Trump: Civil War

The dems are rigging primaries, and the media and the intel agencies are trying to oust an elected president. How is this not fracturing the country? Mac is okay with all of that, but Trump is lowering the bar? Trump is being attacked soley because he works for us and not Washington. He has been courageous for all the crap you are throwing at him. It shows how shockingly corrupt and complacent the democrats have become. Even with Trump, the country is lost. It is just a question of how fast the decline will occur. The two most troubling signs are the fact that many laws are no longer being enforced and the complete loss of any objectivity in the media. If you ask people from oppressed countries, they will tell you this is a one way street. You don't beat corruption, it becomes normalized. It will eventually become an accepted part of life. Game over.

Um, no. He is being attacked because he is a scum-sucking piece of shit who constantly lies. His base is thick as pig shit and hoover up his daily Fake News as gospel.

If you want corruption stopped, getting rid of him would be a start, but by no means the end. I think it is now endemic in your politics and you can blame both sides, but probably mainly the Repubs. They're the ones how nixed campaign finance reform. And as long as the company/person writing the biggest check has the ear of decision makers you are fucked. And that's not on your politicians, that's on you. The Dems have the same issue with the unions giving money to their causes. I have no sympathy for the US public because they have no balls. They bicker among each other saying 'it's your fault', 'no. it's your fault'..while the politicians keep the status quo. Trump is the status quo, too. There are two things that make me laugh out loud when I think of him:
1) The people he can't stand the most in real life - ie, he wouldn't give them the time of day and would be looking for the nearest bathroom to wash his hands after shaking theirs – is his Deplorable base.
2) Almost everything he believes in goes against what would be best for said Deplorable base. Notice I say 'what he believes in', not what he says out loud to those dupes.

The Deplorable lick up his spittle like dogs that have just spent 10 days in the Mojave...
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

You actually think the military would be on YOUR side?


It'd be about a 50/50 split. However, most veterans would be on his side simply because he has 'Republican' on his ticket. That being said, if they did take over, he'd be one of the first up against the wall...
As a "Realistic" Conservative, I can say....without prejudice....the we are losing this battle and the war. The Left smells blood. And even if there is none, they will refuse to ever stop the attack....right wrong or indifferent. Regardless of who represents the right. Mr. Trump can never win this battle alone. And that's exactly what he is through all this.

The Left has beaten a steady path to the goal of Globalism, while the Right watched, continued to feed from the Leftwing trough (Facebook, Hollywood etc).

The Right has proven time and time again that even with all those guns at home, they are collectively a "Paper Tiger" with no bite.

The sooner The Right realizes the corner it's being backed into and the FACT that their guns are not going to get them out of it (in fact, they WILL be taken), the sooner they may realize that they have been incredibly irresponsible to not do more, sooner. And that they MUST do everything peaceful and lawful (including stop feeding the Left Cash Cow (omg)) and speak up or be silenced for good.

There really isn't much time left for the Conservative Right to come out of it's stupor and realize the situation.

If all you're willing to do is go back and forth with Lefties on forums, you may as well visit the next buy back and get a few bucks. You don't need guns. You need to care for the Constitution and stop being lazy and self indulgent and do what you can to stop feeding the Left's cash cow. Get off Facebook, no matter what. Use alternative search matter what. Stop supporting businesses that openly screw you. Join or organize a peaceful protest and stop being silent. But most of all....FORGET ABOUT GUNS PERIOD. That is NOT the answer.

Of course there is the wild card that Trump is just another Deep Stater strategically playing the game against us all. Who knows anymore?

I was going to agree with you until you got to the guns, and just... no. If they start taking the guns, and the judicial system fails to stop them, it's war. Plain and simple.
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Because only Trumpettes own guns. Right?

No, but I guaran-goddamn-tee you we own the vast majority of them. AND we know how to use them.
Democrats aren't even going to try to impeach the president.

All they're hoping for is making a public spectacle with the help of the corrupt news media.

As far as an impeachment vote goes...NOTHING has changed in the last week, month, or year! They are just as far away from holding an impeachment vote as they were a year ago.
Our President is completely off the rails and continues to cross and move the lines of acceptable, moral behavior on a daily basis. His most recent statements about a "Civil War" are irresponsible, unacceptable, and should be met with outrage by EVERY AMERICAN regardless of political party affiliation!

Stop being a partisan hack. Obama said many things just as bad or worse.
You "extremists" are the bottom of the barrel.
Like what?

Quite the circus this thread turned out to be. See folks on both sides expressing their Purge fantasy's.
Think I will just sit it out and watch it all on Live Civil War, the new Live PD offshoot.
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

You actually think the military would be on YOUR side?


It'd be about a 50/50 split.

