Trump: Civil War

Your predictability at spewing inane progtard garbage is tiresome at best. You filth are tearing this country apart and each thing you do, you blame it on Trump.
Are you saying that Trump isn't responsible for that tweet?

Was his Twitter account hacked or sumpin?

Is your guy a poor widdle victim again?
You POS sling dirt, threats, attack people, shoot people, and when Trump fights back he's a bully. Lying bastards all.
I appreciate the way you avoid my questions.

Poor Trump, such a victim.

Those mean Democrats made him forward that quote.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019
I think we're already there. It's been caused by the left with the leftist media.
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019
Uh, we're willing to take our chances....Trump bitches aren't the only Gun holders in this country, just sayin
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Yeah, them white liberals may show up with cardboard shit, but us negro's, bitch we's ready for you mf, just try us...I triple dog dare you mfs to give us a try and not in some mall or nightclub settings you cowards use.
Let's put it this way.....we are coming close to a time when progressives attending these activist rallies are going to have to think long and hard whether attending will be worth it?:abgg2q.jpg:

2020 will be a year that people are going to see shit they never imagined could happen here. Some will regret that they ever got involved in politics.:113::113:

Watch s0ns!!:popcorn::popcorn:
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.
I give Trump high marks on fuckin all this political correct bullshit these political cowards use to stay safe in office, kudos to Trump for keeping it ghetto real.....but to cry for this bitch who continues to sell this country down the drain with his need to stay supreme leader???? If this bitch was on fire, I'd roast a fuckin hot dog over his dick!!
Our President is completely off the rails and continues to cross and move the lines of acceptable, moral behavior on a daily basis. His most recent statements about a "Civil War" are irresponsible, unacceptable, and should be met with outrage by EVERY AMERICAN regardless of political party affiliation!
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.

Unless you are a corporation or have enough money to pay for your interests to be represented at ANY level of governmental policy, I have news for you......the political process has just been going through the motions for nearly 50 years.
As a "Realistic" Conservative, I can say....without prejudice....the we are losing this battle and the war. The Left smells blood. And even if there is none, they will refuse to ever stop the attack....right wrong or indifferent. Regardless of who represents the right. Mr. Trump can never win this battle alone. And that's exactly what he is through all this.

The Left has beaten a steady path to the goal of Globalism, while the Right watched, continued to feed from the Leftwing trough (Facebook, Hollywood etc).

The Right has proven time and time again that even with all those guns at home, they are collectively a "Paper Tiger" with no bite.

The sooner The Right realizes the corner it's being backed into and the FACT that their guns are not going to get them out of it (in fact, they WILL be taken), the sooner they may realize that they have been incredibly irresponsible to not do more, sooner. And that they MUST do everything peaceful and lawful (including stop feeding the Left Cash Cow (omg)) and speak up or be silenced for good.

There really isn't much time left for the Conservative Right to come out of it's stupor and realize the situation.

If all you're willing to do is go back and forth with Lefties on forums, you may as well visit the next buy back and get a few bucks. You don't need guns. You need to care for the Constitution and stop being lazy and self indulgent and do what you can to stop feeding the Left's cash cow. Get off Facebook, no matter what. Use alternative search matter what. Stop supporting businesses that openly screw you. Join or organize a peaceful protest and stop being silent. But most of all....FORGET ABOUT GUNS PERIOD. That is NOT the answer.

Of course there is the wild card that Trump is just another Deep Stater strategically playing the game against us all. Who knows anymore?
Last edited:
And along the same lines...

... it's like, incredible.


Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

I guess if he does we'll find out huh. Don't hold your breath though. I don't think he'll be shooting anyone anytime soon.
Our President is completely off the rails and continues to cross and move the lines of acceptable, moral behavior on a daily basis. His most recent statements about a "Civil War" are irresponsible, unacceptable, and should be met with outrage by EVERY AMERICAN regardless of political party affiliation!

Stop being a partisan hack. Obama said many things just as bad or worse.
You "extremists" are the bottom of the barrel.
As a "Realistic" Conservative, I can say....without prejudice....the we are losing this battle and the war. The Left smells blood. And even if there is none, they will refuse to ever stop the attack....right wrong or indifferent. Regardless of who represents the right. Mr. Trump can never win this battle alone. And that's exactly what he is on all this.

The Left has beaten a steady path to the goal of Globalism, while the Right watched, continued to feed from the Leftwing trough (Facebook, Hollywood etc).

The Right has proven time and time again that even with all those guns at home, they are collectively a "Paper Tiger" with no bite.

The sooner The Right realizes the corner it's being backed into and the FACT that their guns are not going to get them out of it (in fact, they WILL be taken), the sooner they may realize that they have been incredibly irresponsible to not do more, sooner. And that they MUST do everything peaceful and lawful (including stop feeding the Left Cash Cow (omg)) and speak up or be silenced for good.

There really isn't much time left for the Conservative Right to come out of it's stupor and realize the situation.

If all you're willing to do is go back and forth with Lefties on forums, you may as well visit the next buy back and get a few bucks.

So what exactly do you suggest? Us conservatives do vote you know. And we try and get people elected that are conservatives too. We donate too.
So what exactly do you suggest? Us conservatives do vote you know. And we try and get people elected that are conservatives too. We donate too.

Those are a good start.
But do you think it's enough?

Think HARD about all the things you do daily to support the Left's time to stop being lazy or looking the other way.

Do you go to the movies?
Do you have a Trump bumper sticker or wear a MAGA hat?
Have you volunteered to help his campaign?
Are you actively talking to people in a friendly manner about what will happen if we go with Socialism? (people you do not know)
Have you considered looking up and joining a protest or rally (peaceful)?

You may already do all this and more. But some don't.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

It's not a threat...

It's a promise......................

Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.

Unless you are a corporation or have enough money to pay for your interests to be represented at ANY level of governmental policy, I have news for you......the political process has just been going through the motions for nearly 50 years.

You ever hear of moving kid?

I left high tax / high cost of living Illinois 15 years ago, for Republican controlled low tax/ low cost of living state where jobs are plentiful.

Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
Yeah, them white liberals may show up with cardboard shit, but us negro's, bitch we's ready for you mf, just try us...I triple dog dare you mfs to give us a try and not in some mall or nightclub settings you cowards use.

Kinda hard to have a civil war when all your men ran off with blonde white women, wouldn't it be?


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