Trump Caves Again!

Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
Here is what conservative republicans think of Trumps first 100 days:

Donald Trump’s first 100 days have seen the appointment and termination of decorated general Michael Flynn from the Defense Intelligence Agency, the eclipse of former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, a steady decline in the relationship with Russia, the bombing of Syria, a failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, and two failed attempts to impose a ban on certain groups of immigrants. This wasn’t exactly what Trump promised. On the plus side he succeeded in appointing a religious conservative to the Supreme Court, fulfilling his commitment to evangelicals, while issuing executive orders that many conservatives approved
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.
It's his job to get it there. They're his initiatives.
Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
Here is what conservative republicans think of Trumps first 100 days:

Donald Trump’s first 100 days have seen the appointment and termination of decorated general Michael Flynn from the Defense Intelligence Agency, the eclipse of former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, a steady decline in the relationship with Russia, the bombing of Syria, a failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, and two failed attempts to impose a ban on certain groups of immigrants. This wasn’t exactly what Trump promised. On the plus side he succeeded in appointing a religious conservative to the Supreme Court, fulfilling his commitment to evangelicals, while issuing executive orders that many conservatives approved

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.
It's his job to get it there. They're his initiatives.

and he can't get it there with a split party.
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.
It's his job to get it there. They're his initiatives.

and he can't get it there with a split party.
and he can't get it there with a split party.

You're right.
He can't give Republicans what they want because he is not a great leader or a great deal maker.
his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.
It's his job to get it there. They're his initiatives.

and he can't get it there with a split party.
and he can't get it there with a split party.

You're right.
He can't give Republicans what they want because he is not a great leader or a great deal maker.
because he is not a great leader or a great deal maker.

That describes Paul Ryan more than Trump.
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
Here is what conservative republicans think of Trumps first 100 days:

Donald Trump’s first 100 days have seen the appointment and termination of decorated general Michael Flynn from the Defense Intelligence Agency, the eclipse of former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, a steady decline in the relationship with Russia, the bombing of Syria, a failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, and two failed attempts to impose a ban on certain groups of immigrants. This wasn’t exactly what Trump promised. On the plus side he succeeded in appointing a religious conservative to the Supreme Court, fulfilling his commitment to evangelicals, while issuing executive orders that many conservatives approved

Maybe there's a reason you can't run America like a business.

At a business, you can snap your fingers and get anything you want on demand, no questions asked.

In government, you can't do that. You can't just get whatever you want and arm twist/intimidate people into doing your bidding.

Trump is the employee now. Not the employer. It turns out he doesn't know everything even though he thinks he does.
trump is such a fool...the world laughs as the armada moves closer to n korea.....spicer is an idiot is amazing what is happening in this country as we move towards a despot?
No wonder the military wants more warships. Those f*ckers move slower than cold molasses running uphill.
his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?

Well he is supposedly the leader. I see you're not looking at him as a LEADER and you shouldn't be.

If I thought he was a leader, I might have voted for him.

But you, like pummeledben, dont' seem to see that until it gets to HIS desk, he can't make it law.

and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.
Here is what conservative republicans think of Trumps first 100 days:

Donald Trump’s first 100 days have seen the appointment and termination of decorated general Michael Flynn from the Defense Intelligence Agency, the eclipse of former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, a steady decline in the relationship with Russia, the bombing of Syria, a failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, and two failed attempts to impose a ban on certain groups of immigrants. This wasn’t exactly what Trump promised. On the plus side he succeeded in appointing a religious conservative to the Supreme Court, fulfilling his commitment to evangelicals, while issuing executive orders that many conservatives approved


raw story?


No wonder you didn't post the link
Well with everyone working on the south Korea debacle that Obama left him. I guess TRUMP doesn't have time right now. Sorry ass liberals.

Actually, it's NORTH Korea that;s the problem ...

... but, what's Trump doing about it anyway? ...

... I mean other than sending armadas in the opposite direction and golfing?
He is erasing Obama's legacy.
By failing?
Nope he is doing away with his legacy. Obamas trade deal is gone, thank goodness.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
Darn I was hoping Trump's miserable first 100 days would be capped with a shutdown. I guess he's trying to stop the bleeding.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.

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