Trump channels Mussolini and threatens reprisal against his opponents

America always has a fascist side. This time it is Trump and his trumpeteers. They will be beaten down in the election without hesitation. The American electorate is too good for their type.
And we always had a bigoted side, JakeStarkey
Yes, you can not yell Fire in a crowded theater, but it is okay for the media to scream "FIRE" and destroy the country!

Emotional arguments is all you have
An observation is not emotional, irrationality is all you have, hence such a shallow response.

Your observation is based in emotions. You keep describing what things are not. I say your arguments are emotional and you tell me emotions arent the same as *insert word here*. I know, thats why I'm using that word specifically
America always has a fascist side. This time it is Trump and his trumpeteers. They will be beaten down in the election without hesitation. The American electorate is too good for their type.
And we always had a bigoted side, JakeStarkey
Of course we have, elekta: racism, jingoism, fascism on both left and right (Huey Long, wannabee Donald Trump).
I "stated" nothing of the sort, elektra, so you are caught in another lie. You are not a very good little fascist, are you, you keep getting tripped up. Matt Walsh said that quoting Mussolini is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Do you disagree and why do you like Mussolini and Hitler?

Okay, so quoting Mussolini is not the same as quoting Hitler, just making sure I understand your position on Hitler and Mussolini.
I "stated" nothing of the sort, elektra, so you are caught in another lie. You are not a very good little fascist, are you, you keep getting tripped up. Matt Walsh said that quoting Mussolini is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Do you disagree and why do you like Mussolini and Hitler?

Okay, so quoting Mussolini is not the same as quoting Hitler, just making sure I understand your position on Hitler and Mussolini.
You don't define anything in this OP. Quoting Mussoline, Walsh said, is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Words have meanings.
Your observation is based in emotions. You keep describing what things are not. I say your arguments are emotional and you tell me emotions arent the same as *insert word here*. I know, thats why I'm using that word specifically

You are an idiot, right? You can not respond to the content of the post so you must attack me personally? To me that means you are an idiot. Correct me if I am wrong, are you or are you not an idiot.
Your observation is based in emotions. You keep describing what things are not. I say your arguments are emotional and you tell me emotions arent the same as *insert word here*. I know, thats why I'm using that word specifically

You are an idiot, right? You can not respond to the content of the post so you must attack me personally? To me that means you are an idiot. Correct me if I am wrong, are you or are you not an idiot.
elektra melt down when caught out!
Matt Walsh yesterday wrote that Trump has become a danger to our American Republic.

Walsh points out that, "in just the last couple of days, Donald Trump has promised reprisals against his critics when he's elected president, pledging to "open up" libel laws so that he can punish anyone who writes "negative" or "false" stories about him. He said his critics "will have problems" when he's in power. Remember, Trump claims that EVERY critique of him, no matter how true, is "false," so he is clearly vowing to outlaw all criticism of government. If Obama had said anything even remotely in the neighborhood of this when he was running for president, every conservative in the country would've exploded with rage (justifiably). But Trump said it and it hardly sparked much of a backlash at all."

"Then Trump proceeded to retweet a quote from Benito Mussolini, the Fascist dictator, and later admitted that he knew the quote was from Mussolini but decided to distribute it anyway. To be clear, for anyone who isn't versed in recent world history, quoting Mussolini is exactly morally analogous to quoting Hitler. It would be like Trump finding a passage in Mein Kampf and sympathetically reading it at one of his rallies."

Trump at first refused to repudiate David Duke and the KKK. He dodged on TV if he should denounce the supremacists and nationalists . It took continued pressure to make Donald give on the issue. He also said he knew little about Duke and his background, though in a 2000 interview, Trump disavowed Duke and the supremacists as out of step with American values.