Laughably false, considering vets voted 2-1 Trump over Clinton: Why US veterans voted 2-to-1 for Donald Trump

But hell, let's assume it's true. That still doesn't put you anywhere near equal footing. Would you like to know why? I'll tell you: Because the core of your "base" is concentrated in major cities. They are easy targets to rain hellfire on, and more importantly easy to cut off. All the "flyover country" that your side loves to excoriate? That's where all your food comes from, numbnuts. We don't even have to fire a shot to throw you into complete and utter chaos. All we have to do is stop the trucks - and every single one of your utopian leftist metro bubbles becomes a mini-Bosnia in 72 hours. You'll be knee deep in bodies before you can even sneeze at the "racist rural right wingers".

Keep poking the bear, though.
Laughably false, considering vets voted 2-1 Trump over Clinton: Why US veterans voted 2-to-1 for Donald Trump

But hell, let's assume it's true. That still doesn't put you anywhere near equal footing. Would you like to know why? I'll tell you: Because the core of your "base" is concentrated in major cities. They are easy targets to rain hellfire on, and more importantly easy to cut off. All the "flyover country" that your side loves to excoriate? That's where all your food comes from, numbnuts. We don't even have to fire a shot to throw you into complete and utter chaos. All we have to do is stop the trucks - and every single one of your utopian leftist metro bubbles becomes a mini-Bosnia in 72 hours. You'll be knee deep in bodies before you can even sneeze at the "racist rural right wingers".

Keep poking the bear, though.

Couple of things. I don't have a base.
And thanks for sharing your Utopian wet dream with the rest of the board.
Laughably false, considering vets voted 2-1 Trump over Clinton: Why US veterans voted 2-to-1 for Donald Trump

But hell, let's assume it's true. That still doesn't put you anywhere near equal footing. Would you like to know why? I'll tell you: Because the core of your "base" is concentrated in major cities. They are easy targets to rain hellfire on, and more importantly easy to cut off. All the "flyover country" that your side loves to excoriate? That's where all your food comes from, numbnuts. We don't even have to fire a shot to throw you into complete and utter chaos. All we have to do is stop the trucks - and every single one of your utopian leftist metro bubbles becomes a mini-Bosnia in 72 hours. You'll be knee deep in bodies before you can even sneeze at the "racist rural right wingers".

Keep poking the bear, though.

Couple of things. I don't have a base.
And thanks for sharing your Utopian wet dream with the rest of the board.

"I have no argument"

Thought so.
Laughably false, considering vets voted 2-1 Trump over Clinton: Why US veterans voted 2-to-1 for Donald Trump

But hell, let's assume it's true. That still doesn't put you anywhere near equal footing. Would you like to know why? I'll tell you: Because the core of your "base" is concentrated in major cities. They are easy targets to rain hellfire on, and more importantly easy to cut off. All the "flyover country" that your side loves to excoriate? That's where all your food comes from, numbnuts. We don't even have to fire a shot to throw you into complete and utter chaos. All we have to do is stop the trucks - and every single one of your utopian leftist metro bubbles becomes a mini-Bosnia in 72 hours. You'll be knee deep in bodies before you can even sneeze at the "racist rural right wingers".

Keep poking the bear, though.

Couple of things. I don't have a base.
And thanks for sharing your Utopian wet dream with the rest of the board.

"I have no argument"

Thought so.

Wasn't so much an argument. More like, I don't give a shit about your Utopian wet dream. What you are talking about it fantasy.
The dems are rigging primaries, and the media and the intel agencies are trying to oust an elected president. How is this not fracturing the country? Mac is okay with all of that, but Trump is lowering the bar? Trump is being attacked soley because he works for us and not Washington. He has been courageous for all the crap you are throwing at him. It shows how shockingly corrupt and complacent the democrats have become. Even with Trump, the country is lost. It is just a question of how fast the decline will occur. The two most troubling signs are the fact that many laws are no longer being enforced and the complete loss of any objectivity in the media. If you ask people from oppressed countries, they will tell you this is a one way street. You don't beat corruption, it becomes normalized. It will eventually become an accepted part of life. Game over.

Um, no. He is being attacked because he is a scum-sucking piece of shit who constantly lies. His base is thick as pig shit and hoover up his daily Fake News as gospel.

If you want corruption stopped, getting rid of him would be a start, but by no means the end. I think it is now endemic in your politics and you can blame both sides, but probably mainly the Repubs. They're the ones how nixed campaign finance reform. And as long as the company/person writing the biggest check has the ear of decision makers you are fucked. And that's not on your politicians, that's on you. The Dems have the same issue with the unions giving money to their causes. I have no sympathy for the US public because they have no balls. They bicker among each other saying 'it's your fault', 'no. it's your fault'..while the politicians keep the status quo. Trump is the status quo, too. There are two things that make me laugh out loud when I think of him:
1) The people he can't stand the most in real life - ie, he wouldn't give them the time of day and would be looking for the nearest bathroom to wash his hands after shaking theirs – is his Deplorable base.
2) Almost everything he believes in goes against what would be best for said Deplorable base. Notice I say 'what he believes in', not what he says out loud to those dupes.

