Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.
Carson actually handled it with grace. That's why he is my guy.

I am also hoping he wins the primary vote. :D
I didn't claim anything... that's public record, baby.

Don't ask me why the Clintons aren't both in jail?

Beccause hundreds of millions spent on investigating them didn't come up with any criminal activity, dumbass.

Well, as the list I posted clearly shows... there's plenty of criminal activity. What's missing is punishment for it. With the Clinton's people have a strange habit of getting themselves dead before they can testify or give a deposition. Witnesses suddenly become stricken with amnesia on the stand. There always seems to be some underlings willing to fall on their sword so the Clinton Legacy can continue.
Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester
Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again, don't know what you guys obsession is with Rush Limbaugh... it's like you're enamored with him or something. I don't listen to Rush... have no idea what he has said about this. I presented my opinion and if that happens to coincide with Rush, that just means he's pretty fucking smart.

That said... we don't quote people by taking bits and pieces of various sentences and mushing them together through assumptions and speculation. If Trump had said, "Carson is like a child molester..." that would be Trump comparing Carson to a child molester. That's not what the man said. Verbal trickery, intentions, meanings... doesn't matter, still not what he said.
Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again, don't know what you guys obsession is with Rush Limbaugh... it's like you're enamored with him or something. I don't listen to Rush... have no idea what he has said about this. I presented my opinion and if that happens to coincide with Rush, that just means he's pretty fucking smart.

That said... we don't quote people by taking bits and pieces of various sentences and mushing them together through assumptions and speculation. If Trump had said, "Carson is like a child molester..." that would be Trump comparing Carson to a child molester. That's not what the man said. Verbal trickery, intentions, meanings... doesn't matter, still not what he said.
Since you NEVER tell the truth, when you deny something you are in reality affirming it.

Again, even your MessiahRushie admits it was Trump's PURPOSE was to link Carson with child molesters without actuallu saying it.

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Did you hear that, Mabel? Did you hear that? He just called him a child molester," when he really didn't. But it served the purpose. It made people think.
It's not too far when a right winger compares homosexuals to child molesters. You can't have a topic about gay marriage without several people comparing gays to child molesters. It's so common it has become a trope.

So why should this be too far for Trump? He's only emulating the Right.

most homosexuals were molested when young.
It's not too far when a right winger compares homosexuals to child molesters. You can't have a topic about gay marriage without several people comparing gays to child molesters. It's so common it has become a trope.

So why should this be too far for Trump? He's only emulating the Right.

most homosexuals were molested when young.
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.
Carson actually handled it with grace. That's why he is my guy.

I am also hoping he wins the primary vote. :D
Ya operation chaos. I get it. Good luck with that.
I pointed this out in another thread and was pounced on by liberals calling me an idiot but whadda ya know;

"Carson has been an icon in black households ever since"

Why Media Scrutiny Won’t Stop Carson

"In new head-to-head polls against Hillary Clinton, Carson is doing better than the rest of the GOP field, and some of the credit goes to African-American support."

"Perhaps most surprising, black voters are giving Carson the edge."

Ben Carson Is Getting a Surprise Boost From African-American Voters
South Carolina is an open primary state. Would be cool if blacks came out for Carson and humiliated Trump.

Better yet, it they voted for Carson, that would mean they aren't voting for Hillary, so she will get burned by Bernie. A win win for civilization
Well, as the list I posted clearly shows... there's plenty of criminal activity. What's missing is punishment for it. With the Clinton's people have a strange habit of getting themselves dead before they can testify or give a deposition. Witnesses suddenly become stricken with amnesia on the stand. There always seems to be some underlings willing to fall on their sword so the Clinton Legacy can continue.

Again, guy, if Ken Starr can spend 70 million dollars investigating the Clintons and all he came up with is Bill got a blow job from a woman who wanted to give him a blow job, that's actually kind of weak.
South Carolina is an open primary state. Would be cool if blacks came out for Carson and humiliated Trump.

Better yet, it they voted for Carson, that would mean they aren't voting for Hillary, so she will get burned by Bernie. A win win for civilization

Bernie will be over by New Hampshire. HIllary currently leads him in both states.

And I hate to say it, yesterday's attack on Paris probably silences the Code Pink wing of the Democratic Party.

The big problem for the Republicans is how many Democrats will show up in open primaries and pull Republican ballots and vote for Trump and Carson just to fuck with them.
Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again, don't know what you guys obsession is with Rush Limbaugh... it's like you're enamored with him or something. I don't listen to Rush... have no idea what he has said about this. I presented my opinion and if that happens to coincide with Rush, that just means he's pretty fucking smart.

