Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

Wait... you said let's look at that and immediately started talking about Newt!

I don't care to hear you explain things. I don't need your excuses for Clinton. Over and over on this board, whether it's Bill or Hillary who has lied or is up to their neck in scandal... you want to explain and excuse it away like a little Lanny Davis wannabe and it usually involves blaming the republicans somehow.

Now unless your sentence above was going to be: "We had Newt Gingrich who was shape shifting into Bill Clinton and running around sexually assaulting women and then lying under oath about it to get him in enough trouble to be impeached," I don't wanna hear it!

What some other people may or may not have done, doesn't excuse Bill Clinton.

Well, yeah, it actually does unless you are going to hold all of them to EXACTLY the same standard.

If you want to claim adultery is a deal killer, then you guys need to expunge EVERY adulterer from your own ranks. Otherwise, you just look as phony as THIS guy.


Or we can take the VERY SENSIBLE APPROACH that what happens in your sex life is kind of your own business.

Joe... It's NOT THE ADULTERY! It's the perjury and obstruction of justice. It doesn't matter to me what it's about. Adultery certainly doesn't give you the right to obstruct justice or lie under oath. People with good moral character and honest integrity don't have a problem with this sort of thing. We never have to worry about them lying under oath, obstructing justice, having adulterous affairs or being accused of sexual assault because those things don't happen in their lives. And pointing to other people who do it, also doesn't make it okay.

I don't care if they are Republican, Democrat or shit gold nuggets, to be honest. They can't lie under oath and obstruct justice and get away with it... even if it is just about sex. And I take exception with that as well... this was not "just about a blow job" and that is insulting to every woman who has ever been sexually assaulted. Paula Jones deserved to have a fair hearing of her case and she did not get that because Bill Clinton lied and obstructed justice.

This is about the rule of law and it applying equally to everybody, including the Clintons!
Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again, don't know what you guys obsession is with Rush Limbaugh... it's like you're enamored with him or something. I don't listen to Rush... have no idea what he has said about this. I presented my opinion and if that happens to coincide with Rush, that just means he's pretty fucking smart.

That said... we don't quote people by taking bits and pieces of various sentences and mushing them together through assumptions and speculation. If Trump had said, "Carson is like a child molester..." that would be Trump comparing Carson to a child molester. That's not what the man said. Verbal trickery, intentions, meanings... doesn't matter, still not what he said.
Since you NEVER tell the truth, when you deny something you are in reality affirming it.

Again, even your MessiahRushie admits it was Trump's PURPOSE was to link Carson with child molesters without actuallu saying it.

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Did you hear that, Mabel? Did you hear that? He just called him a child molester," when he really didn't. But it served the purpose. It made people think.

Thanks for clarifying once again that Trump simply didn't say what you claimed. I appreciate it when libtards defeat their own lie... saves me the effort of having to expose you.
As I pointed out, even your MessiahRushie admits it serves the same purpose as if he said it, so in reality he said it without saying it, but you knew it already no matter how much you pretend to be too STUPID to understand it.
Clinton WAS impeached... it's public record. He wasn't removed from office. (i.e.; punished)
Because the impeachment was NOT upheld. He was NOT convicted.
President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 -
After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.

He WAS impeached. He was NOT removed.
Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again, don't know what you guys obsession is with Rush Limbaugh... it's like you're enamored with him or something. I don't listen to Rush... have no idea what he has said about this. I presented my opinion and if that happens to coincide with Rush, that just means he's pretty fucking smart.

That said... we don't quote people by taking bits and pieces of various sentences and mushing them together through assumptions and speculation. If Trump had said, "Carson is like a child molester..." that would be Trump comparing Carson to a child molester. That's not what the man said. Verbal trickery, intentions, meanings... doesn't matter, still not what he said.
Since you NEVER tell the truth, when you deny something you are in reality affirming it.

Again, even your MessiahRushie admits it was Trump's PURPOSE was to link Carson with child molesters without actuallu saying it.

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Did you hear that, Mabel? Did you hear that? He just called him a child molester," when he really didn't. But it served the purpose. It made people think.

