Trump: Civil War

Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

Blob supporters crave violence
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Because only Trumpettes own guns. Right?
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

Blob supporters crave violence

No, we crave freedom. And if you try to encroach on our freedom, you're going to get violence.
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Because only Trumpettes own guns. Right?

Seriously, hillbilly. I don't care what kind of guns you ignorant shitheads have. But if you ever get froggy and get the urge to use them against me in a civil war, I'm going to take your puny little mouse guns and shove them up your collective asses. Then I'll bury you in your own back yards.
Seriously, hillbilly. I don't care what kind of guns you ignorant shitheads have. But if you ever get froggy and get the urge to use them against me in a civil war, I'm going to take your puny little mouse guns and shove them up your collective asses. Then I'll bury you in your own back yards.

They're scouring social media and websites now....and using words to justify's getting more serious by the day.....
Just sayin.....
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019


Trump bringing a civil war of men against women

Now he will bring logic tests for voting

Women then has to put up or shut up ... show they have the logic enough to vote and be on juries
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

Trump's supporters often complain that those who are critical of Trump's performance are trying to do an end run around the 2016 election. That Trump's detractors are attempting a coup, the removal of a duly elected President. Ignoring the absurdity of that assertion for the moment, have they ever considered that Trump may be responsible for the multitude of questions regarding his competence?

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? That is a very good question considering the fact that the White House has been shackled during the 33 months Trump has sat in the Oval Office. Despite his party having control of both the House and Senate for the first two years of his Presidency, Trump has accomplished little or nothing. He has moved from controversy and scandal to new controversies and scandals throughout his entire administration.

He is the least popular President in modern American history, his staff has an historical turnover rate and is now filled with sycophants, and there are even questions about his mental stability.

Trump's close ties with Netanyahu while unilaterally proclaiming Jerusalem the capital of Israel has removed the U.S. from Middle East talks because the Arab republics do not trust him. Neither do Great Britain or France because Trump is unpredictable and unreliable. The U.S. has been replaced by Russia.

Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris Accord to which there are 197 signatories.

Because it was signed during the Obama administration, Trump removed the U.S. from the JCPOA which permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He has been urging the Iranian leaders to agree to talks for a new agreement that permanently bars Iran from making a nuke. In the meantime, Iran has followed Trump's example and is in violation of the JCPOA. Our allies are trying desperately to save the agreement. Trump is threatening our allies' for their intentions.

Trump has removed the U.S. from lucrative trade agreements, TPP, NAFTA, and has not signed one major trade agreement.

Much to Putin's delight, Trump has weakened NATO with his constant jabs at our NATO partners. The recent G-7 conference went nearly as bad as last year's G-7 conference and there was no common statement of cooperation.

Trump has threatened the vibrant American economy. Because of his trade war with China, even he is concerned about a possible recession as consumer confidence is dropping along with the manufacturing index. Trump's harsh tariffs cause inflation, and inflation causes recession. To illustrate all of this, the stock market has been treading water since January 2018. On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow stood at 26,439. Right now the Dow is at 26,917.A gain of only 478 points in 20 months. It was below Jan. 2018 figure for most of August due to Trump's tweets.

Questions about Trump's mental acuity have surfaced recently. Using a five day old NWS in predicting a hurricane's path Trump declared that Alabama "will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." Everyone not named Trump knew the hurricane was going to turn north, missing Alabama by hundreds of miles. For a solid week Trump insisted that his faulty weather forecast was accurate.

When that died out Trump said he was totally responsible for inviting the terrorist sponsors of Al Qaeda to a meeting at Camp David five days before the 9/11 anniversary.

One day after Robert Mueller appeared before Congress to provide testimony regarding Russian intervention in our 2016 election on his behalf, Trump called the president of Ukraine to ask him to intervene in our 2020 election on his behalf!

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? Should he be removed from office? The reader can decide.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

Trump's supporters often complain that those who are critical of Trump's performance are trying to do an end run around the 2016 election. That Trump's detractors are attempting a coup, the removal of a duly elected President. Ignoring the absurdity of that assertion for the moment, have they ever considered that Trump may be responsible for the multitude of questions regarding his competence?

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? That is a very good question considering the fact that the White House has been shackled during the 33 months Trump has sat in the Oval Office. Despite his party having control of both the House and Senate for the first two years of his Presidency, Trump has accomplished little or nothing. He has moved from controversy and scandal to new controversies and scandals throughout his entire administration.

He is the least popular President in modern American history, his staff has an historical turnover rate and is now filled with sycophants, and there are even questions about his mental stability.

