Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.

And don't think I didn't notice how you edited out all the earlier posts in this string that show it was I who challenged you by pointing out that even your hallowed MessiahRushie admitted Trump used a "verbal trick" to "create the illusion" of comparing Carson to a child molester.

Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again... I have never argued about what Trump intended or implied. Only what Trump actually said!
Well, yeah, it actually does unless you are going to hold all of them to EXACTLY the same standard.

If you want to claim adultery is a deal killer, then you guys need to expunge EVERY adulterer from your own ranks. Otherwise, you just look as phony as THIS guy.


Or we can take the VERY SENSIBLE APPROACH that what happens in your sex life is kind of your own business.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!


I remember that interview. Trump was so giggly & proud of that as hell.
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.

And don't think I didn't notice how you edited out all the earlier posts in this string that show it was I who challenged you by pointing out that even your hallowed MessiahRushie admitted Trump used a "verbal trick" to "create the illusion" of comparing Carson to a child molester.

Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again... I have never argued about what Trump intended or implied. Only what Trump actually said!
But you habitually lied about me saying what Trump said when I merely pointed out the dishonest TECHNIQUE Trump used and pointed out that it was so obvious that even your lying MessiahRushie had to admit it.
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.

They use to talk about paths to citizenship, that is until Trump said he'd removed people by force and then all the repubs changed their discussion from making them legal to raiding homes and forcefully removing them.

Trump rules them to their detriment

I wonder what 'symbol' his force would use to paint on illegals' doors & business'?

No need to paint on their doors. They are criminals who broke the law.

well now.... first you will have to affirm they are illegal. just locating them is going to be a feat in & of itself. then you will need a warrant... then you'll have to detain them & go thru due process. then you'll have to actually deport them via bus, plane, boat.... all will be paid for by us. yes, US.

Good luck with that.
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.

And don't think I didn't notice how you edited out all the earlier posts in this string that show it was I who challenged you by pointing out that even your hallowed MessiahRushie admitted Trump used a "verbal trick" to "create the illusion" of comparing Carson to a child molester.

Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again... I have never argued about what Trump intended or implied. Only what Trump actually said!
But you habitually lied about me saying what Trump said when I merely pointed out the dishonest TECHNIQUE Trump used and pointed out that it was so obvious that even your lying MessiahRushie had to admit it.

He fucktard... Read the goddamn thread title! I know you think of yourself as important but you're really not that significant to anyone but yourself. If you had come here to correct the error of the thread title, you and I would be on the same page, but that's not what you did. You came here to pile on and argue with right-wingers. You don't really give two shits about anything else, including honesty.
he didn't call him that, but he sure compared him to one.

Again... NO he did not. You can assume that's what he meant or that was his intention. He did not SAY that.

he compared the pathological mindset as being the same... that they cannot be cured.


I don't think anybody here is claiming that Trump said, "Ben Carson is a child molester". But using the comparison between the two " sickness' ", like Trump did- certainly will put a seed in the minds of the VERY low info followers of his, & is what he is counting on.
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.

They use to talk about paths to citizenship, that is until Trump said he'd removed people by force and then all the repubs changed their discussion from making them legal to raiding homes and forcefully removing them.

Trump rules them to their detriment

I wonder what 'symbol' his force would use to paint on illegals' doors & business'?

No need to paint on their doors. They are criminals who broke the law.

well now.... first you will have to affirm they are illegal. just locating them is going to be a feat in & of itself. then you will need a warrant... then you'll have to detain them & go thru due process. then you'll have to actually deport them via bus, plane, boat.... all will be paid for by us. yes, US.

Good luck with that.

Well, it won't be nearly as hard as you may think... and no, we don't have to pay for it. We have about a $3 billion trade deficit with Mexico. They literally depend on our business for their survival. This is why Trump is so confident in his promise they will pay for it.

Now... they may not LIKE it... that's a different story. But they WILL pay, they don't have a choice.
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he didn't call him that, but he sure compared him to one.

Again... NO he did not. You can assume that's what he meant or that was his intention. He did not SAY that.

he compared the pathological mindset as being the same... that they cannot be cured.


I don't think anybody here is claiming that Trump said, "Ben Carson is a child molester". But using the comparison between the two " sickness' ", like Trump did- certainly will put a seed in the minds of the VERY low info followers of his, & is what he is counting on.

The thread title begs to differ with you.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.

