Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

Donald Trump Goes Off on Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

TRUMP: He said he's got pathological disease. He actually said "pathological temper" and then he defined it as disease, so he said he has pathological disease. Now, if you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. Okay? There's no cure for that. And I did one of the shows today. And I don't want to say what I said, but I'll tell you anyway. I said that if you're a child molester, a sick puppy, you're a child molester, there's no cure for that. There's only one cure, but we don't want to talk about that cure. That's the ultimate cure. Well, there's two. There's death, and the other thing. But if you're a child molester, there's no cure. They can't stop you. Pathological, there's no cure. He said he's pathological. Okay.

There is no mistaking the fact Trump linked Carson and pedophiles. It was deliberate.
Of course it was. Trump only gains when he is the headline of the day. He gets there by doubling down. He's called Carson out for being a fraud, but the Kim Davis supporters really don't care what anyone did before finding Jesus, and even then Jesus forgives everything if they consider you reborn. Carson's voters will stick to him through the Rapture.
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.
Carson actually handled it with grace. That's why he is my guy.
As I said earlier, Trump is just emulating what the Right does. The Right frequently compares people they don't like to child molesters.

Remember this?
Ben Carson Compares Homosexuality to Bestiality and Pedophilia

What goes around comes around.

Trump is a mirror, and what he's reflecting back on the Gnu Right ain't pretty.
That's a pretty weak comparison.
It's a dead-on comparison. Carson and Trump both used the exact same logical fallacy.
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
^ that
As I said earlier, Trump is just emulating what the Right does. The Right frequently compares people they don't like to child molesters.

Remember this?
Ben Carson Compares Homosexuality to Bestiality and Pedophilia

What goes around comes around.

Trump is a mirror, and what he's reflecting back on the Gnu Right ain't pretty.
As I said earlier, Trump is just emulating what the Right does. The Right frequently compares people they don't like to child molesters.

Remember this?
Ben Carson Compares Homosexuality to Bestiality and Pedophilia

What goes around comes around.

Trump is a mirror, and what he's reflecting back on the Gnu Right ain't pretty.
That's a pretty weak comparison.
It's a dead-on comparison. Carson and Trump both used the exact same logical fallacy.

Big difference. Carson did this; trump will just double down.

"I love gay people. I love straight people. So this was really, I think, on my behalf, somewhat insensitive and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone, because I was not in any way comparing gays with people who engage in bestiality or sexual child abuse."
The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

If you take the cock out of your mouth you might talk more plainly.

I think Trump is drifting into dangerous territory with his rhetoric. Up until lately, his insulting comments have been reserved for those who attacked him first. Carson has been respectful of Trump but Trump is now trying to capitalize on the media frenzy since Carson is so close in the polls. You're making a bad mistake, Donald.

Maybe he doesn't care? Like Ed says... not that Ed's a genius... but he may just be ready to blow this Popsicle stand and go back to the country club? If so, that's fine with me... I have enjoyed him being in the race and steering the conversation to the issues important to the base. I have enjoyed him putting the screws to the Establishment GOP. I was disappointed in how he has treated Carly Fiorino and now how he is "piling on" with Carson. It's shameful and he doesn't have to do it. It's one thing to take shots at someone taking shots at you... but to go after Carson because there's blood in the water from sleazebag liberals attacking wildly... that's a bridge too far.

I think you are working on the assumption that Trump is actually seriously running for PResident, and not just TROLLING the GOP Process. Therefore mocking Carson is perfectly within bounds.
I think you are working on the assumption that Trump is actually seriously running for PResident, and not just TROLLING the GOP Process. Therefore mocking Carson is perfectly within bounds.
Really stupid non sequitur there. I will agree that Trump is a clown, but under no condition is it within civil discourse to compare another candidate to a child molester.
The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

If you take the cock out of your mouth you might talk more plainly.

I think Trump is drifting into dangerous territory with his rhetoric. Up until lately, his insulting comments have been reserved for those who attacked him first. Carson has been respectful of Trump but Trump is now trying to capitalize on the media frenzy since Carson is so close in the polls. You're making a bad mistake, Donald.

Maybe he doesn't care? Like Ed says... not that Ed's a genius... but he may just be ready to blow this Popsicle stand and go back to the country club? If so, that's fine with me... I have enjoyed him being in the race and steering the conversation to the issues important to the base. I have enjoyed him putting the screws to the Establishment GOP. I was disappointed in how he has treated Carly Fiorino and now how he is "piling on" with Carson. It's shameful and he doesn't have to do it. It's one thing to take shots at someone taking shots at you... but to go after Carson because there's blood in the water from sleazebag liberals attacking wildly... that's a bridge too far.

I think you are working on the assumption that Trump is actually seriously running for PResident, and not just TROLLING the GOP Process. Therefore mocking Carson is perfectly within bounds.

