Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Good to see that the "Liberal Chorus" is still in full throat about Trump's "disrespect" of our military! The whole lot of you couldn't care less about our military and have shown that consistently for years now...but suddenly you're AGHAST that the President hasn't made a phone call in a timely enough fashion?

This thread is yet another example of things you on the left couldn't care less about when Barry was in the White House yet now see as a major news story because Hillary isn't!
OLD get a clue Never would have been mentioned if your trump moron didn't lie about obama disrespecting our soldiers

I'm amused by the left's claims that Barry somehow respected the military more than Donald Trump! Let's be honest here, Eddie...Barack Obama never liked the military and the military never like Barack Obama. In that respect he was no different than Bill Clinton!

You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Yeah so obvious that he only had time to tweet about an ESPN host but not call the families. Right bud!

You snowflakes that are SO concerned with Trump's Tweets amuse me! He probably spends ten minutes out of his entire day tweeting and you all spend the rest of your day running around with your hair on fire while he goes about doing his job as President. I've got a feeling Trump is amused by stirring the pot with you.
Good to see that the "Liberal Chorus" is still in full throat about Trump's "disrespect" of our military! The whole lot of you couldn't care less about our military and have shown that consistently for years now...but suddenly you're AGHAST that the President hasn't made a phone call in a timely enough fashion?

This thread is yet another example of things you on the left couldn't care less about when Barry was in the White House yet now see as a major news story because Hillary isn't!
OLD get a clue Never would have been mentioned if your trump moron didn't lie about obama disrespecting our soldiers

I'm amused by the left's claims that Barry somehow respected the military more than Donald Trump! Let's be honest here, Eddie...Barack Obama never liked the military and the military never like Barack Obama. In that respect he was no different than Bill Clinton!

You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
Sound like a crying little girl to me. You idiots believe everything the lying media says about Trump. Stop crying.

"Sound like a crying little girl to me. You idiots believe everything the lying media says about Trump" -miketx

Trump gets caught in yet another lie. And then the Trumpsters bring up the lying media. One can't just make this shit up!
I bet there are many, many more documented lies by Trump in the last two years, than there are documented lies by the media.
What do take up a bet?
No one, least of all regressive lib clown, has proven any lie. Now go back to your pacifier.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
These are just two of the Trump trackers. They list the lie and then show the fact that verifies that Trump lied. And, instead of attacking the messenger, disprove the lies.
God, what a easily manipulated tool!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. :2up:
I still have my same doctor.
Millions lost their preferred doctor and premiums went sky rocketing due to that piece of shit's lies. I guess that doesn't bother you.
So now its Obama's fault thast Trump is President.

Ever since Trump was elected I blamed Obama. Trump being in the white house is 100% on Obama's back.

Had he been a half decent president Hillary could have walked into the White House. But because he shoved racism and Obamacare down our throats and caused our country to be more racist than it's been in decades, people were tired of it. He also divided our country like never before.

Hillary not being elected was a HUGE rejection of the Obama legacy She ran saying she would continue Obama's agenda and she lost because of it.
That's what I keep telling these leftist lunatics. The reason the country got an anti American anti capitalistic socialist radical like Obama was because of Bush's mishandling of after the Iraq war, the reason we now have Trump is because of the total disaster in every way that Obama was.
Sound like a crying little girl to me. You idiots believe everything the lying media says about Trump. Stop crying.

"Sound like a crying little girl to me. You idiots believe everything the lying media says about Trump" -miketx

Trump gets caught in yet another lie. And then the Trumpsters bring up the lying media. One can't just make this shit up!
I bet there are many, many more documented lies by Trump in the last two years, than there are documented lies by the media.
What do take up a bet?
No one, least of all regressive lib clown, has proven any lie. Now go back to your pacifier.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
These are just two of the Trump trackers. They list the lie and then show the fact that verifies that Trump lied. And, instead of attacking the messenger, disprove the lies.
God, what a easily manipulated tool!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. :2up:
I kept my doctor
So did 90 percent of Americans

Nobody saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ on 9-11
Obama did not tap Trumps wires
Millions lost their health insurances, the costs went sky rocketing, and some areas don't offer more than one choice. Even the Democrat governor said "the affordable care act is no longer affordable". The system is dying, Obama kept delaying all it's bad effects until after the election thinking Hillary would get in and it would be too late.

As it turned out the Obama justice dept did indeed wiretap the Trump campaign. So he was right about that as well.

