Trump Caves Again!

Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
Disappointing. Was looking forward to Mexico paying for a wall.
Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
Disappointing. Was looking forward to Mexico paying for a wall.
Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?
Two reasons:
1) They've been taught to obey the party no matter what (see RINO). They can argue *within* the party, that's acceptable. But when the party nominates someone, the rank-and-file Republicans are expected to vote for that someone regardless.
2) They've been taught that any Democratic candidate is not just incorrect but morally repugnant and evil.

The modern GOP could nominate Satan for office, and too many (but not all) Republicans would bend over backwards defending him and voting for him.
Exactly. So why are the Republicans in Congress unwilling to "defend" him by enacting his legislation on Obamacare or the Wall?
Politicians do best when they do nothing. Not voting means there isn't a record of them doing something that some voters may not like.

Also, many establishment Republicans hate Trump. They supported him (kinda) during the election because it was very visible — one case where doing nothing can cost them. So they drag their feet, not hurting but not helping, waiting to see what public opinion does with Trump.
In Trumps case, he had better get something done and soon, after all those meaningless promises
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
Disappointing. Was looking forward to Mexico paying for a wall.
Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
Here is the difference Einstein, for the majority of Obama's term, he dealt with a congress that refused to approve or pass any part of his agenda, while Trump has failed miserably with a totally republican Congress

Oh yes, I remember during Obama's first days in office and that totally republican Congress.

Oh wait, not the case.

Hmm...not to bright are ya?
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?

I think they did it to prove a point. Ya know what they mean. Like Hellary is such a bad canidate we could nominate a giant orange clown and still beat her. Guess they were right.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

This libertarian is NOT defending Trump, just calling out the hysterical hypocrisy of the leftists.

It's fun.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
Here is the difference Einstein, for the majority of Obama's term, he dealt with a congress that refused to approve or pass any part of his agenda, while Trump has failed miserably with a totally republican Congress

Oh yes, I remember during Obama's first days in office and that totally republican Congress.

Oh wait, not the case.

Hmm...not to bright are ya?
I said the MAJORITY of Obamas term, idiot. Can you read and comprehend
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted

Really? And Obamacare was passed by whom? Elves?
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted

Really? And Obamacare was passed by whom? Elves?
A Democratic Congress
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
Here is the difference Einstein, for the majority of Obama's term, he dealt with a congress that refused to approve or pass any part of his agenda, while Trump has failed miserably with a totally republican Congress

Oh yes, I remember during Obama's first days in office and that totally republican Congress.

Oh wait, not the case.

Hmm...not to bright are ya?
I said the MAJORITY of Obamas term, idiot. Can you read and comprehend

And I said comparing 8 years to less than 100 days is, well, something an idiot would do.

Good luck with that.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted

Really? And Obamacare was passed by whom? Elves?
A Democratic Congress

Right, which rather refutes your ridiculous statement that "Congress...refused from day 1 to support".

Good lord man, read your own words before hitting enter!
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
Here is the difference Einstein, for the majority of Obama's term, he dealt with a congress that refused to approve or pass any part of his agenda, while Trump has failed miserably with a totally republican Congress

Oh yes, I remember during Obama's first days in office and that totally republican Congress.

Oh wait, not the case.

Hmm...not to bright are ya?
I said the MAJORITY of Obamas term, idiot. Can you read and comprehend

And I said comparing 8 years to less than 100 days is, well, something an idiot would do.

Good luck with that.
How about comparing the first 100 days with most every other recent President? FAILURE
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

Check yourself there dude. The orange clown is backing down on the wall, or as you Libs say, breaking a promise, because he knows the Dems in congress will block it. In fact the Dems in congress now sound just like the Reps did during BO's first term- vowing to block everything and make him a one termer. At least acknowledge both sides do the same shit.
I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted

Really? And Obamacare was passed by whom? Elves?
A Democratic Congress

Right, which rather refutes your ridiculous statement that "Congress...refused from day 1 to support".

Good lord man, read your own words before hitting enter!
From Day 1 of the 6 year republican congress. Is that something you can understand?
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?

I think they did it to prove a point. Ya know what they mean. Like Hellary is such a bad canidate we could nominate a giant orange clown and still beat her. Guess they were right.
Well, if Hillary had won, she would not be getting anything accomplished with a Republican majority in the House and Senate, but at least she didn't promise the moon and then not be able to deliver. This is Trump's party in control. They are saying no to him on every important item that voters sent him to Washington for. In the end, that can't be seen as a positive.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

Check yourself there dude. The orange clown is backing down on the wall, or as you Libs say, breaking a promise, because he knows the Dems in congress will block it. In fact the Dems in congress now sound just like the Reps did during BO's first term- vowing to block everything and make him a one termer. At least acknowledge both sides do the same shit.
The congressional Democrats cannot block anything, you idiot.
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

Check yourself there dude. The orange clown is backing down on the wall, or as you Libs say, breaking a promise, because he knows the Dems in congress will block it. In fact the Dems in congress now sound just like the Reps did during BO's first term- vowing to block everything and make him a one termer. At least acknowledge both sides do the same shit.
His own party won't support him, that is a disgrace

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