Back to Walsh: "Now, guys, this was all in the span of just three days. And it should be noted that a great number of his fans cheered him on when he promised to censor speech and defended him when he quoted Mussolini and refused to criticize white supremacy. I said last week that the scariest thing about Trump is that he's running as a tyrant, unabashedly so, and his fans want him BECAUSE of it. His fans are explicitly asking for Trump to rule as an emperor. They don't desire freedom or liberty anymore, and they don't give a damn about the Constitution. What they want is a political Strongman who will "restore America's greatness" through brute and oppressive force." On Facebook February 28, 2016 at 3:11 pm.
This has been a major problem in our elections. A corruptible press lying to the public essentially picking our candidates for us. He wants to remove some of the protections liberals enjoy which allows them to scam us into believing false propaganda designed to discourage an honest vetting of political candidates.

That's it.

I can see why you and the rest of your mind-numb establishment pukes wouldn't want this.
I "stated" nothing of the sort, elektra, so you are caught in another lie. You are not a very good little fascist, are you, you keep getting tripped up. Matt Walsh said that quoting Mussolini is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Do you disagree and why do you like Mussolini and Hitler?

Okay, so quoting Mussolini is not the same as quoting Hitler, just making sure I understand your position on Hitler and Mussolini.

Why would quoting Hitler be a bad thing? Trump said good quotes are good quotes. Dont tell me using the quote tells you something about the
You don't define anything in this OP. Quoting Mussoline, Walsh said, is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Words have meanings.
Okay, words have meaning, I agree, so you believe quoting Hitler is the same as quoting quoting Mussolini? And you agree Mussolini did not gas the Jews?
TSK! TSK! We don't want any frivolous law suits.
"the donald" is the king of suing.
He is without a doubt the biggest joke ever perpetuated upon the field of US politics. That takes some doing beating out gwb.

Actually, I'm all for anyone who is slandered by the media to have recourse. The media should always be able to back up anything they say about anyone by vetting their source and committing to back up their source's statements in a court of law. They get away with too damn much. Due diligence upon the media's part should always be exercised.
Why would quoting Hitler be a bad thing? Trump said good quotes are good quotes. Dont tell me using the quote tells you something about the

Why would telling lies be a bad thing? Do you like being a liar?
Mussolini-------as a quotable paragon? I kinda don't think so----he was dirty----on his own and by association
Did he disavow Duke initially: no.

Did he say that he did not really know about Duke when in fact he knew all about him: yes.

As he threatened those who disagree with him: yes.

Will he use the government to punish his enemies: yes.

And suggesting the GWB or BHO ever threatened their enemies in such a way is mentally feeble or a deliberate liar.

" In 2010, it was Mr. Obama himself, who declared to a roaring crowd, “We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends."

WOLF: Tyranny in our time
We have a socialist who wants to take peoples guns and money.
We have an Eva Peron wanna-be who has jeopardized her nation and needlessly gotten Americans killed
And we have an ego-maniacal / narcissistic business man who wants to 'make America great'

...and the 'evil ' one, the MOST 'evil' one, is TRUMP?!

Yah, ok....
You don't define anything in this OP. Quoting Mussoline, Walsh said, is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Words have meanings.
Okay, words have meaning, I agree, so you believe quoting Hitler is the same as quoting quoting Mussolini? And you agree Mussolini did not gas the Jews?
I'd agree the drip is not as bad as syphilis.
elektra melt down when caught out!

Jake, how sad of you, was this a simple troll thread or are you getting a bit emotional? Or both? Why so quick to make it about me and not your false premise.

How is it even an issue of morality to quote Mussolini, oh, I saw your response, you just quoted that but did not say it?
You don't define anything in this OP. Quoting Mussoline, Walsh said, is morally analogous to quoting Hitler. Words have meanings.
Okay, words have meaning, I agree, so you believe quoting Hitler is the same as quoting quoting Mussolini? And you agree Mussolini did not gas the Jews?
I'd agree the drip is not as bad as syphilis.

syphilis does not actually drip-----you must be thinking of gonorrhea. (aka CLAP)

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