Thanks for clarifying once again that Trump simply didn't say what you claimed. I appreciate it when libtards defeat their own lie... saves me the effort of having to expose you.
As I pointed out, even your MessiahRushie admits it serves the same purpose as if he said it, so in reality he said it without saying it, but you knew it already no matter how much you pretend to be too STUPID to understand it.

A-Gain... Thanks for confirming he did not say what you claimed he said. I have made NO argument over what his intentions were or what he meant to imply or hoped to accomplish with his comments. You are free to form any opinion you like on those things.
J Paula Jones deserved to have a fair hearing of her case and she did not get that because Bill Clinton lied and obstructed justice.

This is about the rule of law and it applying equally to everybody, including the Clintons!

How did Clinton lying about getting a blow job keep Paula Jones from getting a fair hearing?

Especially since the judge in the case, Susan Weber Wright ruled that no only was it was irrelevant to the Jones case if Clinton had ever had affairs with anyone else.

Jones' case was bogus on its face. She claimed that she suffered for refusing Clinton's advances. Yet a review of the records showed that she was not demoted, fired, or suffered any ill effects from the horror, yes, the horror of supposedly seeing Clinton's Wang. The case was in fact DISMISSED WITHOUT HAVING ANY MERIT.

So, no, just can't get worked up about a guy lying about a blow job, even in a court.

And neither did most Americans.
J Paula Jones deserved to have a fair hearing of her case and she did not get that because Bill Clinton lied and obstructed justice.

This is about the rule of law and it applying equally to everybody, including the Clintons!

How did Clinton lying about getting a blow job keep Paula Jones from getting a fair hearing?

Especially since the judge in the case, Susan Weber Wright ruled that no only was it was irrelevant to the Jones case if Clinton had ever had affairs with anyone else.

Jones' case was bogus on its face. She claimed that she suffered for refusing Clinton's advances. Yet a review of the records showed that she was not demoted, fired, or suffered any ill effects from the horror, yes, the horror of supposedly seeing Clinton's Wang. The case was in fact DISMISSED WITHOUT HAVING ANY MERIT.

So, no, just can't get worked up about a guy lying about a blow job, even in a court.

And neither did most Americans.

I don't know.. How did Tom Brady deflating the footballs effect the outcome of a football game? We'll never know!

"The record demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the President responded to plaintiff [Paula Jones]'s questions by giving false, misleading, and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process... It is difficult to construe the President's sworn statements in this civil lawsuit concerning his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky as anything other than a willful refusal to obey this court's discovery orders.... Simply put, the President's deposition testimony regarding whether he had ever been alone with Ms. Lewinsky was intentionally false, and his statements regarding whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky likewise were intentionally false, notwithstanding tortured definitions and interpretations of the term 'sexual relations'." - Susan Webber Wright

She found him in civil contempt, a charge she also levied on Susan McDougal who got 18 months in the pokey for it.... but not Slick Willie!

And then it was appealed and that was when Clinton lied under oath, after exhausting every attempt to claim executive immunity. Then, he settled out of court for $850k... it was NOT dismissed!
Jones' case was bogus on its face. She claimed that she suffered for refusing Clinton's advances. Yet a review of the records showed that she was not demoted, fired, or suffered any ill effects from the horror, yes, the horror of supposedly seeing Clinton's Wang.

See... that's the thing... I don't want a president who thinks it's not a big deal to whip out their dick and waggle it at a woman who isn't his wife. And I don't want our country being run by scumbuckets like you who think it's not a big deal. I'd rather have a president who keeps his cock in his pants and behaves like a decent human being in front of women.

Oh... But here's Joe, the former stalwart Republican, doing everything but a goddamn tap dance to excuse and exonerate his beloved idol, Bill Clinton. When did you spend all this time as Republican? Was it back during the Goldwater era or something? Because you sound like a typical died-in-the-wool liberal hack.
"The record demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the President responded to plaintiff [Paula Jones]'s questions by giving false, misleading, and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process... It is difficult to construe the President's sworn statements in this civil lawsuit concerning his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky as anything other than a willful refusal to obey this court's discovery orders.... Simply put, the President's deposition testimony regarding whether he had ever been alone with Ms. Lewinsky was intentionally false, and his statements regarding whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky likewise were intentionally false, notwithstanding tortured definitions and interpretations of the term 'sexual relations'." - Susan Webber Wright

She found him in civil contempt, a charge she also levied on Susan McDougal who got 18 months in the pokey for it.... but not Slick Willie!

