Trump: Civil War

Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

And yet you are still mystified why people are honked off. It must be because people lowered the 'bar' for Trump. That must be it.
And it happens again. Right away.

I never said I'm "still mystified why people are honked off".

You just made that up. You didn't quote me, because you couldn't.

Why can't you people ever just be honest?

What's wrong with you?
Just typical Trump bravado. It's meaningless. He over exaggerates all the time. And you leftists go nuts Everytime he does. It hilarious really.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

I think it is clear where you stand. You rarely give positions other than trolling, but the fact that you are such a huge cheerleader for the corrupt left tells us everything we need to know. So go ahead and tell us about how you are going to vote for a hapless third party candidate. Nobody will believe you.
Well, we agree that he can't be taken seriously.

I wonder how much further you folks are willing to lower your standards for him.

Maybe he really will shoot someone, huh?

This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

I think it is clear where you stand. You rarely give positions other than trolling, but the fact that you are such a huge cheerleader for the corrupt left tells us everything we need to know. So go ahead and tell us about how you are going to vote for a hapless third party candidate. Nobody will believe you.
All you have to do is either (a) quote me, or (b) ask about my opinion on something. It's pretty simple.

But you're conditioned to make simplistic assumptions. That's much easier.

That's your problem, not mine.
This really has you steamed, huh? Or maybe scared? Anyway...remember back in 2016 when we had an election? We're going to have another one soon and if you dislike Trump so much, vote for someone else. That's how it's supposed to work.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

And yet you are still mystified why people are honked off. It must be because people lowered the 'bar' for Trump. That must be it.
And it happens again. Right away.

I never said I'm "still mystified why people are honked off".

You just made that up. You didn't quote me, because you couldn't.

Why can't you people ever just be honest?

What's wrong with you?

Try post number 1. You created a thread about Trump retweeting the obvious. Then you act like it is egregious and have no idea why he would do it. People are trying to help you here. The acts of 'Your' party are tearing the country apart, so you troll and act like you have no idea what is going on.
No one is afraid of a group of online Rambos.

You'd have a few kooks who were worked up into a froth by talk radio and Alex Jones and Stormfront, but that's as far as it goes.

Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

And yet you are still mystified why people are honked off. It must be because people lowered the 'bar' for Trump. That must be it.
And it happens again. Right away.

I never said I'm "still mystified why people are honked off".

You just made that up. You didn't quote me, because you couldn't.

Why can't you people ever just be honest?

What's wrong with you?

Try post number 1. You created a thread about Trump retweeting the obvious. Then you act like it is egregious and have no idea why he would do it. People are trying to help you here. The acts of 'Your' party are tearing the country apart, so you troll and act like you have no idea what is going on.
You could either quote or ask. It couldn't be more simple.

There's no reason for you to be ignorant. That's your choice.

You sure do whine a lot about my posts.
Watch this folks:

They royally ticked off a LOT of people with this false Ukraine story. They know it, and their impeachment, or "impeachment" will blow up in their faces now, no matter what happens.

So, their gaslighting has hit megaton status.

What a pack of little beta losers these punks are

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

And yet you are still mystified why people are honked off. It must be because people lowered the 'bar' for Trump. That must be it.
And it happens again. Right away.

I never said I'm "still mystified why people are honked off".

You just made that up. You didn't quote me, because you couldn't.

Why can't you people ever just be honest?

What's wrong with you?

Try post number 1. You created a thread about Trump retweeting the obvious. Then you act like it is egregious and have no idea why he would do it. People are trying to help you here. The acts of 'Your' party are tearing the country apart, so you troll and act like you have no idea what is going on.
You could either quote or ask. It couldn't be more simple.

There's no reason for you to be ignorant. That's your choice.

You sure do whine a lot about my posts.

Fine, I'll ask you a straight up question. Do you believe the democrat attacks of Russia collusion, the attack on Kavanaugh, or the Ukranian whistleblower are legit? Normally you say it is all 'winger' make believe dreamed up on AM radio.

You're welcome to actually quote me, supporting the Russia accusations or the Ukraine accusations or impeachment. Any of the three.

