trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

From your link:

Under the so-called “Ukraine Facility”, the Commission will make available for Ukraine up to €50 billion in grants and highly concessional loans. This crucial funding will help Ukraine keep its administration running, pay salaries, pensions, and provide basic public services, as it continues to defend itself against Russia's aggression.

That is not "Europe paying the bills," certainly not for NATO.

That is Europe claiming it will "make available" "up to" 50 Billion Euros in grants and loans - to Ukraine, not NATO. I'll believe it when I see it. Of course E10 is "up to" E50 Billion, so it won't be hard for them to keep their word.

Get back to me when they have actually give that 50 billion.

Even they do, that pales in comparison to what the U.S. has given - actually given, not said they will give.

The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute. (This figure does not include all war-related U.S. spending, such as aid to allies.) The historic sums are helping a broad set of Ukrainian people and institutions, including refugees, law enforcement, and independent radio broadcasters, though most of the aid has been military-related. Dozens of other countries, including most members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), are also providing large aid packages to Ukraine.

And, it has nothing to do with NATO, since Ukraine is not a NATO country.

What was the point of that link, forkup? Did you even read it before posting?

From your link:

Under the so-called “Ukraine Facility”, the Commission will make available for Ukraine up to €50 billion in grants and highly concessional loans. This crucial funding will help Ukraine keep its administration running, pay salaries, pensions, and provide basic public services, as it continues to defend itself against Russia's aggression.

That is not "Europe paying the bills," certainly not for NATO.

That is Europe claiming it will "make available" "up to" 50 Billion Euros in grants and loans - to Ukraine, not NATO. I'll believe it when I see it. Of course E10 is "up to" E50 Billion, so it won't be hard for them to keep their word.

Get back to me when they have actually give that 50 billion.

Even they do, that pales in comparison to what the U.S. has given - actually given, not said they will give.

The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute. (This figure does not include all war-related U.S. spending, such as aid to allies.) The historic sums are helping a broad set of Ukrainian people and institutions, including refugees, law enforcement, and independent radio broadcasters, though most of the aid has been military-related. Dozens of other countries, including most members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), are also providing large aid packages to Ukraine.

And, it has nothing to do with NATO, since Ukraine is not a NATO country.

What was the point of that link, forkup? Did you even read it before posting?

Meaning the US is lagging by 10 billion, going by your figures.

And why it matters, is the fact That the EU is spending a considerable amount of fund and hardware in assistance towards Ukraine in defense against aggression from the NATION that NATO was conceived to protect against.

That IS paying the bills. By the way, a large part of that hardware was bought from American Companies. That hardware will have to be replaced. Bringing direct economic benefits. But hey. Bash NATO.
and your local cops are funded by all the taxpayers in the locality. Jf a tax payer doesn't pay their taxes they are prosecuted and potentially jailed.
Nobody goes to jail for not paying property tax.

Bad example.
Ukraine has turned into one giant money laundering operation.
How does that work dumbass?

We send billion dollar Patriot system to Ukraine and then Ukraine....what exactly?

We send HIMARS to Ukraine and Ukraine...what? Sells it off and blows up Russian command centers 50 miles away from the front line with granades?

How is it you think Ukraine is able to sustain fighting "2nd army in the world" if not by puting foreign millitary aid to it's intended use?
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Why do so many Republicans think the UNITED STATES should Stand ALONE against the world????
NATO members agree that EVERY NATO member would come to the defense
OF ANY member nation........... Like they did after 9/11
How does that work dumbass?

We send billion dollar Patriot system to Ukraine and then Ukraine....what exactly?

We send HIMARS to Ukraine and Ukraine...what? Sells it off and kills off Russian comand centers with granades?

We send ammunition to Ukraine and then what is it you think happens to it?
Sold to African gangs and Mexican cartels. Some weaponry has already turned up at the border.

Aside from hardware, we pay salaries and pension contributions. We keep their entire economy afloat. There is plenty of kickback money available.
Holding up millitary aid to Ukraine and extorting their president is NOT FOREIGN POLICY?

Did you seriously just say that out loud?
When it is just about blaming the political opponent than it is a domestic issue, nothing else.

how the hell do you think Ukraine government pays "salaries of first responders and government officials, meet pension obligations, and operate hospitals."?

If you say Ukraine is somehow corruptly laundering the aid, then how to explain it's continued war effort and operations given country has almost no revenues?
If you say "it's not a cult", you need look no farther than this forum to see all the Trumplings defend
every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth, and telling Putin to attack NATO allies and then defending it shows the level of cult worship is in full effect.
Former President Trump said he would encourage Russia to attack NATO countries that didn't pay their fair share on defense. And the world took him seriously and turned upside down bellyaching about it. What the elite liberals don't get about Trump is that he speaks like a real person, not some polished, careful politician. It's his superpower, and they never figure it out.

Trump strengthened NATO, so says NATO. Trump got NATO deadbeats to cough up $100b!!

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NNATO​

Trump is a Putin kiss-ass! We all saw him suck Putins dick in Helsinki when he was President. Then he gets the dumbass, do nothing House to Nix the border deal, which effectively stopped Ukrainian aid funding, thus helping Putin once again and now he is trying to end democracy as we know it by inviting Putin to attack our allies.

Trump is a cancer to our democracy and he will lose in November. The sooner this piece of shit goes to prison, the better this country will be.
how the hell do you think Ukraine government pays "salaries of first responders and government officials, meet pension obligations, and operate hospitals."?

If you say Ukraine is somehow corruptly laundering the aid, then how to explain it's continued war effort and operations given country has almost no revenues?
If Ukraine cannot pay it's own pensions and obligations, go without.
Trump is a Putin kiss-ass! We all saw him suck Putins dick in Helsinki when he was President. Then he gets the dumbass, do nothing House to Nix the border deal, which effectively stopped Ukrainian aid funding, thus helping Putin once again and now he is trying to end democracy as we know it by inviting Putin to attack our allies.

Trump is a cancer to our democracy and he will lose in November. The sooner this piece of shit goes to prison, the better this country will be.
Putin invaded Ukraine on Biden's watch. Without war in Ukraine, Zelensky would not have the money for his support and the support and pensions of his entire government. He kicks back to Biden and that keeps the money flowing.

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