That said... we don't quote people by taking bits and pieces of various sentences and mushing them together through assumptions and speculation. If Trump had said, "Carson is like a child molester..." that would be Trump comparing Carson to a child molester. That's not what the man said. Verbal trickery, intentions, meanings... doesn't matter, still not what he said.
Since you NEVER tell the truth, when you deny something you are in reality affirming it.

Again, even your MessiahRushie admits it was Trump's PURPOSE was to link Carson with child molesters without actuallu saying it.

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Did you hear that, Mabel? Did you hear that? He just called him a child molester," when he really didn't. But it served the purpose. It made people think.

Thanks for clarifying once again that Trump simply didn't say what you claimed. I appreciate it when libtards defeat their own lie... saves me the effort of having to expose you.
Well, as the list I posted clearly shows... there's plenty of criminal activity. What's missing is punishment for it. With the Clinton's people have a strange habit of getting themselves dead before they can testify or give a deposition. Witnesses suddenly become stricken with amnesia on the stand. There always seems to be some underlings willing to fall on their sword so the Clinton Legacy can continue.

Again, guy, if Ken Starr can spend 70 million dollars investigating the Clintons and all he came up with is Bill got a blow job from a woman who wanted to give him a blow job, that's actually kind of weak.

But that's not all he came up with as my extensive list proved. You don't get disbarred and impeached, charged with criminal perjury and obstruction of justice because you received oral sex.
And I hate to say it, yesterday's attack on Paris probably silences the Code Pink wing of the Democratic Party.

It probably silences the entire left-wing liberal democrap party who have fallen all over themselves to support the terrorist scum instead of going after them like they should have.
Well, to get back on topic. Sometimes I think Trump wants to lose this thing.
I think running the country would be boring to him.
Exactly, in the stupid loser's rant the stupid loser said he doesn't care about any fallout from his insults because he can return to his life. The novelty of running for president has worn off and the stupid loser desperately wants out.
I don't particularly like Trump but if he is a "loser" what the fuck does that make YOU?

Good grief.

On topic, as I've said all along, Trump is an ass who CAN NOT CONTROL his own mouth.
Good or bad the man is a rude ass prick.
Hey, JewRoids, Juanita Broddrick is a proven liar.

She either lied when she said she never had sex with Clinton in a deposition for Jones v. Clinton, or she lied to NBC when she said she did.

But either way, she's a liar.

Here's the short reasons why you can't believe anything she said.

Clinton Rape Charge Can't Be Proved

But, if Broaddrick's story sounds familiar, it also sounds fishy--and raises too many questions for me to believe her.

* Broaddrick says she can remember every detail of the rape, except the month and day it occurred. If it scarred her for life, wouldn't she remember the date? Or at least the month?

* Broaddrick says she told her husband, David, what happened. But, at the time, David was not her husband. He was her boyfriend, with whom she was cheating on her first husband. Question: What if Clinton and Broaddrick had consensual sex? If you're cheating on your husband, and then cheat on your boyfriend, do you tell your boyfriend the truth?

* Within one year of the alleged rape, Broaddrick attended a fund-raiser for Clinton and accepted appointment by him to a state advisory board. Why did she still want to support a man who raped her?

* Broaddrick claims Clinton kissed her so hard he left her lip visibly black and blue, and she covered up by telling people she'd had an accident. But her first husband, Gary Hickey, says he remembers no such injury when she returned from Little Rock, nor such a story.

* One year later, Broaddrick filed divorce papers against Hickey, claiming he struck her on the mouth. Was that the only time?

Hey Sickly boy all those women who accused Clinton lied? no truth to any of it:slap:
Yet he's certain everyone who accused Bill Cosby was telling the truth. That's called hackery.
Cosby confirmed the at least part of the claims made by the women accusing him of rape by admitting in a deposition that he provided drugs to the woman before having sex with them. In addition, all of the dozens of accusations by woman who did not know each other showed a pattern of behavior by Cosby. This makes the accusations about Cosby likely and highly believable while the accusations against Clinton have been debunked or shown to be efforts of obtaining consensual sex.
Keep up the effort to detract from Trump's meltdown and comparison of Carson to a child molester.
So because Clinton didn't confess to raping anyone, he didn't do it? Your reasoning skills are broken.
I am not the one trying to compare a guy who flirted and tried to get consensual sex with women to a guy who is accused of drugging women to commit dozens of rapes. None of which has anything to do with Trump having a meltdown and comparing Carson to a child molester.
No such comparison was made in my post. Neither was the subject of my post. Reading comprehension skills, get them or steal them.

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