trump can't get anyone to post his bond

The "Swamp" is your obsession. As long as the roads get paved and the services get done, I really don't care who is in "the Swamp".

The real problem you guys have is that your view isn't in the majority anymore and hasn't been since 1988.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
* waves hand *

You're proclaiming doing it before you even have a crime silly one! You've confessed already, your illegal and unconstitutional intentions....on the grounds of ill placed revenge.... Revenge, retribution, is not in our Constitution.
None of that matters anymore. Democrats let the genie out of the bottle. Expecting republicans to NOT do it in return is crazy. You guys did this, now you have to live with the results.
Given your side's history, we know that, no matter what the circumstances are, you'll always act as badly as it's possible for humans to act.

Thus, threatening to act even more badly isn't a threat when it comes from your side, because it's literally impossible for you to act more badly than you act now.
Dont worry, we wont do anything that you guys havent done the last 3 years.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

Well it is economics...

Trump has the sale of the US Presidency going for half a billion. Truth is that the GOP has had that for sale at much cheaper price for years...

BiG Oil never had to pay close to that price and would get a nice package deal (Presidency, Senate & Congress) for cira $300m over 4 years... For that they get the full package of price fixing and getting OPEC to restrict oil and send the price into the roof...

Trump has not been helped by the collapse of the Gun Lobby NRA... They used to be good for it and all you had do is say 'thoughts and prayers, not the right time' when they are dragging kids bodies out of school..

Trump just isn't the value at half a billion especially since he has a short memory and dire credit score..
None of that matters anymore. Democrats let the genie out of the bottle. Expecting republicans to NOT do it in return is crazy. You guys did this, now you have to live with the results.

No one is afraid of impotent threats from you clueless failures. Hell Republicans in the House couldn't even get Biden with a political investigation let alone a real one.
Well, no reasonable prosecutor something something.
There's YOUR TWO-TIERED "justice" system.
And, here we are in a thread about a former President, and leading candidate, having to scrape up a fucking HALF- BILLION $$$$ due to the whims of a rotten communist infiltrated court in NY.
That this is happening in the United States of America is absolutely SICKENING.
And here YOU are, cheering it on.
GFY!!!! :dev3:
You think that "nobody will lend him cash"? Why, cuz he is beating Biden in the polls and you dont like it? Trump is worth BILLIONS!!!!!!!! He can get a loan anywhere in the world, easily. :cuckoo:

You're truly too stupid to be one person. No one will lend him cash because they'll never see it again.

American banks stopped lending to Donald Trump in the the year 2000, after his 4th bankruptcy. That's why he was dealing with Deutches Banke and they dumped his ass a customer after he left the White House.

Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

/----/ Already debunked by Forbes.
You're truly too stupid to be one person. No one will lend him cash because they'll never see it again.

American banks stopped lending to Donald Trump in the the year 2000, after his 4th bankruptcy. That's why he was dealing with Deutches Banke and they dumped his ass a customer after he left the White House.

Thats 100% false. The German bank literally just testified that they would love to do more loans with Trump. :cuckoo:

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