Trump can't find limo....Right in front of him!!!

That you're now running away as fast as your walker will allow is yet more evidence you can't prove your bullshit claim thousands of Marines applied for White House detail for Trump but zero applied for Obama.

The story is bull shit. Here's the inside dope on the program.

Presidential Guard Duty in USMC Questions & Answers Forum

Selection for Presidential Guard is usually done at boot camp. Senior Marines from the Presidential Guard program fly to each boot camp to screen marines for this duty. The initail screening process is long and eliminates most Marines. The screening process starts by bringing all Marines who are 03XX - Infantry to a breif. During the breif, the duty is explained and any Marine who does not wish to join is free to leave. The program is 100% volunteer. All Marines who wish to try out for the program have to meet certain criteria. The Marine can not be married or have any dependants. Criminal records must be relatively clean, but are considered on a case by case basis. The Marine must have a first class PFT score and not be over weight standards. Major debt also disqualifies you from the program.

When your Marine makes it through the initial screening, they will proceed to the secondary screening. While at the second screening, each Marine is spoken to on a one to one basis to determine further eligibility. The final step is a formal interview with a board, consisting of officers and staff nco's of presidential guard. Questions during this interview are random and sometimes "off the wall" to determine how the Marine reacts to different situations. Bearing and trustworthyness are also evaluated during this time. If your Marine is selected for the program, the final step is to fill out the nessisary paperwork. One thing to note: marines serving in this duty must extend their contracts to 5 years active duty.
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After compleation of SF school, your Marine will be sent to Marine Barracks 8th and I in Washington, D.C. The time spent here all depends on how fast the Top Secret clearance processes. The clearances have become completely automated instead of paper, so clearances are going through much faster than they used to. The normal time is between 6 months and a year. Dont be worried if the clearance is taking a long time, the initial screening process disqualifies almost all people who will not clear.

When your Marines clearance goes through, they will be transfered to one of a few locations around the DC area. The furthest away is Camp David, while the others are close to 8th and I. Most guard Marines go to Camp David, but the other locations are still very nice. Don't be offended when your Marine doesn't tell you nearly as much about their duties as before, almost everything is classified to protect security.
CONFUSED Trump Exits Air Force One, Walks Past Limo In Front Of Him, Has To Be Redirected To Limo

Barry was always cool as shit.

Yeah, Obama wasn't attempting to shake hands he was introducing the guy.

Man, you have your head so far up his ass you can't see the difference in a handshake and a gesture?

Obama was introducing Medvedev to his American team, ya' moron.

Really? On a second look, when why was Medvedyev doing the talking? Why did he direct Obama to the line of men?
CONFUSED Trump Exits Air Force One, Walks Past Limo In Front Of Him, Has To Be Redirected To Limo

Barry was always cool as shit.

Yeah, Obama wasn't attempting to shake hands he was introducing the guy.

Sure pal. Don't trust your own lying eyes.

This was debunked years ago.

FALSE: Obama Handshake Snub

What is really captured in this clip is President Obama’s introducing President Medvedev to Americanofficials (not President Obama meeting Russian officials), with President Obama making directional hand gestures as he points out and identifies each U.S. official by name. (The last person shown on the bottom left-hand side of the screen appears to be U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke.) President Obama is not offering to shake hands with any of the persons shown (who are members of his own delegation), nor is he being rebuffed in the attempt.

In this video you can see Medvedev doing the same for his people:

But hey, it's not surprising that Trump's minions can't tell the difference between Americans and Russians.

Completely different video. Obama is clearly seen shaking hands in that video, but not in the original.
CONFUSED Trump Exits Air Force One, Walks Past Limo In Front Of Him, Has To Be Redirected To Limo

You libs really need to get a fucking life!

Pathetic is what you are!

Nice foul mouth. Which college again? Very classy.
Looks like you don't know the def of liberal. Liber. Free, for the individual and small gov.
Foul mouth, let me guess, white high school trumpie boy

Was I talking to you? If the shoe fits, wear it!
No one else ever lost their car at the mall?


Not if it was sitting right in front of them.

What if cars identical to yours were parked on either side?

I once got in someone else's car and tried to start it because the cars were exactly the same.

My wife and I drive the same model car and you have to look outside to tell the color so you know which car you are in.

BTW, there are 12 of these cars in the fleet of limos.
You libs really need to get a fucking life!

Pathetic is what you are!

And yet, still more intelligent than the Orange Buffoon...

All evidence is to the contrary. You have no answers.

The old "Trump is stupid!" line will cost you the 2018 elections also. The fake news and nitpicking the two scoops of ice cream, and this limo misdirection is going to cost you more than you can imagine. So where are your answers to the real issues?

You could be a party that, instead of making gains during the midterms, suffers a loss so catastrophic that the entire party goes belly up!
All evidence is to the contrary. You have no answers.

The old "Trump is stupid!" line will cost you the 2018 elections also. The fake news and nitpicking the two scoops of ice cream, and this limo misdirection is going to cost you more than you can imagine. So where are your answers to the real issues?

You could be a party that, instead of making gains during the midterms, suffers a loss so catastrophic that the entire party goes belly up!

Contrary evidence? He is an unmitigated disaster. He will lose the 2018 election. All those voters who didn't vote last time will come out in droves.

