Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

But that's not all he came up with as my extensive list proved. You don't get disbarred and impeached, charged with criminal perjury and obstruction of justice because you received oral sex.

Well, no, you can indict a ham sandwich. But impeachment failed miserably and agreeing to give up a law license you hadn't used in 20 years isn't that big of a deal.

Jesus Christ, man, 70 million dollars spent and all you got was a law license suspended?
It probably silences the entire left-wing liberal democrap party who have fallen all over themselves to support the terrorist scum instead of going after them like they should have.

meh, not really. We aren't going to go after these guys, even after this. Neither are the French.

What we are probably going to do is turn a blind eye while the Russians and Iranians kill them off.
But that's not all he came up with as my extensive list proved. You don't get disbarred and impeached, charged with criminal perjury and obstruction of justice because you received oral sex.

Well, no, you can indict a ham sandwich. But impeachment failed miserably and agreeing to give up a law license you hadn't used in 20 years isn't that big of a deal.

Jesus Christ, man, 70 million dollars spent and all you got was a law license suspended?

Sorry.. You cannot charge a ham sandwich with perjury and obstruction of justice. Impeachment was not a miserable failure, Clinton WAS impeached... it's public record. He wasn't removed from office. (i.e.; punished)

Crowing about the fact that Clinton got away with his crimes doesn't mean he didn't commit crimes or wasn't found guilty and charged. He just wasn't ever punished. I don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't seem to be much of a thing to be proud of. Hey... elect me because I know how to break the law and get away with it!
It probably silences the entire left-wing liberal democrap party who have fallen all over themselves to support the terrorist scum instead of going after them like they should have.

meh, not really. We aren't going to go after these guys, even after this. Neither are the French.

What we are probably going to do is turn a blind eye while the Russians and Iranians kill them off.

Yeahh... I think you were claiming that was going to happen 12 years ago.
Sorry.. You cannot charge a ham sandwich with perjury and obstruction of justice. Impeachment was not a miserable failure, Clinton WAS impeached... it's public record. He wasn't removed from office. (i.e.; punished)

Crowing about the fact that Clinton got away with his crimes doesn't mean he didn't commit crimes or wasn't found guilty and charged. He just wasn't ever punished. I don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't seem to be much of a thing to be proud of. Hey... elect me because I know how to break the law and get away with it!

except Clinton never said that. Clinton said, "Elect me and I will fix Bush-41's fucked up economy."

Which he totally did.

Clinton got away with his "Crimes" because most sensible people thought that prying into the man's sex life was out of bounds.
Yeahh... I think you were claiming that was going to happen 12 years ago.

12 years ago, I was one of you crazy right wingers who really believed George W. Stupid when he told me there were WMD's. And I even made excuses for him after we found out he lied. "Well, the intelligence said there were' and "Saddam was a bad man". and other bullshit right wing crap that sounds really silly today.

I wish I could say that Iraq or Katrina or all the other fuckups was what turned me against the Right Wing. Sadly, what turned me against the right wing was when Bush's fuckups, incompetence, and stupidity left me with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K and a job that paid me less than what I was making.

I'm not proud of that. I should have seen this man was a drooling retard in 2000. But I was one of you dumb-ass right wingers who talked about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing someone should care about.

If the worst thing you have to worry about is a president lying about getting a blow job, your life is pretty good. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate it at the time.
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.
I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.

We've heard the Big Lie enough now. Enough.
Sorry.. You cannot charge a ham sandwich with perjury and obstruction of justice. Impeachment was not a miserable failure, Clinton WAS impeached... it's public record. He wasn't removed from office. (i.e.; punished)

Crowing about the fact that Clinton got away with his crimes doesn't mean he didn't commit crimes or wasn't found guilty and charged. He just wasn't ever punished. I don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't seem to be much of a thing to be proud of. Hey... elect me because I know how to break the law and get away with it!

except Clinton never said that. Clinton said, "Elect me and I will fix Bush-41's fucked up economy."

Which he totally did.

Clinton got away with his "Crimes" because most sensible people thought that prying into the man's sex life was out of bounds.

:rofl: Yeah... You SOUND like someone who was in GOP politics for many years.

12 years ago, I was one of you crazy right wingers who really believed George W...