Just one of the many reasons the American people rejected the disaster called the Obama presidency and his handpicked crooked incumbent Hillary:

Another 25 million ObamaCare victims
By Betsy McCaughey

It now looks like ObamaCare will hurt twice as many people as it helps — because the law isn’t nearly done with canceling people’s insurance.

The 5 million-plus Americans who’ve seen their health plans canceled thanks to ObamaCare will be joined by millions more this year — because the Affordable Care Act makes their employer-provided policies illegal, as well.

Thirty million losing insurance; 16 million gaining it. It’ll be hard for Democrats running for election this fall to defend a law that hurts twice as many people as it helps.
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No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
No way Hillary could have saved them

RW fantasy

Why not? If Obama got Bin Laden.......

Benghazi: What the report reveals about Hillary Clinton

Even the Chicago Tribune said Clinton did a horrible job, and even lied about the reasoning behind it. She's a crooked coward that should be behind bars.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response

"There were people everywhere,” said the witness, who was on the ground that night but wished to remain anonymous. “That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go” to Benghazi.

Only they were waiting for the order. It never came.

“The whole night we were told that we are waiting on a call,”

So absolutely she could have saved them. Had she done her fucking job.
Because everyone knows the Secretary of State is the person who decides whether military operations are appropriate and has the authority of order those military operations. Even when the Generals say a military option is not available the Secretary of State can overrule them and order troops and assets into combat and ignore those General guys because the Sec. of State is the boss.
So how is it that Al Queda was on the run yet they managed to murder our Ambassador, something that had not happened in decades.

The utter incompetence, corruption and deceit of Obama and Hillary was astounding. God must have been watching over this country on November 8, 2016.
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
Its been a week since those soldiers have died and I am convinced that this supposid letter was all they were gonna get from grandpa had the subject not been addressed. Obama not only made personal phone calls, he visited some of these families with invites to the white house. The only use Trump has for our soldiers is to exploit them when ever it helps his rhetoric. Those navy soldiers that died on the ship with that collision....never heard one word about them from this guy, not a word and I challenge anyone here to prove me wrong...actually, I'll personally leave this site if anyone can prove me wrong on your pro military president making any mention of these dead sailors, that's how fuck up that bitch is.
Come to Colorado Springs - I know three Gold Star families personally, and none of them received anything other than a form letter (the same letter to each family with just the names changed) from the Obama administration. I'll be happy to introduce you.
You know, in the military, when a member dies, we have 24 hours or less to notify the family that they have died. And, the clock starts when the service member dies, not when the office is told of their death (which in the case of the one message that I had to do was 30 to 45 min after he'd died).

Why is it that a week later, Trump is saying that he will mail the letters to the families this evening or tomorrow?

Tiggered is right, Trump only cares about the military when it can be used to further his own agenda.
What bullshit ......
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
Its been a week since those soldiers have died and I am convinced that this supposid letter was all they were gonna get from grandpa had the subject not been addressed. Obama not only made personal phone calls, he visited some of these families with invites to the white house. The only use Trump has for our soldiers is to exploit them when ever it helps his rhetoric. Those navy soldiers that died on the ship with that collision....never heard one word about them from this guy, not a word and I challenge anyone here to prove me wrong...actually, I'll personally leave this site if anyone can prove me wrong on your pro military president making any mention of these dead sailors, that's how fuck up that bitch is.
See ya ----

Trump tweets 'thoughts & prayers' for USS John S. McCain crew, upgrading earlier response

President Donald Trump’s initial reaction to the crash of the USS John S. McCain with a merchant ship east of Singapore that left five sailors injured and 10 missing was: “That’s too bad.”

Trump responded to the crash when reporters shouted questions at him late Sunday, when he arrived on the South Lawn of the White House on the presidential helicopter Marine One Trump's initial response to the crash of the USS John S. McCain left reporters baffled

Statement on the Deaths of Sailors on the USS John S. McCain Guided-Missile Destroyer

It is with great sadness that we learned today of the United States sailor fatalities following the August 21st collision between the guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain and a merchant vessel, which occurred east of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. As the Navy begins the process of recovering our fallen sailors, our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and friends.

Now ----- are you a man of your word, or just more liberal bullshit??
Come to Colorado Springs - I know three Gold Star families personally, and none of them received anything other than a form letter (the same letter to each family with just the names changed) from the Obama administration. I'll be happy to introduce you.

Nobody is saying that other presidents spoke to every family who has lost a loved one. Only the Orange Buffoon would turn it into a political matter.
Yea I do, and so does most of America.

Clinton isn't president, and part of that reason is what happened in Libya.