They will make gains in the mid-terms. Unfortunately for the Dems a lot, in fact most, of the seats in the House and Senate are GoP safe. However, the resent by-election in Atlanta will send out warning bells. To have a 75,000 vote majority in Nov 2016 reduced to 12,000 in June 2017 will have a lot of people worried.

What Fake News? And I'm taking the serious stuff here, not the Polish leader;s wife forgot to shake his hand, I'm talking the real stuff. he just rabbits on and on about Fake News but never says what it is. Anything he says is Fake News is easily proved false. his inauguration numbers are an excellent example of this.
CONFUSED Trump Exits Air Force One, Walks Past Limo In Front Of Him, Has To Be Redirected To Limo

View attachment 137108

Wow. You bleev anything you are told to bleev, don't you. :lol:

View attachment 137110
Pretty much sums it up.

Speaking of missile launches:


Elect me! The world will be afraid of me!



What the hell was that?!?


That was my way of showing you how unafraid we are of you.



What the hell was that?!?


I just thought you should hear it in stereo.


Mein Fuhrer, we need to respond.


Yes, I will have the lobster bisque, and my date Abe will have the tuna roll.


I just got wasted with Rick the nuclear codes guy!



What the hell was that?!?


I’m violating a treaty with you, comrade.


You see this? THIS IS MY HARD FACE!


And I am officially putting the Axis of Evil on notice…


…that I am leaving.


I am already tired of winning.

Lol too funny.
All evidence is to the contrary. You have no answers.

The old "Trump is stupid!" line will cost you the 2018 elections also. The fake news and nitpicking the two scoops of ice cream, and this limo misdirection is going to cost you more than you can imagine. So where are your answers to the real issues?

You could be a party that, instead of making gains during the midterms, suffers a loss so catastrophic that the entire party goes belly up!

Contrary evidence? He is an unmitigated disaster. He will lose the 2018 election. All those voters who didn't vote last time will come out in droves.

They will make gains in the mid-terms. Unfortunately for the Dems a lot, in fact most, of the seats in the House and Senate are GoP safe. However, the resent by-election in Atlanta will send out warning bells. To have a 75,000 vote majority in Nov 2016 reduced to 12,000 in June 2017 will have a lot of people worried.

What Fake News? And I'm taking the serious stuff here, not the Polish leader;s wife forgot to shake his hand, I'm talking the real stuff. he just rabbits on and on about Fake News but never says what it is. Anything he says is Fake News is easily proved false. his inauguration numbers are an excellent example of this.

Hey Bonehead! How does Trump lose an election he isn't running in? Want to 'splain that one? It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

How many millions did the Dims waste on that carpetbagger from Atlanta?
All evidence is to the contrary. You have no answers.

The old "Trump is stupid!" line will cost you the 2018 elections also. The fake news and nitpicking the two scoops of ice cream, and this limo misdirection is going to cost you more than you can imagine. So where are your answers to the real issues?

You could be a party that, instead of making gains during the midterms, suffers a loss so catastrophic that the entire party goes belly up!

Contrary evidence? He is an unmitigated disaster. He will lose the 2018 election. All those voters who didn't vote last time will come out in droves.

They will make gains in the mid-terms. Unfortunately for the Dems a lot, in fact most, of the seats in the House and Senate are GoP safe. However, the resent by-election in Atlanta will send out warning bells. To have a 75,000 vote majority in Nov 2016 reduced to 12,000 in June 2017 will have a lot of people worried.

What Fake News? And I'm taking the serious stuff here, not the Polish leader;s wife forgot to shake his hand, I'm talking the real stuff. he just rabbits on and on about Fake News but never says what it is. Anything he says is Fake News is easily proved false. his inauguration numbers are an excellent example of this.

Hey Bonehead! How does Trump lose an election he isn't running in? Want to 'splain that one? It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

How many millions did the Dims waste on that carpetbagger from Atlanta?

His party will lose. He will lose. Tomato, tomahto....

Doesn't matter. Losing 63,000 votes in just over six months is not a good look
All evidence is to the contrary. You have no answers.

The old "Trump is stupid!" line will cost you the 2018 elections also. The fake news and nitpicking the two scoops of ice cream, and this limo misdirection is going to cost you more than you can imagine. So where are your answers to the real issues?

You could be a party that, instead of making gains during the midterms, suffers a loss so catastrophic that the entire party goes belly up!

Contrary evidence? He is an unmitigated disaster. He will lose the 2018 election. All those voters who didn't vote last time will come out in droves.

They will make gains in the mid-terms. Unfortunately for the Dems a lot, in fact most, of the seats in the House and Senate are GoP safe. However, the resent by-election in Atlanta will send out warning bells. To have a 75,000 vote majority in Nov 2016 reduced to 12,000 in June 2017 will have a lot of people worried.

What Fake News? And I'm taking the serious stuff here, not the Polish leader;s wife forgot to shake his hand, I'm talking the real stuff. he just rabbits on and on about Fake News but never says what it is. Anything he says is Fake News is easily proved false. his inauguration numbers are an excellent example of this.

Hey Bonehead! How does Trump lose an election he isn't running in? Want to 'splain that one? It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

How many millions did the Dims waste on that carpetbagger from Atlanta?

he sure made you wackos spend money, didn't he?

Melania was heard to say "yeah he can't find the front door or the back door...THANK GOD!"

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