Bullshit, Joe! You are a card carrying liberal drone from way back and you know it. You try to promote this lie because you think... stupid republicans won't know any better. But they do, Joe. They can tell that you are not a conservative or even an establishment republican, you are a liberal democrat. You carry the water for liberal democrats. Everything you argue in every thread you're in, you take the liberal democrat position. Then you try to float this "I used to be just like you" nonsense and it makes you look like a con man. And not a very smart one.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.

And if Stevens hadn't left his nice safe embassy compound in Tripoli and went to Benghazi when he was told it was dangerous, he probably wouldn't have been killed.


Stevens goes to Benghazi after he was told the situation had deteriorated...

On the 11th Anniversery of 9/11.

Right after riots started erupting all over the middle East over an offensive video.

But, no, It's Hillary's fault for not sending more money she didn't have to secure a compound.

No, really.

Not the Republicans who slashed 100 MILLION from Embassy security in their last budget.
I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.
You have no way of knowing that. A doubling or even tripling the security force at the facility may have only doubled tripled the number of casualties.
Bullshit, Joe! You are a card carrying liberal drone from way back and you know it. You try to promote this lie because you think... stupid republicans won't know any better. But they do, Joe. They can tell that you are not a conservative or even an establishment republican, you are a liberal democrat. You carry the water for liberal democrats. Everything you argue in every thread you're in, you take the liberal democrat position. Then you try to float this "I used to be just like you" nonsense and it makes you look like a con man. And not a very smart one.

Just because you're incapable of evaluating your failed and miserable life, doesn't mean other people can't.

2008 was a fucking disaster for most people. And Bush brought us that because you guys got EVERYTHING you wanted. You got your union busting, you got your free trade, you got your tax cuts for rich people, you got your lax regulation of industries.

You got everything on your Right Wing Wish LIst for the 1%, the stuff they all promised working class whites would make the economy awesome for them.

(The Culture War stuff they keep using to get you stupids to vote against your own economic interests, not so much.)

You got this stuff. And it was a complete fucking disaster.

And yes, when my douche-bag ex-boss decided to downsize all the people like myself who had been with his company for years because we were more expensive than the kids he just hired, and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union", I really did sit down and examine what my beliefs were and who was out there looking out for my interests.

That's when I figured out the Hispanic Lesbian lady who worked two cubicles down was in the same boat I was in. I stop deluding myself that the interests of the One Percenters were MY interests.

But Stupid people like you just sit there and when the one Percenters scream, "That Lady is getting an abortion!!!" or "Them Queers want to get Married" or "They want to take your GUNS!" you drool like a moron and pretend that they are really going to do something about that or that this is really in your interest.
Yeah... You SOUND like someone who was in GOP politics for many years.


I've had time to think about it.

ANd what I realized is that when I was screaming "Subornation of Perjury", most of my peers were looking at their nice fat paychecks and their comfortable lives and having the good sense to say, "Hey, the economy is going well and we aren't at war with anyone."

Common sense says-

Would you rather have peace and prosperity but a president who cheats on his wife.

Or War and Recession but a President who never strays.

Use your fucking head, guy.
Yeah... You SOUND like someone who was in GOP politics for many years.


I've had time to think about it.

ANd what I realized is that when I was screaming "Subornation of Perjury", most of my peers were looking at their nice fat paychecks and their comfortable lives and having the good sense to say, "Hey, the economy is going well and we aren't at war with anyone."

Common sense says-

Would you rather have peace and prosperity but a president who cheats on his wife.

Or War and Recession but a President who never strays.

Use your fucking head, guy.

I would rather have a president who I don't have to fucking worry about his sex life because he doesn't get caught up in sexual abuse cases against him where he lies under oath. A man who has enough character and integrity to tell the truth even when it may not be what's best for him personally. A man who holds enough respect for the people and the office he has been elected to, not to find himself in a cloak room getting a blowjob from an intern half his age, but at home with his wife and family who he loves.

