Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
at this point i don't know or care what trump said. we know 2 things will happen. it will be twisted to 100% negative and trump haters will eat it up to validate their hate.

kinda sad. as much as i hate hillary i never got so pathetic to rely on fake shit to solidify my emotions.
You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
he knew what he was signing up for ?? You find that an acceptable comment to make to a widow who's husband died in some foreign country?? I strongly disagree
No way Hillary could have saved them

RW fantasy

Why not? If Obama got Bin Laden.......

Benghazi: What the report reveals about Hillary Clinton

Even the Chicago Tribune said Clinton did a horrible job, and even lied about the reasoning behind it. She's a crooked coward that should be behind bars.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response

"There were people everywhere,” said the witness, who was on the ground that night but wished to remain anonymous. “That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go” to Benghazi.

Only they were waiting for the order. It never came.

“The whole night we were told that we are waiting on a call,”

So absolutely she could have saved them. Had she done her fucking job.

They couldn't have been saved
Investigation after investigation revealed that
Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
he knew what he was signing up for ?? You find that an acceptable comment to make to a widow who's husband died in some foreign country?? I strongly disagree

what did obama say in times like this. i'd like to see a publically approved way to say something horrible.
Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
at this point i don't know or care what trump said. we know 2 things will happen. it will be twisted to 100% negative and trump haters will eat it up to validate their hate.

kinda sad. as much as i hate hillary i never got so pathetic to rely on fake shit to solidify my emotions.
you think what trump said was acceptable or it's just false news?
The only ones calling this story fake news are the posters on message boards like this one who defend trump no matter what. The point of the story is that trump does not have the ability of even pretend to act Presidential. Remember, the call he is being criticized for comes two weeks late and on the day of the soldiers funeral to his wife who is riding in the funeral car on the way to bury her husband. She was with a fair sized group of witnesses because they are in a limo and on speakerphone. So, there are many witnesses to the call.
Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
at this point i don't know or care what trump said. we know 2 things will happen. it will be twisted to 100% negative and trump haters will eat it up to validate their hate.

kinda sad. as much as i hate hillary i never got so pathetic to rely on fake shit to solidify my emotions.
you think what trump said was acceptable or it's just false news?
i think anything negative to trump is bullshit til proven otherwise.

you can say i'm just a trump fan and you'd be wrong. i just know the left is throwing everything they can and making it up as they go so i have no reason to believe them.

like i said, you cry wolf 100 times a day, even if accidently, people just quit listening and your credibility is zero.


yet you want to be believed so you jump on the next wolf and ride it to dust like the last dozen or more.

just showed a link where it says these conversations are private. so, how did she get there? gonna bother to ask any questions at all or just suck this bait up and spit out BAD TRUMP!

and again - what did obama say in times like this? show me a good answer and stop bagging on trump long enough to at least try.
So now its Obama's fault thast Trump is President.

Ever since Trump was elected I blamed Obama. Trump being in the white house is 100% on Obama's back.

Had he been a half decent president Hillary could have walked into the White House. But because he shoved racism and Obamacare down our throats and caused our country to be more racist than it's been in decades, people were tired of it. He also divided our country like never before.

Hillary not being elected was a HUGE rejection of the Obama legacy She ran saying she would continue Obama's agenda and she lost because of it.
Sure, uh-huh.

That must explain why he was overwhelmingly re-elected.
The only ones calling this story fake news are the posters on message boards like this one who defend trump no matter what. The point of the story is that trump does not have the ability of even pretend to act Presidential. Remember, the call he is being criticized for comes two weeks late and on the day of the soldiers funeral to his wife who is riding in the funeral car on the way to bury her husband. She was with a fair sized group of witnesses because they are in a limo and on speakerphone. So, there are many witnesses to the call.
"A White House official said Tuesday, "The President's conversations with the families of American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice are private."

my god the shitstorm that ass puts out.

the only thing i will defend trump from are the assholes of the world who use anything and everything to attack him, no matter what.

and then you push this story aside and say "but this isn't the point trump just doesn't know how to act!" which may or may not be correct. we don't know cause we can't verify this was truly said.

but it is truly SAD people are so full of hate they're ok with the lies.
In speaking to the family of one of the fallen soldiers, Trump stated...They knew what they were getting in to
Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
he knew what he was signing up for ?? You find that an acceptable comment to make to a widow who's husband died in some foreign country?? I strongly disagree

what did obama say in times like this. i'd like to see a publically approved way to say something horrible.
I'd bet he offered some condolence Something from the heart ,,not the cold hearted crap coming out of an uncaring mouth
Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
he knew what he was signing up for ?? You find that an acceptable comment to make to a widow who's husband died in some foreign country?? I strongly disagree

what did obama say in times like this. i'd like to see a publically approved way to say something horrible.
I'd bet he offered some condolence Something from the heart ,,not the cold hearted crap coming out of an uncaring mouth
show me.

stop bagging on trump and show me this heartfelt emotional words of comfort obama offered the family of a fallen soldier.

back to you, eddie.

show me.
Yea I do, and so does most of America.

