Trump Caves Again!

Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?
He's kept a lot of them. That why libs are so unhappy. No one can understand it through your hate filters.
what has he kept- name them!
They've been discussed here many times. I am not seeking your approval or playing your idiotic juvenile games. You made your hate and intolerance crystal clear, your opinion means nothing.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
Here is the difference Einstein, for the majority of Obama's term, he dealt with a congress that refused to approve or pass any part of his agenda, while Trump has failed miserably with a totally republican Congress
Here is the difference Einstein, for the majority of Obama's term, he dealt with a congress that refused to approve or pass any part of his agenda, while Trump has failed miserably with a totally republican Congress
Worth repeating.

Trumps promises are dead, today, tomorrow and forever. Time to realize he lied to you every step of the way

yeah, you are probably right

Merrick Garland will be an awesome member of SCOTUS for many years - my bad...
The ONLY way he could even get that nomination approved was to change the rules in his favor. Pathetic
Like the dems did. But you didn't mind then so your opinion is worthless.
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?
He's kept a lot of them. That why libs are so unhappy. No one can understand it through your hate filters.
what has he kept- name them!
They've been discussed here many times. I am not seeking your approval or playing your idiotic juvenile games. You made your hate and intolerance crystal clear, your opinion means nothing.
In other words, honey bunch, you aint got a clue to what promises trump has kept. Only because he has failed so many times
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?
He's kept a lot of them. That why libs are so unhappy. No one can understand it through your hate filters.
what has he kept- name them!
They've been discussed here many times. I am not seeking your approval or playing your idiotic juvenile games. You made your hate and intolerance crystal clear, your opinion means nothing.
In other words, honey bunch, you aint got a clue to what promises trump has kept. Only because he has failed so many times
Wrong maggot. I meant what I said.
Trumps promises are dead, today, tomorrow and forever. Time to realize he lied to you every step of the way

yeah, you are probably right

Merrick Garland will be an awesome member of SCOTUS for many years - my bad...
The ONLY way he could even get that nomination approved was to change the rules in his favor. Pathetic
Like the dems did. But you didn't mind then so your opinion is worthless.
Nope. Not a single president has lied to the American people as has trump and failed so miserably at everything he has attempted
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

Check yourself there dude. The orange clown is backing down on the wall, or as you Libs say, breaking a promise, because he knows the Dems in congress will block it. In fact the Dems in congress now sound just like the Reps did during BO's first term- vowing to block everything and make him a one termer. At least acknowledge both sides do the same shit.
The congressional Democrats cannot block anything, you idiot.

REALLY! You better let the news channels know that fact GENIUS. Because they have been reporting the exact opposite. Do you live in a cave? You clearly have internet. How could you possibly post something so blatantly WRONG.?

Senate Dems may block Trump's plan to fund border wall -
Senate Democrats may block Trump's plan to fund border wall
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?
He's kept a lot of them. That why libs are so unhappy. No one can understand it through your hate filters.
what has he kept- name them!
They've been discussed here many times. I am not seeking your approval or playing your idiotic juvenile games. You made your hate and intolerance crystal clear, your opinion means nothing.
In other words, honey bunch, you aint got a clue to what promises trump has kept. Only because he has failed so many times
Wrong maggot. I meant what I said.
If you mean it sweetie, tell us what Trump has succeeded at. You should be proud to remind us all
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

Check yourself there dude. The orange clown is backing down on the wall, or as you Libs say, breaking a promise, because he knows the Dems in congress will block it. In fact the Dems in congress now sound just like the Reps did during BO's first term- vowing to block everything and make him a one termer. At least acknowledge both sides do the same shit.

because he knows the Dems in congress will block it.

He shouldn't need Dems at all.
Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

Check yourself there dude. The orange clown is backing down on the wall, or as you Libs say, breaking a promise, because he knows the Dems in congress will block it. In fact the Dems in congress now sound just like the Reps did during BO's first term- vowing to block everything and make him a one termer. At least acknowledge both sides do the same shit.
The congressional Democrats cannot block anything, you idiot.

REALLY! You better let the news channels know that fact GENIUS. Because they have been reporting the exact opposite. Do you live in a cave? You clearly have internet. How could you possibly post something so blatantly WRONG.?

Senate Dems may block Trump's plan to fund border wall -
Senate Democrats may block Trump's plan to fund border wall
How does a minority block anything, Einstein?
Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?
It's called leadership.
If you mean it sweetie, tell us what Trump has succeeded at. You should be proud to remind us all

he has talked about on several occasions in several threads

perhaps it would be helpful if you audited his post history (easy to do on this site)

it would be a great exorcise for you, cuz, you might actually learn something...
Well with everyone working on the south Korea debacle that Obama left him. I guess TRUMP doesn't have time right now. Sorry ass liberals.

Actually, it's NORTH Korea that;s the problem ...

... but, what's Trump doing about it anyway? ...

... I mean other than sending armadas in the opposite direction and golfing?
He is erasing Obama's legacy.
Worth repeating.

because the entire Republican party has unified and is walking lock, stock & barrel with THIS president?

glad to see you have been paying attention...

It's his own party. The party that screamed repeal and replace for eight years. Trump can't even lead them to what they've wanted for nearly a decade let alone tax cuts, budget, and immigration. Trump has failed as a leader.
I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.

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