Trump: Civil War

You are either blind or intentionally ignoring what is going on this country.

Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys forming mass mobs and assaulting people who dare disagree with them?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys shutting down public events because they don't like who's talking?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys attempting to burn down cities because a cop dared to do his job?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys attacking federal facilities?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys snarling traffic, vandalizing buildings, and attacking police on a regular basis?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys showing up at restaurants and homes to harass and intimidate the people inside them?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys threatening businesses who dare to cater to conservatives?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys using big tech to silence dissent?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys doing their damndest to strip the law abiding of their right to own firearms?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys using the media to repeatedly spread fake news to fire up the outrage mob - IE Covington?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys incessantly staging hoax hate crimes - IE Smollett?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys demonizing federal officials for enforcing the law?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who are obsessed with the sexual orientation and preferences of pre-pubescent children?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys promoting that illicit substances which already cause hundreds of thousands of deaths per year be legalized?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who's policies are creating massive, drug addled homeless populations in major cities that are causing a return of medieval diseases?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who are demanding reparations from one ethnic group of people for things that happened 150 years ago?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who now also demand "safe spaces" and segregated events from that same ethnic group of people?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys giving sanctuary to criminals and shielding them from prosecution?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys traveling abroad and providing guidance & aid on how to circumvent our laws?

I could go on and on, but the answer to all is a resounding NO - and you damn well know it.

Yeah, let's all talk about those on the fringes on their different groups. ie, about 0.00001% of blacks want reparations.
Whitey promoting illicit substances? Huh. That's not down to one ethnicity.

You lose your argument when you try and mix gay people with paedophiles. Disproven over and over again. How low can you go? pretty far it seems

No, it is whitey's who demanded that Obama prove is birthplace. It is whitey's who wear those stupid MAGA hats. I could go on. And I'll clarify that - Deplorable Trump-Living whiteys....
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
We have enough crazy people in this country. We don't need the leader of the country setting them off.

Just look at how many people in this forum are so eagerly interested in murdering people who disagree with them.
We have enough crazy people in this country. We don't need the leader of the country setting them off.

Just look at how many people in this forum are so eagerly interested in murdering people who disagree with them.
but it's your side attributed to the mental disfunction. Hell, you guys can't even decide what gender you are much less what toilet to piss in.
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No, the problem is democrats in congress impeachment talks every week with some new finding of corruption.
We need to hold the Senate and make sure dems lose the house.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.
So revolt then, Correll :rolleyes:

Partisans are so lame.
The revolution had begun when Trump won. Didn't you leftist start the resist movement?
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Here's something to think about. They blame right-wingers for mass shooting. but you never hear about a mass shooting at a leftist outdoor protest, not one. what better place than to hit a leftist protest? That is if right-wingers are mass shooters.
You are either blind or intentionally ignoring what is going on this country.

Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys forming mass mobs and assaulting people who dare disagree with them?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys shutting down public events because they don't like who's talking?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys attempting to burn down cities because a cop dared to do his job?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys attacking federal facilities?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys snarling traffic, vandalizing buildings, and attacking police on a regular basis?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys showing up at restaurants and homes to harass and intimidate the people inside them?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys threatening businesses who dare to cater to conservatives?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys using big tech to silence dissent?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys doing their damndest to strip the law abiding of their right to own firearms?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys using the media to repeatedly spread fake news to fire up the outrage mob - IE Covington?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys incessantly staging hoax hate crimes - IE Smollett?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys demonizing federal officials for enforcing the law?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who are obsessed with the sexual orientation and preferences of pre-pubescent children?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys promoting that illicit substances which already cause hundreds of thousands of deaths per year be legalized?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who's policies are creating massive, drug addled homeless populations in major cities that are causing a return of medieval diseases?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who are demanding reparations from one ethnic group of people for things that happened 150 years ago?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys who now also demand "safe spaces" and segregated events from that same ethnic group of people?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys giving sanctuary to criminals and shielding them from prosecution?
Is it poor disenfranchised whiteys traveling abroad and providing guidance & aid on how to circumvent our laws?