I'm not assuming anything. I admitted that dumbass Eddy might be right, The Donald might be bored and ready to do something else. He might very well be trolling the GOP process. He could be working for the Clintons. There are all kinds of possibilities.

Still.. If he wins the GOP nomination and is the opponent of Hillary, he gets my vote.
I'm not assuming anything. I admitted that dumbass Eddy might be right, The Donald might be bored and ready to do something else. He might very well be trolling the GOP process. He could be working for the Clintons. There are all kinds of possibilities.

Still.. If he wins the GOP nomination and is the opponent of Hillary, he gets my vote.

If he gets the nomination, the republican party is over. It no longer can call itself a serious political party. It becomes the Polish Beer Party at that point.
Really stupid non sequitur there. I will agree that Trump is a clown, but under no condition is it within civil discourse to compare another candidate to a child molester.

Why not? Frankly, you guys have called the Clintons rapists and murderers for years, and you think that's perfectly fine civil discourse.

Hey, JewRoids, Juanita Broddrick is a proven liar.

She either lied when she said she never had sex with Clinton in a deposition for Jones v. Clinton, or she lied to NBC when she said she did.

But either way, she's a liar.

Here's the short reasons why you can't believe anything she said.

Clinton Rape Charge Can't Be Proved

But, if Broaddrick's story sounds familiar, it also sounds fishy--and raises too many questions for me to believe her.

* Broaddrick says she can remember every detail of the rape, except the month and day it occurred. If it scarred her for life, wouldn't she remember the date? Or at least the month?

* Broaddrick says she told her husband, David, what happened. But, at the time, David was not her husband. He was her boyfriend, with whom she was cheating on her first husband. Question: What if Clinton and Broaddrick had consensual sex? If you're cheating on your husband, and then cheat on your boyfriend, do you tell your boyfriend the truth?

* Within one year of the alleged rape, Broaddrick attended a fund-raiser for Clinton and accepted appointment by him to a state advisory board. Why did she still want to support a man who raped her?

* Broaddrick claims Clinton kissed her so hard he left her lip visibly black and blue, and she covered up by telling people she'd had an accident. But her first husband, Gary Hickey, says he remembers no such injury when she returned from Little Rock, nor such a story.

* One year later, Broaddrick filed divorce papers against Hickey, claiming he struck her on the mouth. Was that the only time?
And there's MORE!!!

* In 1997, Broaddrick signed an affidavit and gave a deposition in the Jones case, denying twice under oath that Clinton raped her. "These allegations are untrue and there is no truth to these rumors." If Clinton did rape her, 20 years later, why would she still not tell the truth?

* Last year, Broaddrick told independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr that her Jones testimony was false, but that she had been under absolutely no pressure from the president or the White House to file a false affidavit. So, did she lie to the Jones team? Or did she lie to Starr? Or is she now lying to NBC? How do we know?

The truth is, we don't know. And we'll never know. But we do know this. We know that Starr's investigators talked to Broaddrick and listened to her story--and decided not to pursue it. That, in itself, casts huge doubts on Broaddrick's credibility. If Starr would impeach Clinton for oral sex, he would certainly indict or impeach him for rape, if he could prove it. Which nobody can.
Really stupid non sequitur there. I will agree that Trump is a clown, but under no condition is it within civil discourse to compare another candidate to a child molester.

Why not? Frankly, you guys have called the Clintons rapists and murderers for years, and you think that's perfectly fine civil discourse.

Hey, JewRoids, Juanita Broddrick is a proven liar.

She either lied when she said she never had sex with Clinton in a deposition for Jones v. Clinton, or she lied to NBC when she said she did.

But either way, she's a liar.

Here's the short reasons why you can't believe anything she said.

Clinton Rape Charge Can't Be Proved

But, if Broaddrick's story sounds familiar, it also sounds fishy--and raises too many questions for me to believe her.

* Broaddrick says she can remember every detail of the rape, except the month and day it occurred. If it scarred her for life, wouldn't she remember the date? Or at least the month?

* Broaddrick says she told her husband, David, what happened. But, at the time, David was not her husband. He was her boyfriend, with whom she was cheating on her first husband. Question: What if Clinton and Broaddrick had consensual sex? If you're cheating on your husband, and then cheat on your boyfriend, do you tell your boyfriend the truth?

* Within one year of the alleged rape, Broaddrick attended a fund-raiser for Clinton and accepted appointment by him to a state advisory board. Why did she still want to support a man who raped her?

* Broaddrick claims Clinton kissed her so hard he left her lip visibly black and blue, and she covered up by telling people she'd had an accident. But her first husband, Gary Hickey, says he remembers no such injury when she returned from Little Rock, nor such a story.

* One year later, Broaddrick filed divorce papers against Hickey, claiming he struck her on the mouth. Was that the only time?

Hey Sickly boy all those women who accused Clinton lied? no truth to any of it:slap:

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