Trump's close ties with Netanyahu while unilaterally proclaiming Jerusalem the capital of Israel has removed the U.S. from Middle East talks because the Arab republics do not trust him. Neither do Great Britain or France because Trump is unpredictable and unreliable. The U.S. has been replaced by Russia.

Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris Accord to which there are 197 signatories.

Because it was signed during the Obama administration, Trump removed the U.S. from the JCPOA which permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He has been urging the Iranian leaders to agree to talks for a new agreement that permanently bars Iran from making a nuke. In the meantime, Iran has followed Trump's example and is in violation of the JCPOA. Our allies are trying desperately to save the agreement. Trump is threatening our allies' for their intentions.

Trump has removed the U.S. from lucrative trade agreements, TPP, NAFTA, and has not signed one major trade agreement.

Much to Putin's delight, Trump has weakened NATO with his constant jabs at our NATO partners. The recent G-7 conference went nearly as bad as last year's G-7 conference and there was no common statement of cooperation.

Trump has threatened the vibrant American economy. Because of his trade war with China, even he is concerned about a possible recession as consumer confidence is dropping along with the manufacturing index. Trump's harsh tariffs cause inflation, and inflation causes recession. To illustrate all of this, the stock market has been treading water since January 2018. On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow stood at 26,439. Right now the Dow is at 26,917.A gain of only 478 points in 20 months. It was below Jan. 2018 figure for most of August due to Trump's tweets.

Questions about Trump's mental acuity have surfaced recently. Using a five day old NWS in predicting a hurricane's path Trump declared that Alabama "will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." Everyone not named Trump knew the hurricane was going to turn north, missing Alabama by hundreds of miles. For a solid week Trump insisted that his faulty weather forecast was accurate.

When that died out Trump said he was totally responsible for inviting the terrorist sponsors of Al Qaeda to a meeting at Camp David five days before the 9/11 anniversary.

One day after Robert Mueller appeared before Congress to provide testimony regarding Russian intervention in our 2016 election on his behalf, Trump called the president of Ukraine to ask him to intervene in our 2020 election on his behalf!

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? Should he be removed from office? The reader can decide.

You say the least popular president ?

Open your eyes

He has the men

Correct your wrong post and say he is the least popular president with the women’s vote

That difference makes the women’s vote to hang by a thread

Men now will force a logic test for voting
Men now will force a logic test for voting

If they gave an IQ test, no Republican president would ever get voted in again.

Understand what the iq is made up with

Memory intellect and logic intellect

Those are 2 different parts and one with a high memory intellect can have a high IQ score

It’s the logic part that is the most valuable intellect

Parrots have high memory ability and can copy so well but because of low logic cannot understand or predict
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Then there are the antifa goon squads....But they'll run like the little pussies that they are, the moment the first shot is fired.
Who's gonna fire it Junior? You kiddos will all be hiding.
The dems are rigging primaries, and the media and the intel agencies are trying to oust an elected president. How is this not fracturing the country? Mac is okay with all of that, but Trump is lowering the bar? Trump is being attacked soley because he works for us and not Washington. He has been courageous for all the crap you are throwing at him. It shows how shockingly corrupt and complacent the democrats have become. Even with Trump, the country is lost. It is just a question of how fast the decline will occur. The two most troubling signs are the fact that many laws are no longer being enforced and the complete loss of any objectivity in the media. If you ask people from oppressed countries, they will tell you this is a one way street. You don't beat corruption, it becomes normalized. It will eventually become an accepted part of life. Game over.
the voters with the high logic ability cannot be fooled by crooks like the democrats so only true wise men would get elected
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

You'd lose. This isn't Obama's gay and trans military anymore. Trump has more support from the military than any recent President.
Bet they won't help him destroy the Constitution.
The dems are rigging primaries, and the media and the intel agencies are trying to oust an elected president. How is this not fracturing the country? Mac is okay with all of that, but Trump is lowering the bar? Trump is being attacked soley because he works for us and not Washington. He has been courageous for all the crap you are throwing at him. It shows how shockingly corrupt and complacent the democrats have become. Even with Trump, the country is lost. It is just a question of how fast the decline will occur. The two most troubling signs are the fact that many laws are no longer being enforced and the complete loss of any objectivity in the media. If you ask people from oppressed countries, they will tell you this is a one way street. You don't beat corruption, it becomes normalized. It will eventually become an accepted part of life. Game over.

People with low logic like Mac becomes hypocrites because their low logic cannot see their hypocrisy
A President should be doing all he can to unite us as a country. Trump decides to foment the nations tribalism by adding fuel to the US vs Them mindset.


As opposed to the side that's done nothing but call me a white devil racist for the past 3 years?

Fack you.

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