trump can't get anyone to post his bond

Not a chance. All criminals should be brought to justice, don't you agree?
Now if only you democrats knew who was and wasnt a criminal. You guys just pick someone you dont like and then twist the law in order to make them a criminal.
Now if only you democrats knew who was and wasnt a criminal. You guys just pick someone you dont like and then twist the law in order to make them a criminal.
ROTFLMFAO, sounds more like a MAGAGATARD thing.
Remember "Lock her up!"
"Lock her up!" "Lock her up!"
Now if only you democrats knew who was and wasnt a criminal. You guys just pick someone you dont like and then twist the law in order to make them a criminal.
In the most educated of Little Rascals lingo ... Yer dealin'
with those with more than a few screws loose.
Case in point.That Illegal who murdered in the most
horrorific of ways a 22 yr.old Nurse { college student }
In Georgia.The Scum in the Mainstream Media intentionally
did not list the perps Name or the fact that he'd been arrested
before but let go.No mention by Democrats or the Potus.
This perp { Jose Ibarra } was arrested in Queens, in late August
for child endangerment but was cut loose before Immigration
officials could file a request to hold in custory.
Made his way down to Georgia where he was caught shoplifiting
and blew off his court appearance.
This murderous slug beat Linken Riley { 22 } as she went out
jogging near the Campus of University of Georgia.Struck her so many
times in the head,her skull became disfigured.
Is all.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

Thats a shame.
It seems like you cultists jerk off to the Trumped up charges.

Mar a Lago worth $18 million when the neighboring property 1/17 the size sold for $45 million recently.

STFU. If you claim that property is worth $18 million, you know exactly dick about real estate.
Mar-A-Lago is encumbered with a lot of use restrictions that other properties are not. Most of them applied for by Trump to lower the value to lower the tax bill.
JFC. Talk about knowing dick about real estate anything.

You're truly too stupid to be one person. No one will lend him cash because they'll never see it again.

American banks stopped lending to Donald Trump in the the year 2000, after his 4th bankruptcy. That's why he was dealing with Deutches Banke and they dumped his ass a customer after he left the White House.

Any Money Center Bank would likely have to immediately SNC the loan. No matter how much money you make, a SNC'd loan doesn't make return.

Just to point out.

That if FPOTUS#45 can't front the escrow account, and can't get a bond, he might have to sell off some of his properties.

Which is interesting in it's own right for a couple of reasons:

#1 Can you say "Fire Sale Prices"?

#2 Not only will the properties be sold as a discounted price to get a sale quickly, the government is going to get Taxes from the sale being income.

Oh well, Trump won't ever be able to do business in NY again.

What a loss. Says a lot about NY.


#2 Not only will the properties be sold as a discounted price to get a sale quickly, the government is going to get Taxes from the sale being income.
You mean he won't be able to write off his fines as a cost of doing business?
Bullseye. What Trump did is unforgivable. These creatures aren't Americans. They're nasty commies.
Say hullo to the dust bunnies under the bed for me. You know they turn red as soon as you stop watching them...

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