The Deplorable lick up his spittle like dogs that have just spent 10 days in the Mojave...

Don't you think it is a bit arrogant to assume about 50 mil people don't know what is in their interests? I bet they disagree. It is also telling that you lump all the people who voted for Trump as one monolithic unit. You might be surprised by how many different voter blocks that went with Trump. Here is a hint, they are not all poor, and they are of every color. You might want to let them decide what is in their best interests. As for Trump not caring about everyday Americans, his policies show this is clearly not the case. Also, you should probably watch the clip again of Warren trying to drink a beer. I'm sure she can relate to everyone.

As for corruption, campaign finance is an important issue. It is also troubling that many have career jobs and are getting rich. These people from both sides are not representing anyone but themselves. Do you still believe the democrats are the party of the little people? They all have boats and live in Northern Virginia.
Don't you think it is a bit arrogant to assume about 50 mil people don't know what is in their interests? I bet they disagree. It is also telling that you lump all the people who voted for Trump as one monolithic unit. You might be surprised by how many different voter blocks that went with Trump. Here is a hint, they are not all poor, and they are of every color. You might want to let them decide what is in their best interests. As for Trump not caring about everyday Americans, his policies show this is clearly not the case. Also, you should probably watch the clip again of Warren trying to drink a beer. I'm sure she can relate to everyone.

As for corruption, campaign finance is an important issue. It is also troubling that many have career jobs and are getting rich. These people from both sides are not representing anyone but themselves. Do you still believe the democrats are the party of the little people? They all have boats and live in Northern Virginia.

Well, you haven't read most of my posts on this subject, and with there being so many people and threads, that is understandable. If you had read some of my other posts then you would know I don't put all people who voted for Trump under one monolithic unit. Those who voted for him because they are Republicans and/or hate Hillary, get a pass. Those who actually voted for him because they like him and his policies are his Deplorable base. As for every colour? Please. Very few blacks voted for him. What are his policies? He seems to make them up as he goes along.

Look at all the staff he has gone through. It's awful.

No, I think the Dems never miss and opportunity to miss an opportunity. Hillary would have been a far better President than Trump, but she was too polarising. They never should have put her forward as a candidate.
Laughably false, considering vets voted 2-1 Trump over Clinton: Why US veterans voted 2-to-1 for Donald Trump

But hell, let's assume it's true. That still doesn't put you anywhere near equal footing. Would you like to know why? I'll tell you: Because the core of your "base" is concentrated in major cities. They are easy targets to rain hellfire on, and more importantly easy to cut off. All the "flyover country" that your side loves to excoriate? That's where all your food comes from, numbnuts. We don't even have to fire a shot to throw you into complete and utter chaos. All we have to do is stop the trucks - and every single one of your utopian leftist metro bubbles becomes a mini-Bosnia in 72 hours. You'll be knee deep in bodies before you can even sneeze at the "racist rural right wingers".

Keep poking the bear, though.

Couple of things. I don't have a base.
And thanks for sharing your Utopian wet dream with the rest of the board.

"I have no argument"

Thought so.

Wasn't so much an argument. More like, I don't give a shit about your Utopian wet dream. What you are talking about it fantasy.

No, what I'm talking about is reality. Civil War 2.0 is not going to see blue flags and red flags marching to meet eachother on a battlefield and duke it out. Each side will leverage their advantages. Unfortunately the left, with their concentrated populations and near 100% reliance on external resources, have practically zero. In 2013 the entire Boston metro area was shut down for 2 days because of 2 assholes with pressure cookers and a single 9mm pistol. In 2002 the entire DC area was in chaos for 2 weeks because of 2 other assholes with a rifle. Now imagine a thousand "evil deplorables" engaging in the same tactics. 100,000. 1,000,000.

Your compatriots are dependent on modern infrastructure. We're not. We can engage in guerrilla tactics. You can't. We know how to take care of our own when the lights go out. We know how to forage for, prep, and store food without grocery stores and refrigeration. You don't.

And even on the remote chance your screeching bands of dildo flinging SJW's won, they'd still lose. Why? Because in the event of impending loss, a scorched earth policy would almost assuredly ensue and all farmland would be set ablaze. Not only would you lose whatever lands and resources you managed to seize, you wouldn't have the people who knew how to get them operating again - at least not in any meaningful way.

