Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

Unfortunately, the good Dr. has been taking incoming flack from all cornors, and doesn't seem to have a good defense.....

  • Ben Carson struggles in post-Paris interview on foreign policy
    Washington Post ^
    Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson struggled Sunday to attach specifics to his plan to defeat the Islamic State militant group, vividly illustrating the former neurosurgeon's difficulty discussing foreign-policy matters. Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Carson could not name a specific country or leader he would call to assemble an international coalition to counter the Islamic State, despite being asked three times by host Chris Wallace. "My point being that if we get out there and we really lead and it appears that we're making progress, that all of the Arab states and even the non-Arab states who are, I think,...
These stories by the good Dr. are slowly, but surely chasing even the strongest of conservatives, and intellectual elite followers away.....


And enough to make his firm detractors have a field day with LIES but ones that are so funny, that the association sticks!


Remembering that perception, and NOT REALITY drives voters, as more that 90% of them, really haven't done any research on the candidates by themselves!
No, they don't ever do that unless they are mentally disturbed. Why would you pay a settlement to someone who's case was dismissed? Again... her case was on appeal and Clinton knew (because he IS a lawyer) that it stood a very good chance of being heard on the basis that he had perjured himself and obstructed justice in the original case. It's not rocket science... even a dummy like you should get it.

Uh, no, guy. He settled to make it go away because he was sick of dealing with it. Fact was it was dismissed without merit. The theory she was suing under held no merit because she suffered no contrary effects from having seen the Lovecraftian Horror of Clinton's pecker.

Now, if she had sued the week it happened, she MIGHT have had a case under "hostile work environment" rules. But those complaints are in fact time limited.

In either case, "Pattern of conduct" evidence are inadmissable. That's why Weber-Wright ruled Lewinsky's evidence as meaningless.

Jones settled for exactly the reason you are claiming Clinton did... because she couldn't afford the same attorneys a sitting United States President... dumbass. She didn't want to settle, she wanted her case to be heard but when she realized how Clinton was going to use every "tool" at his disposal as President to avoid the case, she decided to cut her losses and take the damn money. Probably wise on her part... else she wind up in Fort Marcy Park with a bullet in her head.

Clinton had offered to settle all along. This was never about settling. This was always about using this bullshit case - and incidentally, I think a lot of sexual harassment law is bullshit - to embarrass the President.

Which is the goal of every idiot liberal and why you spread the lie that you once were a Republican. You've never been a Republican. You just want Republicans to THINK you were because you think Republicans are idiots. And guess what? Some of them ARE! They are as goofy as you! They sit up there in D.C. oblivious to their base, ignoring their constituents, calling them lunatics and crazies until the base is so fed up they nominate Donald Trump!

Guy, here's the thing. YOU ARE IDIOTS. You stupid fucks get all upset about abortion (none of your fucking business) or gay marriage (still none of your fucking business) or fake outrage like the "War on Christmas" (OH MY GOD, STARBUCKS IS USING GENERIC CUPS!!!) Your leaders treat you like fucking idiots because you ARE fucking idiots.

And I'll admit, I fell for it. I had the bad luck to be raised Catholic and really used to think Abortion was the worst thing ever. Now I simply don't give a fuck. i realize that the people who run your party use these issues to get people worked up. That's why you've had 8 Republican Appointments to SCOTUS since 1973 and guess what, Abortion is still legal. Imagine that.

The stupidity you guys have is you think you are going to change the contempt elected Republicans have for you by getting behind asshats like Uncle Tom and Combover, neither of whom are ever going to be the nominee.
He settled to make it go away


Proving again, you can make anything go away with enough money.

So essentially, t his was a scummy woman looking for money? If find it hilarious that the people who called Anita Hill every name in the book accepted Paula Jones at face value.

I think both of them were full of shit.

No, she didn't want to settle... remember? YOU just said that Clinton offered a settlement all along. If she were just after money, she would have taken the earlier offer. Repeatedly, she turned it down and proceeded with prosecution. She wanted JUSTICE. But Bill Clinton denied her a fair hearing because he lied under oath and obstructed justice.