Susan McDougal was held in prison without charge for refusing to tell Ken "Can I sniff your panties" Starr what he wanted to hear. Seriously, fuck that guy.

Point is, most reasonable people saw Zippergate for what it was, a political witchhunt by hypocrites like Gingrich and Hyde.
See... that's the thing... I don't want a president who thinks it's not a big deal to whip out their dick and waggle it at a woman who isn't his wife. And I don't want our country being run by scumbuckets like you who think it's not a big deal. I'd rather have a president who keeps his cock in his pants and behaves like a decent human being in front of women.

YOu see, I'm different. I don't consider that a big deal. What I consider a big deal is lying about a foreign country having weapons of mass destruction and getting 5000 Americans and half a million Iraqis killed. I don't want a country run by scumbuckets who think that's not a big deal. I want a president who actually looks out for the lives of the young men and women who put on a uniform for their country.

But my priorities aren't totally fucked up like yours are.

Oh... But here's Joe, the former stalwart Republican, doing everything but a goddamn tap dance to excuse and exonerate his beloved idol, Bill Clinton. When did you spend all this time as Republican? Was it back during the Goldwater era or something? Because you sound like a typical died-in-the-wool liberal hack.

LIke I said, guy. I didn't realize it when I had it good. You see, for all the complaining I did about Clinton in 1999, I had a good paying job, I had property that I was able to sell for twice what I paid for it. I had a reasonably comfortable nest-egg.

And then along came your good, moral George W. Stupid, who I made the mistake of voting for, and at the end of it, I was left with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage, and had to take a 25% pay cut after my Romney-loving boss screwed me over with the announcement, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union!"

Now I realize, the Republicans and the big corporations they represent are THE ENEMY!!!!!!

The gun nuts, the bible nuts, the anti-gay nuts, are all useful idiots who help them and therefore need to be utterly crushed.

That's where I am in my life, RIGHT NOW.
And then it was appealed and that was when Clinton lied under oath, after exhausting every attempt to claim executive immunity. Then, he settled out of court for $850k... it was NOT dismissed!

actually, it was dismissed. An appeals court said they would only CONSIDER hearing an appeal based on the Ellsworth ruling that had come down in 1998. Before Ellsworth, Jones didn't have a legal leg to stand on. Probably not afterwards, either, but Since Clinton had already won the point, he might as well put this thing to bed.
"The record demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the President responded to plaintiff [Paula Jones]'s questions by giving false, misleading, and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process... It is difficult to construe the President's sworn statements in this civil lawsuit concerning his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky as anything other than a willful refusal to obey this court's discovery orders.... Simply put, the President's deposition testimony regarding whether he had ever been alone with Ms. Lewinsky was intentionally false, and his statements regarding whether he had ever engaged in sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky likewise were intentionally false, notwithstanding tortured definitions and interpretations of the term 'sexual relations'." - Susan Webber Wright

She found him in civil contempt, a charge she also levied on Susan McDougal who got 18 months in the pokey for it.... but not Slick Willie!

Susan McDougal was held in prison without charge for refusing to tell Ken "Can I sniff your panties" Starr what he wanted to hear. Seriously, fuck that guy.

Point is, most reasonable people saw Zippergate for what it was, a political witchhunt by hypocrites like Gingrich and Hyde.

No, she was charged with contempt of court by U.S. District Court Judge Susan Webber Wright, the same as Bill Clinton.
And then it was appealed and that was when Clinton lied under oath, after exhausting every attempt to claim executive immunity. Then, he settled out of court for $850k... it was NOT dismissed!

actually, it was dismissed. An appeals court said they would only CONSIDER hearing an appeal based on the Ellsworth ruling that had come down in 1998. Before Ellsworth, Jones didn't have a legal leg to stand on. Probably not afterwards, either, but Since Clinton had already won the point, he might as well put this thing to bed.

