Trump Columbia Press Conference

yeah , good for the mongols . The goal is to prevent that happening to Americans like me OldRocks !!
Trump did well , very composed , he spoke well and it was a good news conference . I liked how the President said that Border Walls make for good neighbors Gentlemen !!
OMG! The Pres read some Robert Frost. Good for him!
---------------------------- naw , its just common sense border Wall talk . Netanyahu currently builds separation Walls and the ancient 'chinese' long before Frost thought the same thing OldLady !!
Ironically, the poem itself argues against walls. But never mind.
-------------------------------------------- feck that poem and its poet , i never mentioned that poet 'frost' , i think that YOU did . I prefer Trump and Netanyahu common sense over some silly and long dead poet . Its a common sense fact that walls make for good neighbors , ask Trump and Bibi Netanyahu . Ask the 'saudis' and some eastern Europeans that are building border walls Old Lady !!
Trump did well , very composed , he spoke well and it was a good news conference . I liked how the President said that Border Walls make for good neighbors Gentlemen !!
OMG! The Pres read some Robert Frost. Good for him!
---------------------------- naw , its just common sense border Wall talk . Netanyahu currently builds separation Walls and the ancient 'chinese' long before Frost thought the same thing OldLady !!
Ironically, the poem itself argues against walls. But never mind.
-------------------------------------------- feck that poem and its poet , i never mentioned that poet 'frost' , i think that YOU did . I prefer Trump and Netanyahu common sense over some silly and long dead poet . Its a common sense fact that walls make for good neighbors , ask Trump and Bibi Netanyahu . Ask the 'saudis' and some eastern Europeans that are building border walls Old Lady !!
Good heavens, Pismoe, it was a fairly benign comment! Never say that about Robert Frost; you might go to Hell or something.
You ARE RIGHT that "good walls make good neighbors" IS an old common sense saying that Frost used in the poem to portray an old character who refuses to change "just because" it's the way things have always been done.
Trump did well , very composed , he spoke well and it was a good news conference . I liked how the President said that Border Walls make for good neighbors Gentlemen !!
OMG! The Pres read some Robert Frost. Good for him!
---------------------------- naw , its just common sense border Wall talk . Netanyahu currently builds separation Walls and the ancient 'chinese' long before Frost thought the same thing OldLady !!
Ironically, the poem itself argues against walls. But never mind.
-------------------------------------------- feck that poem and its poet , i never mentioned that poet 'frost' , i think that YOU did . I prefer Trump and Netanyahu common sense over some silly and long dead poet . Its a common sense fact that walls make for good neighbors , ask Trump and Bibi Netanyahu . Ask the 'saudis' and some eastern Europeans that are building border walls Old Lady !!
Good heavens, Pismoe, it was a fairly benign comment! Never say that about Robert Frost; you might go to Hell or something.
You ARE RIGHT that "good walls make good neighbors" IS an old common sense saying that Frost used in the poem to portray an old character who refuses to change "just because" it's the way things have always been done.
----------------------------------------------------- whad i say , but hey , i meant no insult OldLady . See more common sense from Eastern Europe . --- Hungary planning ‘massive’ new border fence to keep out refugees --- and there are other countries building walls that don't want their cultures , traditions and ways of doing things influenced by muslim refugee invaders . See Patriot Viktor Orban who says that he will use Walls and FORCE like any practical person would do to protect their way of life OldLady !!
OMG! The Pres read some Robert Frost. Good for him!
---------------------------- naw , its just common sense border Wall talk . Netanyahu currently builds separation Walls and the ancient 'chinese' long before Frost thought the same thing OldLady !!
Ironically, the poem itself argues against walls. But never mind.
-------------------------------------------- feck that poem and its poet , i never mentioned that poet 'frost' , i think that YOU did . I prefer Trump and Netanyahu common sense over some silly and long dead poet . Its a common sense fact that walls make for good neighbors , ask Trump and Bibi Netanyahu . Ask the 'saudis' and some eastern Europeans that are building border walls Old Lady !!
Good heavens, Pismoe, it was a fairly benign comment! Never say that about Robert Frost; you might go to Hell or something.
You ARE RIGHT that "good walls make good neighbors" IS an old common sense saying that Frost used in the poem to portray an old character who refuses to change "just because" it's the way things have always been done.
----------------------------------------------------- whad i say , but hey , i meant no insult OldLady . See more common sense from Eastern Europe . --- Hungary planning ‘massive’ new border fence to keep out refugees --- and there are other countries building walls that don't want their cultures , traditions and ways of doing things influenced by muslim refugee invaders . See Patriot Viktor Orban who says that he will use Walls and FORCE like any practical person would do to protect their way of life OldLady !!
It's okay with me if a Wall gets built but maybe we won't need one the way Trump's tough stance on illegals has cut way back on the people trying to come in and the ideas for heightened security that don't involve a brick and mortar wall. If Congress won't pay for it, we'll have to use other ways, like cracking down on the employers of illegals.
course i'll never agree to your reasoning . TRUMP should build the Wall if i get my way . [get ready for the 'venzie' invasion] Cracking down on employers shoulda been done immediately in 1986 after the first amnesty . Plus no schooling for their kids , no bank accounts , no sending money over the border , no welfare or any assistance , no drivers licenses . After Trump or similar the left , dems , rinos and progressives will go back to open borders with a yahoo like mrobama , hilary or 'jebito bush' or 'marco roobio' OldLady !!

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