We had peace and prosperity under Clinton because he ignored growing threats of Islamic terrorism which culminated in 9/11. He ignored his banking and finance cronies cooking their books to make the economy look rosy and led to the financial collapse. He ignored his crony corporate crooks while they cooked their books and swindled investors left and right until it all came crashing down with Enron. The Chi-Coms loved him! They sent him tons of illegal campaign money in exchange for defense secrets. Couldn't ever pin it on Slick Willie, but that was what you loved so much about him... you're still proud of his slickness today!
I would rather have a president who I don't have to fucking worry about his sex life because he doesn't get caught up in sexual abuse cases against him where he lies under oath. A man who has enough character and integrity to tell the truth even when it may not be what's best for him personally. A man who holds enough respect for the people and the office he has been elected to, not to find himself in a cloak room getting a blowjob from an intern half his age, but at home with his wife and family who he loves.

Okay, guy, let's look at that.

We had Newt Gingrich, who was cheating on his wife at the time of impeachment with the trophy wife he is married to now.

Gingrich Admits to Affair During Clinton Impeachment

You had Henry Hyde- fat sack of shit who used to represent my district (I met him once when I used to be involved in Republican Politics. The guy was so bloated he couldn't even stand up to do meet and greets.) This guy broke up a marriage back in the 1960's. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Then you had Bob Livingston, who insisted on going after Clinton on adultery after Gingrich resigned. Except he was fucking around on his wife, too. Special Report: Clinton Accused

And finally, you have Denny Hastart, who finally was named speaker. He wasn't getting a blow job from young girls... oh, no. Denny was having sex with underage boys and paying hush money to cover it up.

So, listening to your moralizing, all I have to say is 'Shut the fuck up!"

We had peace and prosperity under Clinton because he ignored growing threats of Islamic terrorism which culminated in 9/11.

You have a point. The CIA Came to Clinton with a warning titled, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" that specifically talked about Airliners, and Clinton said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and went fishing.

Oh. No. Wait. That was Bush.

He ignored his banking and finance cronies cooking their books to make the economy look rosy and led to the financial collapse. He ignored his crony corporate crooks while they cooked their books and swindled investors left and right until it all came crashing down with Enron.

YOu mean the Enron which contributed a shitload of money to Bush and Cheney? That Enron?

The Chi-Coms loved him! They sent him tons of illegal campaign money in exchange for defense secrets. Couldn't ever pin it on Slick Willie, but that was what you loved so much about him... you're still proud of his slickness today!

actually, the people who gave China defense secrets were those big corporations you love. The ones who wanted to put satellites up in space quick and cheap.
Okay, guy, let's look at that.

We had Newt Gingrich, who was...

Wait... you said let's look at that and immediately started talking about Newt!

I don't care to hear you explain things. I don't need your excuses for Clinton. Over and over on this board, whether it's Bill or Hillary who has lied or is up to their neck in scandal... you want to explain and excuse it away like a little Lanny Davis wannabe and it usually involves blaming the republicans somehow.

Now unless your sentence above was going to be: "We had Newt Gingrich who was shape shifting into Bill Clinton and running around sexually assaulting women and then lying under oath about it to get him in enough trouble to be impeached," I don't wanna hear it!

What some other people may or may not have done, doesn't excuse Bill Clinton.
Wait... you said let's look at that and immediately started talking about Newt!

I don't care to hear you explain things. I don't need your excuses for Clinton. Over and over on this board, whether it's Bill or Hillary who has lied or is up to their neck in scandal... you want to explain and excuse it away like a little Lanny Davis wannabe and it usually involves blaming the republicans somehow.

Now unless your sentence above was going to be: "We had Newt Gingrich who was shape shifting into Bill Clinton and running around sexually assaulting women and then lying under oath about it to get him in enough trouble to be impeached," I don't wanna hear it!

What some other people may or may not have done, doesn't excuse Bill Clinton.

Well, yeah, it actually does unless you are going to hold all of them to EXACTLY the same standard.

If you want to claim adultery is a deal killer, then you guys need to expunge EVERY adulterer from your own ranks. Otherwise, you just look as phony as THIS guy.


Or we can take the VERY SENSIBLE APPROACH that what happens in your sex life is kind of your own business.
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?
Well, to get back on topic. Sometimes I think Trump wants to lose this thing.
I think running the country would be boring to him.

Ya think--LOL Trump and his supporters have already driven off 17% of the population. That's not a candidate that wants to win an election, more so a candidate that wants to drive it into someone else's lap.


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