It was appealed and on appeal when Bill Clinton settled with her. The previous ruling would certainly have been overturned in light of the fact that the key witness lied under oath and was convicted for it. Which explains the settlement. You do not pay out a settlement to someone who's case was dismissed! Idiot!
LIke I said, guy. I didn't realize it when I had it good. You see, for all the complaining I did about Clinton in 1999, I had....

BULLSHIT AGAIN! You just keep on overloading us with your bullshit like we can't tell!

You've loved Bill Clinton from the start... hell, if he wagged his pecker in front of you, you'd have probably sucked him off! They would have never found any semen because you would have gulped it down like a gay porn star... just to have a little Bill Clinton inside you!
It was appealed and on appeal when Bill Clinton settled with her. The previous ruling would certainly have been overturned in light of the fact that the key witness lied under oath and was convicted for it. Which explains the settlement. You do not pay out a settlement to someone who's case was dismissed! Idiot!

Are you kidding? People settle cases like that all the time.

Here's the dirty little secret about Sexual Harrassment lawsuits. Most of them are settled out of court regardless of the evidence, because litigating them is more expensive.

Jones v. Clinton was a case that actually dragged on because neither side wanted to settle.

Case in point. If Jones had such a good case, why did she settle for a third of what she was asking for and drop her demand that Clinton admit what he "did" and apologize for it? She knew her case was shit.
BULLSHIT AGAIN! You just keep on overloading us with your bullshit like we can't tell!

You've loved Bill Clinton from the start... hell, if he wagged his pecker in front of you, you'd have probably sucked him off! They would have never found any semen because you would have gulped it down like a gay porn star... just to have a little Bill Clinton inside you!

NO, guy, I didn't have a problem with you people until Bush fucked up my life.

Now my goal is to break all of your dreams. Socialized medicine, gay rights and anything else that pisses you guys off--- just because.
I compare Carson to a dumbass. Saw a clip of him on fox sunday. He seems dazed in interviews or on something and he wants to start a war with russia.
It was appealed and on appeal when Bill Clinton settled with her. The previous ruling would certainly have been overturned in light of the fact that the key witness lied under oath and was convicted for it. Which explains the settlement. You do not pay out a settlement to someone who's case was dismissed! Idiot!

Are you kidding? People settle cases like that all the time.

Here's the dirty little secret about Sexual Harrassment lawsuits. Most of them are settled out of court regardless of the evidence, because litigating them is more expensive.

Jones v. Clinton was a case that actually dragged on because neither side wanted to settle.

Case in point. If Jones had such a good case, why did she settle for a third of what she was asking for and drop her demand that Clinton admit what he "did" and apologize for it? She knew her case was shit.

No, they don't ever do that unless they are mentally disturbed. Why would you pay a settlement to someone who's case was dismissed? Again... her case was on appeal and Clinton knew (because he IS a lawyer) that it stood a very good chance of being heard on the basis that he had perjured himself and obstructed justice in the original case. It's not rocket science... even a dummy like you should get it.

Jones settled for exactly the reason you are claiming Clinton did... because she couldn't afford the same attorneys a sitting United States President... dumbass. She didn't want to settle, she wanted her case to be heard but when she realized how Clinton was going to use every "tool" at his disposal as President to avoid the case, she decided to cut her losses and take the damn money. Probably wise on her part... else she wind up in Fort Marcy Park with a bullet in her head.
BULLSHIT AGAIN! You just keep on overloading us with your bullshit like we can't tell!

You've loved Bill Clinton from the start... hell, if he wagged his pecker in front of you, you'd have probably sucked him off! They would have never found any semen because you would have gulped it down like a gay porn star... just to have a little Bill Clinton inside you!

NO, guy, I didn't have a problem with you people until Bush fucked up my life.

Now my goal is to break all of your dreams. Socialized medicine, gay rights and anything else that pisses you guys off--- just because. goal is to break all of your dreams.

Which is the goal of every idiot liberal and why you spread the lie that you once were a Republican. You've never been a Republican. You just want Republicans to THINK you were because you think Republicans are idiots. And guess what? Some of them ARE! They are as goofy as you! They sit up there in D.C. oblivious to their base, ignoring their constituents, calling them lunatics and crazies until the base is so fed up they nominate Donald Trump!

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