But by all means, bury your head in the sand and go "la la la fantasy!". If push comes to shove reality is going to give you a cold hard slap in the face.
No, what I'm talking about is reality. Civil War 2.0 is not going to see blue flags and red flags marching to meet eachother on a battlefield and duke it out. Each side will leverage their advantages. Unfortunately the left, with their concentrated populations and near 100% reliance on external resources, have practically zero. In 2013 the entire Boston metro area was shut down for 2 days because of 2 assholes with pressure cookers and a single 9mm pistol. In 2002 the entire DC area was in chaos for 2 weeks because of 2 other assholes with a rifle. Now imagine a thousand "evil deplorables" engaging in the same tactics. 100,000. 1,000,000.

Your compatriots are dependent on modern infrastructure. We're not. We can engage in guerrilla tactics. You can't. We know how to take care of our own when the lights go out. We know how to forage for, prep, and store food without grocery stores and refrigeration. You don't.

And even on the remote chance your screeching bands of dildo flinging SJW's won, they'd still lose. Why? Because in the event of impending loss, a scorched earth policy would almost assuredly ensue and all farmland would be set ablaze. Not only would you lose whatever lands and resources you managed to seize, you wouldn't have the people who knew how to get them operating again - at least not in any meaningful way.

But by all means, bury your head in the sand and go "la la la fantasy!". If push comes to shove reality is going to give you a cold hard slap in the face.

Sounds like you've thought it out.
No, what I'm talking about is reality. Civil War 2.0 is not going to see blue flags and red flags marching to meet eachother on a battlefield and duke it out. Each side will leverage their advantages. Unfortunately the left, with their concentrated populations and near 100% reliance on external resources, have practically zero. In 2013 the entire Boston metro area was shut down for 2 days because of 2 assholes with pressure cookers and a single 9mm pistol. In 2002 the entire DC area was in chaos for 2 weeks because of 2 other assholes with a rifle. Now imagine a thousand "evil deplorables" engaging in the same tactics. 100,000. 1,000,000.

Your compatriots are dependent on modern infrastructure. We're not. We can engage in guerrilla tactics. You can't. We know how to take care of our own when the lights go out. We know how to forage for, prep, and store food without grocery stores and refrigeration. You don't.

And even on the remote chance your screeching bands of dildo flinging SJW's won, they'd still lose. Why? Because in the event of impending loss, a scorched earth policy would almost assuredly ensue and all farmland would be set ablaze. Not only would you lose whatever lands and resources you managed to seize, you wouldn't have the people who knew how to get them operating again - at least not in any meaningful way.

But by all means, bury your head in the sand and go "la la la fantasy!". If push comes to shove reality is going to give you a cold hard slap in the face.

Sounds like you've thought it out.

Of course I have. Where do you think this polarization of the nation goes? Everyone is just gonna hug it out?
Of course I have. Where do you think this polarization of the nation goes? Everyone is just gonna hug it out?

I think you'll find the polarisation is only a rabid few (and quite a few of you are on this board). I have a higher faith in others getting it right. At the moment it is poor disenfranchised whiteys that are causing the most issues IMO. Especially the trailer trash Deplorable. They are mostly not that educated and their jobs are disappearing. I know what the question is. And I sure as shit know the answer isn't a so-called billionaire whose only interests in this entire world are his own.
Of course I have. Where do you think this polarization of the nation goes? Everyone is just gonna hug it out?

I think you'll find the polarisation is only a rabid few (and quite a few of you are on this board). I have a higher faith in others getting it right. At the moment it is poor disenfranchised whiteys that are causing the most issues IMO. Especially the trailer trash Deplorable. They are mostly not that educated and their jobs are disappearing. I know what the question is. And I sure as shit know the answer isn't a so-called billionaire whose only interests in this entire world are his own.

You are either blind or intentionally ignoring what is going on this country.

Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys forming mass mobs and assaulting people who dare disagree with them?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys shutting down public events because they don't like who's talking?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys attempting to burn down cities because a cop dared to do his job?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys attacking federal facilities?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys snarling traffic, vandalizing buildings, and attacking police on a regular basis?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys showing up at restaurants and homes to harass and intimidate the people inside them?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys threatening businesses who dare to cater to conservatives?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys using big tech to silence dissent?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys doing their damndest to strip the law abiding of their right to own firearms?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys using the media to repeatedly spread fake news to fire up the outrage mob - IE Covington?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys incessantly staging hoax hate crimes - IE Smollett?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys demonizing federal officials for enforcing the law?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who are obsessed with the sexual orientation and preferences of pre-pubescent children?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys promoting that illicit substances which already cause hundreds of thousands of deaths per year be legalized?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who's policies are creating massive, drug addled homeless populations in major cities that are causing a return of medieval diseases?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who are demanding reparations from one ethnic group of people for things that happened 150 years ago?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who now also demand "safe spaces" and segregated events from that same ethnic group of people?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys giving sanctuary to criminals and shielding them from prosecution?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys traveling abroad and providing guidance & aid on how to circumvent our laws?

I could go on and on, but the answer to all is a resounding NO - and you damn well know it.

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