So STFU and get you some arse cream for that little anus of yours you butt hurt liberal. Stop it with your faux outrage.

How can you tell liberals are desperate? They start talking about Bush, a president who hasn't been in office in almost 10 years LOL

She isn't president because you have a fucked political system. 3 million more wanted her. Fact.

Stevens was told not to go to Benghazi and he went anyway.

No. People bring up Bush to show what a moronic piece of shit you are who wants to give their guy a free pass. Sorry, that doesn't wash with us. I know you deplorables are not the brightest bunch as you sip your moonshine in your trailer park, but us normals can think critically and not be taken in by the fake news that is spoon fed to you and that you swallow like a whore at a gang bang.
OLD get a clue Never would have been mentioned if your trump moron didn't lie about obama disrespecting our soldiers

I'm amused by the left's claims that Barry somehow respected the military more than Donald Trump! Let's be honest here, Eddie...Barack Obama never liked the military and the military never like Barack Obama. In that respect he was no different than Bill Clinton!

You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Mayhap if he posed for pictures with coffins like dark jesus did?
dark jesus? What is that?

Dark Jesus. He was supposed to stop the oceans from rising and and all that.
I'm amused by the left's claims that Barry somehow respected the military more than Donald Trump! Let's be honest here, Eddie...Barack Obama never liked the military and the military never like Barack Obama. In that respect he was no different than Bill Clinton!

You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."
eddie - if this were being said about someone on "your" side you'd fight it for accuracy. demand to ask questions like "why was he with the widow"? and man you go nuts against trumps actions on "reportedly"? again, you don't even care if he said it - you hate him and you say "even if he didn't this sounds like something he would do". is that fair or self-serving?

we all tend to take any story that validate our emotional state and by sheer will, make it true. yet when done to someone we care about or "believe in", we fight it tooth and nail.

i think it's a given we can't trust the media. period. not the left not the right.

so now i have to ask, why we use it TO validate these things vs. question them as we all should? and if even said, why is it wrong? what did obama say in times like this for guidance? i'm curious.

how many times will people be busted in their trump-lies before you will *if ever* give him the benefit of the doubt? rest assured i'm not a trump fan but all these blind attacks on him only make me want him to succeed more because otherwise, idiots whining w/o proof or merit get their way.

we've had 8+ years of that and people are in fact *over it*.

so how about we validate these things before we load up our emo-guns with fake bullets, eddie?
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I'm amused by the left's claims that Barry somehow respected the military more than Donald Trump! Let's be honest here, Eddie...Barack Obama never liked the military and the military never like Barack Obama. In that respect he was no different than Bill Clinton!

You want to talk about anything else BUT Trump not giving a shit about the military or how hypocrital he is about the NFL.

If I were you, I'd do the same to hide your shameful cock stroking

Damn...what is with you liberal's obsession with Donald Trump's cock and ass today?

You accuse Trump of not giving a shit about the military and yet it's obvious that Trump cares a lot more about our military than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama did!

Trump does not care about the military. They are political props. Obama did contact the families of military members killed as well as taking charge of the bodies as they came to Dover. Trump was too busy playing golf, attacking people on twitter among sundry items to even mail a letter.

Obama took charge of the bodies? What are you babbling about? Obama met the bodies coming off of that C130...told the families their bullshit story about the attack being a protest over a You Tube video that escalated into violence and then boogied!
WHEN will republicans get a clue?
Comments President Donald Trump reportedly made during a phone call with the pregnant widow of a fallen US soldier raised some eyebrows on Tuesday night.

While speaking with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in action during a mission in the west African country of Niger earlier this month, Trump said, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson relayed the account of the conversation, which was originally reported by the local ABC affiliate, WPLG. "Yes, he said it," Wilson told the news station. "It's so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!
"Sound like a crying little girl to me. You idiots believe everything the lying media says about Trump" -miketx

Trump gets caught in yet another lie. And then the Trumpsters bring up the lying media. One can't just make this shit up!
I bet there are many, many more documented lies by Trump in the last two years, than there are documented lies by the media.
What do take up a bet?
No one, least of all regressive lib clown, has proven any lie. Now go back to your pacifier.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
These are just two of the Trump trackers. They list the lie and then show the fact that verifies that Trump lied. And, instead of attacking the messenger, disprove the lies.
God, what a easily manipulated tool!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. :2up:
I still have my same doctor.
Millions lost their preferred doctor and premiums went sky rocketing due to that piece of shit's lies. I guess that doesn't bother you.
It doesn’t bother you either. It’s nothing but political fodder for you.

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