But here you are, like a Lanny Davis wannabe, trying to denigrate her and destroy her character in order to prop up your lying criminal.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester

Again, don't know what you guys obsession is with Rush Limbaugh... it's like you're enamored with him or something. I don't listen to Rush... have no idea what he has said about this. I presented my opinion and if that happens to coincide with Rush, that just means he's pretty fucking smart.

That said... we don't quote people by taking bits and pieces of various sentences and mushing them together through assumptions and speculation. If Trump had said, "Carson is like a child molester..." that would be Trump comparing Carson to a child molester. That's not what the man said. Verbal trickery, intentions, meanings... doesn't matter, still not what he said.
Since you NEVER tell the truth, when you deny something you are in reality affirming it.

Again, even your MessiahRushie admits it was Trump's PURPOSE was to link Carson with child molesters without actuallu saying it.

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Did you hear that, Mabel? Did you hear that? He just called him a child molester," when he really didn't. But it served the purpose. It made people think.

Thanks for clarifying once again that Trump simply didn't say what you claimed. I appreciate it when libtards defeat their own lie... saves me the effort of having to expose you.
As I pointed out, even your MessiahRushie admits it serves the same purpose as if he said it, so in reality he said it without saying it, but you knew it already no matter how much you pretend to be too STUPID to understand it.

A-Gain... Thanks for confirming he did not say what you claimed he said. I have made NO argument over what his intentions were or what he meant to imply or hoped to accomplish with his comments. You are free to form any opinion you like on those things.
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK and I used your MessiahRushie's own admission to that fact. And from the start you lied about what I said, as usual.

You are so dishonest you have to create a Straw Man to beat to death as you lie over and over.
No, she didn't want to settle... remember? YOU just said that Clinton offered a settlement all along. If she were just after money, she would have taken the earlier offer. Repeatedly, she turned it down and proceeded with prosecution. She wanted JUSTICE. But Bill Clinton denied her a fair hearing because he lied under oath and obstructed justice.

But here you are, like a Lanny Davis wannabe, trying to denigrate her and destroy her character in order to prop up your lying criminal.

Paula JOnes was a tool. You are giving her way too much credit for being the kind of person who can make her own decisions. she was being used by right wing groups, and she has even admitted as much in interviews.

Paula Jones, Where Have Your Friends Gone?

Since first airing her grievances against Clinton, Jones was, indeed, surrounded by many new "friends." Undoubtedly, many were motivated by anti- Clinton sentiment. Others distorted the real issues early on by politicizing important concerns like abortion and gay rights. (Full disclosure: The Rutherford Institute, of which I am founder and president, helped pay Jones' legal costs in the case.)

Now, Jones has a whole new set of "friends," some of whom are clearly using her for their own, albeit different, purposes. Bob Guccione, publisher and editor-in-chief of Penthouse magazine, and Conason, author of the politically-inspired book, "The Hunting of the President," have now used Paula Jones to brew a potent mixture of sex and politics, exquisitely synchronized with the coming presidential election. But the million-dollar question is, will Paula's new friends be as faithless as the last set?
Clinton WAS impeached... it's public record. He wasn't removed from office. (i.e.; punished)
Because the impeachment was NOT upheld. He was NOT convicted.
President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 -
After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton, the second president in American history to be impeached, vowed to finish his term.

He WAS impeached. He was NOT removed.
From YOUR own damn link :asshole:

"The president was acquitted on both articles of impeachment."
The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

If you take the cock out of your mouth you might talk more plainly.

I think Trump is drifting into dangerous territory with his rhetoric. Up until lately, his insulting comments have been reserved for those who attacked him first. Carson has been respectful of Trump but Trump is now trying to capitalize on the media frenzy since Carson is so close in the polls. You're making a bad mistake, Donald.