Had the House appropriated the funds to secure Consulates like they do with Embassies, you might have a point. But they didn't... so you don't.
The help Ambassador Stevens needed was immediate and was not denied by lack of funding.

Stop lying, Leftists!
he didn't call him that, but he sure compared him to one.

Again... NO he did not. You can assume that's what he meant or that was his intention. He did not SAY that.

he compared the pathological mindset as being the same... that they cannot be cured.


I don't think anybody here is claiming that Trump said, "Ben Carson is a child molester". But using the comparison between the two " sickness' ", like Trump did- certainly will put a seed in the minds of the VERY low info followers of his, & is what he is counting on.

The thread title begs to differ with you.

he didn't call him that, but he sure compared him to one.

Again... NO he did not. You can assume that's what he meant or that was his intention. He did not SAY that.

he compared the pathological mindset as being the same... that they cannot be cured.
That's BS.

that is exactly what he said.
4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.

Had the House appropriated the funds to secure Consulates like they do with Embassies, you might have a point. But they didn't... so you don't.
The help Ambassador Stevens needed was immediate and was not denied by lack of funding.

Stop lying, Leftists!

See... You're not keeping this straight... Hillary had no idea whatsoever that any security was needed in spite of all the emails they sent begging for it because her underlings never let her know and anyways, requests for funding to provide security she had no idea they needed had been turned down by republicans.

Understand it better now? ;)
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.

And don't think I didn't notice how you edited out all the earlier posts in this string that show it was I who challenged you by pointing out that even your hallowed MessiahRushie admitted Trump used a "verbal trick" to "create the illusion" of comparing Carson to a child molester.

Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again... I have never argued about what Trump intended or implied. Only what Trump actually said!
But you habitually lied about me saying what Trump said when I merely pointed out the dishonest TECHNIQUE Trump used and pointed out that it was so obvious that even your lying MessiahRushie had to admit it.

He fucktard... Read the goddamn thread title!
Hey :asshole: it's not MY title.
See... You're not keeping this straight... Hillary had no idea whatsoever that any security was needed in spite of all the emails they sent begging for it because her underlings never let her know and anyways, requests for funding to provide security she had no idea they needed had been turned down by republicans.

Understand it better now?

It would have been nice if Republicans hadn't slashed 100 million out of her security budget.

Here's the thing no one is going to say out loud about BENGHAZI!!!!! regardless of party.

Chris Stevens was a fucking idiot for going there on that day.

So here you have a city where civil order was already starting to disintegrate, where there was already unrest in the region due to this video (yes, people were actually upset about this video) and, oh, yeah, it was the Anniversary of 9/11.

And Stevens picks that day and place to leave his relatively safe embassy in Tripoli to go to an unguarded mission in BENGHAZI!!!!! Does that strike anyone else as kind of stupid.

ANd, no, we wouldn't care about the other three guys who were killed if an ambassador wasn't killed.

But no one is going to say that because, hey, no one wants to dump on a dead guy.

The Republicans have had 8 investigations and spent tens of millions of dollars trying to prove Hillary did something bad here, and have come up with - NOTHING.

You guys look just as tacky now trying to use Steven's coffin as a soap box as you did in 2012 when the Weird Mormon Robot tried to do it.
So we're back the lie about a video now?

You guys just don't fucking ever give up on your lies, do you?

I mean... most sane and rational human beings, when they are caught dead to rights in a bold face lie, will admit that it was a lie and move on. Not liberals! Nooo... NEVER admit the lie! Just keep on repeating it endlessly and eventually maybe it will come true!

You may have to abandon the lie for a little bit but that's okay... eventually, you can work it back in to the dialogue because people are really stupid and have short attention spans.
So we're back the lie about a video now?

You guys just don't fucking ever give up on your lies, do you?

I mean... most sane and rational human beings, when they are caught dead to rights in a bold face lie, will admit that it was a lie and move on. Not liberals! Nooo... NEVER admit the lie! Just keep on repeating it endlessly and eventually maybe it will come true!

You may have to abandon the lie for a little bit but that's okay... eventually, you can work it back in to the dialogue because people are really stupid and have short attention spans.

Guy, there were riots all over the world over that video. The guy who lead the attack has said, "Yup, we were upset about the Video." But, no, no, no, in Wingnut land, it can't possibly be about the video because.... well, Hillary said something about it not making much of a difference or something.

talk about being committed to crazy.

But you keep thinking that you can get the Justice System to acheive what you can't accomplish at the ballot box.

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