Trump Caves Again!

and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.
The wall's never going to be in any budget.

And what wins on healthcare are you looking for? You want a slightly different national healthcare system regulated by the government? Or do you still think full repeal was more than just a childish political game?
Is it good news or bad news to the left? It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation when the President avoids a confrontation that might shut down the government and the lefties call it "caving". It's "the art o the deal". Do lefties need to count on their fingers how many months and years he has left in his term?
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.
Oh forgot the day care was not taking the toddlers can go enjoy ignore with the rest of the snowflake brigade.
and until the Republicans in Congress start agreeing, and some of the Democrats join in, not much of anything is going to get done.

Except reversing some of Obamas EOs.

Which is a good thing.

Is it good news or bad news to the left? It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation when the President avoids a confrontation that might shut down the government and the lefties call it "caving". It's "the art o the deal". Do lefties need to count on their fingers how many months and years he has left in his term?

Trump, in theory, could get legislation passed without a single Democratic vote.

Yet it's their fault he can't get anything passed even after he resorted to childish name calling when criticizing them.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.

And still you believe. There is no cure for stupid.
I think Trump has a lot of cognitive dissonance. I think he knows by now things are more complicated than what he thought/campaigned on. He's just too prideful to admit he was wrong or made a mistake.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.

And still you believe. There is no cure for stupid.
Its called confidence. You know Trump already has filed for think he is going to get reelected if he fails to at least START the wall before 2020? LMAO hell no! So yes I think it will get done,one way or the other.Oh and no we stopped the STUPID from destroying our country on November 8th,2016!
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.

And still you believe. There is no cure for stupid.
Its called confidence. You know Trump already has filed for think he is going to get reelected if he fails to at least START the wall before 2020? LMAO hell no! So yes I think it will get done,one way or the other.Oh and no we stopped the STUPID from destroying our country on November 8th,2016!

No, you elected Republicans - the ones who have engineered the destruction of the working and middle class, and who nearly succeeding in destroying the country and taking the world's economy down with them, when Bush was in power. Regan started the process, and Bush damn near finished it.

I expect Trump to get the job done though. Nobody goes bankrupt as bigley as Trump.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.

And still you believe. There is no cure for stupid.
Its called confidence. You know Trump already has filed for think he is going to get reelected if he fails to at least START the wall before 2020? LMAO hell no! So yes I think it will get done,one way or the other.Oh and no we stopped the STUPID from destroying our country on November 8th,2016!

No, you elected Republicans - the ones who have engineered the destruction of the working and middle class, and who nearly succeeding in destroying the country and taking the world's economy down with them, when Bush was in power. Regan started the process, and Bush damn near finished it.

I expect Trump to get the job done though. Nobody goes bankrupt as bigley as Trump.
I didn't elect anyone. I elected a nationalist populist aka Trump. Get it right snowflake. If the democraps had ANY give a shit about the middle and working class they would have gotten elected....even MANY democrats are saying the democrap party is out of touch.
and he's dropping funding for the southern border wall as a condition to signing the bill. Trump was said to have been willing to shut down the government to get the wall built, but is now simply asking for increased funds for border security - no wall.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall
1. This budget only goes through end of September
2.Get wins on health care and tax reform
3. FORCE money for wall in budget come September...dumbocrats want to be traitors to America and not allow it then go ahead let them shut down the government after we have lowered the tax burden with jobs booming and companies expanding etc AND cheaper health care covering everyone!
4.Sit back and enjoy democratic slaughter in midterm elections in 2018!

Oh and also even if Trump got the money for the wall there is NO WAY it was going to be built or even started by September....not a chance they JUST got the designs and budget for it back and Trump doesn't like what its going to cost and will negotiate price down first.

And still you believe. There is no cure for stupid.
Its called confidence. You know Trump already has filed for think he is going to get reelected if he fails to at least START the wall before 2020? LMAO hell no! So yes I think it will get done,one way or the other.Oh and no we stopped the STUPID from destroying our country on November 8th,2016!

Trump won't even be President in 2018. It's ridiculous the amount of confidence you have in the least successful presidency in history to this point.

He's done NOTHING except get a SC nomination through (using the nuclear option), and pull out of the TPP.

Yes he's signed executive orders, but most of them are meaningless, in the grand scheme of things. Allowing employers to pollute without consequences is meaningless because they were already pretty much doing it and it didn't save coal jobs then, and it won't save them now. Natural gas is too cheap, plentiful and easy to find.

States cannot defund Planned Parenthood. The courts won't let it happen. Two states tried, PP sued and won. Both courts ruled that since Planned Parenthood was operating within the law, they could not be defunded, so good luck with that.

The states tried to argue that doctored video proved they were illegally selling baby parts, and the courts ruled that the tape was false, misleading and edited to imply that this was the case. The courts viewed the unedited footage and said that the was heavily edited.
White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.



aint that a bitch ....
And this with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress. You want to talk about failure! Drumpf redefines failing huge! He's failing so terrific, amazing, it's huge you'll love his failure, you'll get tired of failing. And yet there is more to come.

Drumpf can't get a cardboard box leaning against a stick at the border. Yet "no one builds walls like him". Ehhhhloooser.

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