Maybe he doesn't care? Like Ed says... not that Ed's a genius... but he may just be ready to blow this Popsicle stand and go back to the country club? If so, that's fine with me... I have enjoyed him being in the race and steering the conversation to the issues important to the base. I have enjoyed him putting the screws to the Establishment GOP. I was disappointed in how he has treated Carly Fiorino and now how he is "piling on" with Carson. It's shameful and he doesn't have to do it. It's one thing to take shots at someone taking shots at you... but to go after Carson because there's blood in the water from sleazebag liberals attacking wildly... that's a bridge too far.

how are 'liberals' attacking Carson? By trying to find out if his statements, ranging from his 'Popeye's establishment' story to his being all violent with his mama et al- as being truthful or a bunch of bullshit? THAT'S attacking?

Of course Tribblehead doesn't care. I think he started all this as a lark. Then his ego started believing he's up for the job... then he got bored. he even said so in Iowa after going after Carson. he even said he 'could just go back to his life'.

The best part of this is that there are still Trump followers, taking him seriously.
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about

he didn't call him that, but he sure compared him to one. And the 'only way' to take on someone with 'pathological disease... like a pedophile' .... is to kill him. Then he included castration to that solution.
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.
There are probably people who believe Carson is connected to child molesting because of Trump's word game.
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.

They use to talk about paths to citizenship, that is until Trump said he'd removed people by force and then all the repubs changed their discussion from making them legal to raiding homes and forcefully removing them.

Trump rules them to their detriment

I wonder what 'symbol' his force would use to paint on illegals' doors & business'?
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.

They use to talk about paths to citizenship, that is until Trump said he'd removed people by force and then all the repubs changed their discussion from making them legal to raiding homes and forcefully removing them.

Trump rules them to their detriment

I wonder what 'symbol' his force would use to paint on illegals' doors & business'?

No need to paint on their doors. They are criminals who broke the law.
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.
You right wing haters do it each and every day here at USMB. The latest one is multiple threads playing off the distorted quotes made by both Obama and Clinton about ISIS being contained.
Trump put Carson's name and child molesting in the same sentence. Liberals nor anyone else is responsible for the word trickery of Trump or Carson's comments about being pathological in his book.
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

Well if that is the case then the far left should rally and support Carson as they did Clinton..
Again, from the start I said Trump used a VERBAL TRICK..

No, you said Trump compared Carson to a child molester. After you were challenged you changed the claim and moved the goal post and started talking about verbal trickery and intentions. But we see this behavior over and over with liberal liars... people are quoted on the basis of your assumptions of what they intend or mean rather than their actual words.

And don't think I didn't notice how you edited out all the earlier posts in this string that show it was I who challenged you by pointing out that even your hallowed MessiahRushie admitted Trump used a "verbal trick" to "create the illusion" of comparing Carson to a child molester.

Well what he was "doing" and what he said are not the same thing. DOING is an opinion. SAYING is public record. He did not say "Carson = child molester" because we don't use the equals sign in speech. Again, this is an opinion of what he did say.
Parroting your MessiahRushie, except you are leaving out the part where even Porky admits it was a verbal trick. The same verbal trick that the Right and Porky use habitually, BTW!

November 13, 2015

RUSH: Trump employed a verbal trick here.

Okay, so technically he didn't call Carson a child molester. He wanted people, maybe, to think that he was comparing temperaments here. But he didn't come out and declare, "Ben Carson's a child molester!

He didn't call him a child molester, but he created -- let's call it the illusion. You know, in magic acts, there are various stages of the act, and one of the stages is called the prestige, the illusion, and he's tricking people, he's actually -- how would you say this? He's openly purposefully keying in on everybody's lack of really hearing things. He just knows it's gonna be very easy, he's talking about Carson over here and temperaments and then all of a sudden pathology and how it's incurable. You throw the two words up, child molester
I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
You err in dismissing Benghazi. Had the bitch sent more security when the Ambassador requested it, those four Americans would not have died in the terrorist attack that Obama blamed on a video that hurt the poor little Muslim's feelings.

Had the House appropriated the funds to secure Consulates like they do with Embassies, you might have a point. But they didn't... so you don't.

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