Clinton isn't president, and part of that reason is what happened in Libya.

So STFU and get you some arse cream for that little anus of yours you butt hurt liberal. Stop it with your faux outrage.

How can you tell liberals are desperate? They start talking about Bush, a president who hasn't been in office in almost 10 years LOL
Translation: politicizing Benghazi and launching 8 separate investigations to keep it in the news for 4 years until the election Hillary ran in was a successful campaign tool for the right.
Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
he knew what he was signing up for ?? You find that an acceptable comment to make to a widow who's husband died in some foreign country?? I strongly disagree

Oh, you "strongly disagree"! Find me a Special Forces operator that doesn't know what it is they're signing up for, Eddie! Or a loved one that doesn't hurt when they're killed! How is THAT not acceptable?
No way Hillary could have saved them

RW fantasy

Why not? If Obama got Bin Laden.......

Benghazi: What the report reveals about Hillary Clinton

Even the Chicago Tribune said Clinton did a horrible job, and even lied about the reasoning behind it. She's a crooked coward that should be behind bars.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response

"There were people everywhere,” said the witness, who was on the ground that night but wished to remain anonymous. “That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go” to Benghazi.

Only they were waiting for the order. It never came.

“The whole night we were told that we are waiting on a call,”

So absolutely she could have saved them. Had she done her fucking job.
That line was formed after Stevens and Smith were already dead.
The only ones calling this story fake news are the posters on message boards like this one who defend trump no matter what. The point of the story is that trump does not have the ability of even pretend to act Presidential. Remember, the call he is being criticized for comes two weeks late and on the day of the soldiers funeral to his wife who is riding in the funeral car on the way to bury her husband. She was with a fair sized group of witnesses because they are in a limo and on speakerphone. So, there are many witnesses to the call.
"A White House official said Tuesday, "The President's conversations with the families of American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice are private."

my god the shitstorm that ass puts out.

the only thing i will defend trump from are the assholes of the world who use anything and everything to attack him, no matter what.

and then you push this story aside and say "but this isn't the point trump just doesn't know how to act!" which may or may not be correct. we don't know cause we can't verify this was truly said.

but it is truly SAD people are so full of hate they're ok with the lies.
the proof is shown quite vividly every time he opens his mouth whether it's McCain Corker or leaders of the Dem party
IMO he's an insult to America
The only ones calling this story fake news are the posters on message boards like this one who defend trump no matter what. The point of the story is that trump does not have the ability of even pretend to act Presidential. Remember, the call he is being criticized for comes two weeks late and on the day of the soldiers funeral to his wife who is riding in the funeral car on the way to bury her husband. She was with a fair sized group of witnesses because they are in a limo and on speakerphone. So, there are many witnesses to the call.
"A White House official said Tuesday, "The President's conversations with the families of American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice are private."

my god the shitstorm that ass puts out.

the only thing i will defend trump from are the assholes of the world who use anything and everything to attack him, no matter what.

and then you push this story aside and say "but this isn't the point trump just doesn't know how to act!" which may or may not be correct. we don't know cause we can't verify this was truly said.

but it is truly SAD people are so full of hate they're ok with the lies.
the proof is shown quite vividly every time he opens his mouth whether it's McCain Corker or leaders of the Dem party
IMO he's an insult to America
show me what obama said.
Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
he knew what he was signing up for ?? You find that an acceptable comment to make to a widow who's husband died in some foreign country?? I strongly disagree

Oh, you "strongly disagree"! Find me a Special Forces operator that doesn't know what it is they're signing up for, Eddie! Or a loved one that doesn't hurt when they're killed! How is THAT not acceptable?
sure old, they know ,,but to blurt that out to the pregnant widow ...Not in my book is it acceptable
So now its Obama's fault thast Trump is President.

Ever since Trump was elected I blamed Obama. Trump being in the white house is 100% on Obama's back.

Had he been a half decent president Hillary could have walked into the White House. But because he shoved racism and Obamacare down our throats and caused our country to be more racist than it's been in decades, people were tired of it. He also divided our country like never before.

Hillary not being elected was a HUGE rejection of the Obama legacy She ran saying she would continue Obama's agenda and she lost because of it.
That's what I keep telling these leftist lunatics. The reason the country got an anti American anti capitalistic socialist radical like Obama was because of Bush's mishandling of after the Iraq war, the reason we now have Trump is because of the total disaster in every way that Obama was.
And by disaster, you mean getting unemployment down from 10% to 4.8% and the Dow from 6600 to almost 20000. Yeah, it’s even more disasterous now.

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