Funny how the quote function here is used so infrequently regarding my opinions.

And yet you are still mystified why people are honked off. It must be because people lowered the 'bar' for Trump. That must be it.
And it happens again. Right away.

I never said I'm "still mystified why people are honked off".

You just made that up. You didn't quote me, because you couldn't.

Why can't you people ever just be honest?

What's wrong with you?

Try post number 1. You created a thread about Trump retweeting the obvious. Then you act like it is egregious and have no idea why he would do it. People are trying to help you here. The acts of 'Your' party are tearing the country apart, so you troll and act like you have no idea what is going on.
You could either quote or ask. It couldn't be more simple.

There's no reason for you to be ignorant. That's your choice.

You sure do whine a lot about my posts.

Fine, I'll ask you a straight up question. Do you believe the democrat attacks of Russia collusion, the attack on Kavanaugh, or the Ukranian whistleblower are legit? Normally you say it is all 'winger' make believe dreamed up on AM radio.
Their actions on Russia and Kavanaugh were motivated by partisan politics.

No doubt so is this Ukranian story, although we don't have enough facts yet to know if the story actually has teeth.

Anything else?
All Trump is doing here is using the same inflammatory rhetoric that the left uses daily....

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It's not a threat... It's a promise......................

Okay, Rambo.

You're not that bright are you? This country will never recover if the left wiped out a political opponent through impeachment of either Trump or kavanuagh.

fig·ure of speech
  1. a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect.

I think democrats better go back to being beta before it’s to late
Democrats have never been the betas kid.


It's not a threat... It's a promise......................

Okay, Rambo.

You're not that bright are you? This country will never recover if the left wiped out a political opponent through impeachment of either Trump or kavanuagh.

fig·ure of speech
  1. a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect.

You folks do love your hyperbole.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019
Listening to Trump or Nadler/Schiff is taking a dip in the stupid pool. All of them create a lot of noise. Think for yourself.


I have to take a bite...
What did Schiff do that is comparable to Trump's behaviour?

Trump went all Russian President playbook, invent/find false charges loosely tied to opponent, start an investigation(if you find the people underneath have integrity then use the loyal political hacks, lean on someone to also investigate, accuse your opponent, keep repeating the lie until everyone believes you.

After a while if you are going well you can him removed from the election and then arrested... Alexei Navalny - Wikipedia

After that political opponents become quite accident prone...


The reason I say this is because one of the main objectives of this idea is to have the other side disinterested in what is normal. ('they are all the same')... Other Presidents sailed close to the legal boundaries but they generally kept inside.

Do you think this is no different?
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

You'd lose. This isn't Obama's gay and trans military anymore. Trump has more support from the military than any recent President.
Bet they won't help him destroy the Constitution.
It's the Dems that are trying to destroy the Constitution. Name one thing he's done in order to try and Destroy our constitutional rights.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019
Listening to Trump or Nadler/Schiff is taking a dip in the stupid pool. All of them create a lot of noise. Think for yourself.


I have to take a bite...
What did Schiff do that is comparable to Trump's behaviour?

Trump went all Russian President playbook, invent/find false charges loosely tied to opponent, start an investigation(if you find the people underneath have integrity then use the loyal political hacks, lean on someone to also investigate, accuse your opponent, keep repeating the lie until everyone believes you.

After a while if you are going well you can him removed from the election and then arrested... Alexei Navalny - Wikipedia

After that political opponents become quite accident prone...


The reason I say this is because one of the main objectives of this idea is to have the other side disinterested in what is normal. ('they are all the same')... Other Presidents sailed close to the legal boundaries but they generally kept inside.

Do you think this is no different?
You seem to be describing the Democrats to a T. That's exactly what they've been doing since Trump was elected.
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?

You'd lose. This isn't Obama's gay and trans military anymore. Trump has more support from the military than any recent President.
Bet they won't help him destroy the Constitution.
It's the Dems that are trying to destroy the Constitution. Name one thing he's done in order to try and Destroy our constitutional rights.

"He took away my right to have Hillary for President...:206:"


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