Trump caves on vaccine: Tells Americans to get it

Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Why would he "cave in" on the vaccines he produced?
He never caved because he never said not to take it.
Wasn't it Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris saying they wouldn't get a Trump vaccine all during the campaign?

Thread fail.
Actually they said they would not get a vaccine on Trumps say so

Who can blame them?
Then they jumped to the front of the line......and then Veggie Joe claimed there was no vaccine when he took office, despite the fact he already got it. He is a vegetable.

How did Melania get a vaccine?
Same way she became a citizen, Jumped the line
I did find it rather silly that after making some sort of big about white conservatives not getting the vaccine they finished up with this:

the recent poll showed only 25% of Black Americans said they
wouldn’t get the vaccine, compared with 28% of white people.

When I compare "only 25%" with 28%, I don't consider it amounting to any big difference.
"white conservatives" does not directly relate to "Black" vs "white people." The point was that though many initially feared getting the vaccines, surprisingly now blacks fear getting the shots even less than white people do. It's a given that "white conservatives" will react like idiots regardless of what goes on.
  1. It was nice of him to make the recommendation.
  2. He never caved because he never said not to take it.

1. Yes, it was good of him to finally make an affirmative statement. Though, the context was: Biden had publicly urged or 'hoped' he would be assertive in recommending his followers to take it; plus, somewhat embarrassingly, he was the only living President recently who did not sign on to an effort to promote getting a Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama had done last week. He jumped on board when it looked like he'd be left at the dock. Still, it is good. Many of his followers look to him as a source of maybe more of them will get themselves and their families vaccinated.

2. "He never said to not take it".......ah, and that was his "effort": never said not to.
Hardly, in my opinion, a ringing endorsement. Hardly affirmative leadership, in my opinion.

But, there is a context to that too. As we know, Don Trump notoriously 'played down' the danger of Covid as he admitted to Bob Woodward. He, and his wife were covertly --or at least, unpublicized --- been vaccinated back in January.
There is the context of his super-spreader rallies; un-masked parties at the White House; his mockery of mask wearing; his very public statement at a presser on the advice from the CDC about wearing a mask...where he said "I don't think I am going to do it"; his dismissal and minimizing of the input from health experts; and his fantasy-land home-brews of hydroxychloroquine, and bleach.

Nonetheless, let's give credit to Don Trump that the efforts for developing the Moderna and J&J vaccines at least happened on his did the 550,000 corpses.

Notably, and as an aside, the development of the Pfizer was a Pfizer operation....funded by themselves, and not part of Warp Speed, or government funding. Trump attempted to take credit for Pfizer....until the blowback got too hot for him and he quit doing that.

So, in the end: America now has 3 effective vaccines. More and more people are getting vaccinated daily. My wife and I have each received our two Moderna doses. As have nearly all of our friends and neighbors here in Snowbird Florida. So we are Moderna, to the scientific community, the local health-provider infrastructure, and to the American taxpayer.
Only 4% of deaths were due to "Covid only".

I ain't gonna parse numbers as the poster above is attempting to minimize the tragic effects of Covid. I simply don't stay informed on the Covid numbers.....other than the 550,000 American corpses.

But it is worth pointing out that AIDS ....... kills very very few people.
They die of pneumonia, or cardiac arrest, well before the AIDS pathogen actually could kill them in their manifestly weakened state.

So there is that.
...he was the only living President recently who did not sign on to an effort to promote getting a Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama had done last week. He jumped on board when it looked like he'd be left at the dock.
He would like to be welcomed into the ex-presidents club.
Only 4% of deaths were due to "Covid only".

I ain't gonna parse numbers as the poster above is attempting to minimize the tragic effects of Covid. I simply don't stay informed on the Covid numbers.....other than the 550,000 American corpses.

But it is worth pointing out that AIDS ....... kills very very few people.
They die of pneumonia, or cardiac arrest, well before the AIDS pathogen actually could kill them in their manifestly weakened state.

So there is that.
So, why didn't the CDC (during Obama's tenure) count people with cancer and swine flu as "Swine Flu deaths".
They didn't.
But during 2020 they decided to do just that.
Why are Covid deaths in China and Africa so low????
Because they count "Covid Only"
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
I live in a very R community and I have yet to hear one person say anything about refusing to get the vaccine.
The media is so full of shit.
...he was the only living President recently who did not sign on to an effort to promote getting a Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama had done last week. He jumped on board when it looked like he'd be left at the dock.
He would like to be welcomed into the ex-presidents club.
So would Jimmy Carter; every other President hates his guts.
  1. It was nice of him to make the recommendation.
  2. He never caved because he never said not to take it.

1. Yes, it was good of him to finally make an affirmative statement. Though, the context was: Biden had publicly urged or 'hoped' he would be assertive in recommending his followers to take it; plus, somewhat embarrassingly, he was the only living President recently who did not sign on to an effort to promote getting a Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama had done last week. He jumped on board when it looked like he'd be left at the dock. Still, it is good. Many of his followers look to him as a source of maybe more of them will get themselves and their families vaccinated.

2. "He never said to not take it".......ah, and that was his "effort": never said not to.
Hardly, in my opinion, a ringing endorsement. Hardly affirmative leadership, in my opinion.

But, there is a context to that too. As we know, Don Trump notoriously 'played down' the danger of Covid as he admitted to Bob Woodward. He, and his wife were covertly --or at least, unpublicized --- been vaccinated back in January.
There is the context of his super-spreader rallies; un-masked parties at the White House; his mockery of mask wearing; his very public statement at a presser on the advice from the CDC about wearing a mask...where he said "I don't think I am going to do it"; his dismissal and minimizing of the input from health experts; and his fantasy-land home-brews of hydroxychloroquine, and bleach.

Nonetheless, let's give credit to Don Trump that the efforts for developing the Moderna and J&J vaccines at least happened on his did the 550,000 corpses.

Notably, and as an aside, the development of the Pfizer was a Pfizer operation....funded by themselves, and not part of Warp Speed, or government funding. Trump attempted to take credit for Pfizer....until the blowback got too hot for him and he quit doing that.

So, in the end: America now has 3 effective vaccines. More and more people are getting vaccinated daily. My wife and I have each received our two Moderna doses. As have nearly all of our friends and neighbors here in Snowbird Florida. So we are Moderna, to the scientific community, the local health-provider infrastructure, and to the American taxpayer.
Trump produced the vaccines by signing an EO cutting all the red tape.
Otherwise you would have got this vaccine in 2025.
Trump has saved millions of American lives with WarpSpeed.
He did all the spadework as Biden slept in his basement.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
I live in a very R community and I have yet to hear one person say anything about refusing to get the vaccine.
The media is so full of shit.
They need to do it in front of a media troupe, or post it on Facebook like the Dems do.
So, Trump gets credit for writing one EO for Operation Warp speed - then scientists did all the work.

Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Let him mind his own damn business. Not mine.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Let him mind his own damn business. Not mine.

While you're running around infecting others and helping to spread mutations?
When was he telling people not to get it? Seems to me that was demos
Didn't he call COVID a hoax? Why would people get a vaccine for a hoax?

That's how. Have a good night!
Listen you prissy little faggot, he called the politicization of the Chinese virus a hoax.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

This is my favorite quote of the day!! “he called the politicization of the Chinese virus a hoax.” You do realize that calling it “the Chinese virus” is politicizing it, right?! I guess that makes your comment and the vast majority of Trumps comments a hoax. Most of us already know that though. You dumbasses crack me up.

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