I could go on and on, but the answer to all is a resounding NO - and you damn well know it.

Yeah, let's all talk about those on the fringes on their different groups. ie, about 0.00001% of blacks want reparations.
Whitey promoting illicit substances? Huh. That's not down to one ethnicity.

You lose your argument when you try and mix gay people with paedophiles. Disproven over and over again. How low can you go? pretty far it seems

No, it is whitey's who demanded that Obama prove is birthplace. It is whitey's who wear those stupid MAGA hats. I could go on. And I'll clarify that - Deplorable Trump-Living whiteys....

1) I'm referencing ideology. You're the idiot who keeps trying to dictate this conversation be based on race, typical leftist tactic. Where did I mention blacks? I didn't. You inferred it. Racist.
2) And again.
3) Again with identity politics, but now it's the gays. I never said a word about gays, now did I? You inferred it. AGAIN. Bigot.
4) Maybe you're not aware, but being a natural born citizen IS a requirement to hold the office of the President and requesting proof of such is perfectly rational. (Protip: Tax returns are NOT).
5) Your rebuttal is... to "reeeee" about a hat.


God you're pathetic.
We have enough crazy people in this country. We don't need the leader of the country setting them off.

Just look at how many people in this forum are so eagerly interested in murdering people who disagree with them.
but it's your side attributed to the mental disfunction. Hell, you guys can't even decide what gender you are much less what toilet to piss in.

Not related. I'm guessing you thought that was clever.
We have enough crazy people in this country. We don't need the leader of the country setting them off.

Just look at how many people in this forum are so eagerly interested in murdering people who disagree with them.
but it's your side attributed to the mental disfunction. Hell, you guys can't even decide what gender you are much less what toilet to piss in.

Not related. I'm guessing you thought that was clever.
It's related but your dodge is noted.
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.
Its not as far as it goes.
Christchurch mosque shootings - Wikipedia

2019 El Paso shooting - Wikipedia
The Russia Hoax, Kavanaugh, now Ukraine. It is a huuuggge mystery why people are bent out of shape. Heck, this is after the FBI said dems are guilty but we won't do anything about it. Please tell the asshat trolls where the division is really coming from.
As a "Realistic" Conservative, I can say....without prejudice....the we are losing this battle and the war. The Left smells blood. And even if there is none, they will refuse to ever stop the attack....right wrong or indifferent. Regardless of who represents the right. Mr. Trump can never win this battle alone. And that's exactly what he is through all this.

The Left has beaten a steady path to the goal of Globalism, while the Right watched, continued to feed from the Leftwing trough (Facebook, Hollywood etc).

The Right has proven time and time again that even with all those guns at home, they are collectively a "Paper Tiger" with no bite.

The sooner The Right realizes the corner it's being backed into and the FACT that their guns are not going to get them out of it (in fact, they WILL be taken), the sooner they may realize that they have been incredibly irresponsible to not do more, sooner. And that they MUST do everything peaceful and lawful (including stop feeding the Left Cash Cow (omg)) and speak up or be silenced for good.

There really isn't much time left for the Conservative Right to come out of it's stupor and realize the situation.

If all you're willing to do is go back and forth with Lefties on forums, you may as well visit the next buy back and get a few bucks. You don't need guns. You need to care for the Constitution and stop being lazy and self indulgent and do what you can to stop feeding the Left's cash cow. Get off Facebook, no matter what. Use alternative search matter what. Stop supporting businesses that openly screw you. Join or organize a peaceful protest and stop being silent. But most of all....FORGET ABOUT GUNS PERIOD. That is NOT the answer.

Of course there is the wild card that Trump is just another Deep Stater strategically playing the game against us all. Who knows anymore?

I have rarely read a post more wrong than this one.
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Then there are the antifa goon squads....But they'll run like the little pussies that they are, the moment the first shot is fired.
Who's gonna fire it Junior? You kiddos will all be hiding.

They're nervous.

They should be.
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

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