurry before he is put in prison for his crimes.
I’m questioning your belief As to why you would think it. I’m not questioning someone that doesn’t exist
No you were questioning why I thought he was Black. Here is what you said.

" I just find it funny that you want to make him black."

How can I make someone Black that you claim doesnt exist?
You are the one that claimed he was black. I simply asked how you could know since he doesn’t exist. It really isn’t that difficult.
I didnt claim he was Black. The OT and Torah does that. You should be able to understand that.
We’ve already covered this. Get some new material.
Trying to get to the root of your logical conundrum. How can you argue someone isnt Black if you claim they didnt exist?
I’m not arguing he isn’t. You are truly obtuse. I’m simply stating that you want to believe that some one that doesn’t exist is a certain race. That someone that many poor schlubs believe is the savior of the world. Somehow you have decided that fiction has made him black.
What crimes are those? When was he convicted?
Obstruction of justice, aiding a hostile foreign power, money laundering etc....etc......etc.....etc. He hasnt been convicted yet which is why he better hurry up.
Has he been convicted?
Have you been educated on how to read yet? What did the post you replied to say?
Yes I can read. You have already decided he’s guilty even though in your own words he hasn’t been convicted. I was reiterating the fact that he hasn’t. Try to keep up.
Looks like you have a hard time trying to read.

Doesnt matter what I have decided. My point is he better hurry before he is put in prison for his crimes.
I can read fine. My comprehension is fine. You have decide guilty until proven innocent which speaks volumes of your cognitive functions and your ability to live in reality.

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