Trump Compares Carson to a Child Molester

Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.

Hillary Clinton didn't get anybody killed.
It's not too far when a right winger compares homosexuals to child molesters. You can't have a topic about gay marriage without several people comparing gays to child molesters. It's so common it has become a trope.

So why should this be too far for Trump? He's only emulating the Right.
Not my right.
Big controversy brewing with Child molesters in an uproar about being compared to Ben Carson...breaking story ....Trump may have gone to far and lost the child molester vote...
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.
No...he cannot go too far. Give it 24 hours and either a) it will be ignored, or b) justifications for his remarks will flood the RW media.

They use to talk about paths to citizenship, that is until Trump said he'd removed people by force and then all the repubs changed their discussion from making them legal to raiding homes and forcefully removing them.

Trump rules them to their detriment
I don't agree with trump on this either. The look of deporting all these families would not bode well for republicans.

I like Carson's plan better. Guest worker. Tighten the border.
Trump is gonna win the presidency, then drop the mic and be like "Ladies and gentleman, this is how f'ed our country is. I was basically bored for the last year so i acted like a jackass on MTV and you still voted for me. What the f is wrong with you?"
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?
It I think he was thinking of Bill Clinton, an honest mistake...
I don't agree with trump on this either. The look of deporting all these families would not bode well for republicans.

I like Carson's plan better. Guest worker. Tighten the border.

Yes, all of the above. Secure the border 100%

1.) Criminals locked up or on Probation could get sent back the easiest. do it.
2.) Awaiting trial on bond, goodbye.
3.) Visa overstay? they say it huge number? easy. paper trail in two countries. See ya.

4.) All the rest. Much tougher, as you say. I don't want to see it and we should not want to lose any "good" ones. But you have tp deal with USA group "we are a nation of laws". case by case.
You'd think Carson would start propping up his statements like, "we can't deport all illegals, so let's have them load all the grain into the pyramids. Any that don't want to participate I will go after with a hammer."

"Anyone that tried to stab a friend as a teen then wants to become a brain surgeon ask them if the world is 6,000 years old. If the answer is yes, give them a scholarship."
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.
Really? How many people did Trump get killed in an overseas consulate? How many times did Carson lie to the FBI?

4500? Oh wait that was how many Bush got killed.
Pay attention now. Bush isn't president and we're talking about the 2016 election. If you can't stay on topic, I'll put you on ignore.
If this is about the 2016 election, why are you bringing up Obama? He's not running.
It's not too far when a right winger compares homosexuals to child molesters. You can't have a topic about gay marriage without several people comparing gays to child molesters. It's so common it has become a trope.

So why should this be too far for Trump? He's only emulating the Right.
Not my right.

Reid is a fossil a dinosaur and I've always hated that guy. He looks like a child molester.
Birfer Trump said that since Ben was pathological, he was incurable, like a child molester.

A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."​

Donald Trump Goes Off On Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

Yes, that's the temperament we want from the person with his/her finger on the button.


The question is, would Birfer Trump be banned from the twaf for making this statement?

I do find it hysterical that plutocrats like yourself, after decades of manipulating the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and religious bigotry of working class whites, are now finding yourself with a couple of complete clowns in the lead of the GOP nominating process.

100 versions of Frankenstein put on film, and you guys still don't get the point.

Still think Bush will be the nominee, bigot?
come on toro, I just heard the clip. he didn't call Carson a child molester

he used child molester in what he was talking about
Still to infer that someone like Carson, who has actually saved children, is in a league with child molesters, Trump went too far.


Even if one disagrees with his politics, Carson is an outstanding person. That attack was completely unwarranted.
It's not too far when a right winger compares homosexuals to child molesters. You can't have a topic about gay marriage without several people comparing gays to child molesters. It's so common it has become a trope.

So why should this be too far for Trump? He's only emulating the Right.
Not my right.

Reid is a fossil a dinosaur and I've always hated that guy. He looks like a child molester.

Ow, thats going to leave a mark
he's new at politics, i'd rather he speak unabashedly and be over the top, than just be smooth and conniving like obama, clinton.

reagan charm school for the donald, he'll be fine. he's still the right guy for the job. i don't like the rhetoric, but this is a stepping stone to the stage where the democrats will be vicious, with no holds barred. America's politics has a pulse, unlike some other countries.

this all may help bernie. i don't think i've seen anything quite like trump before, i'm as curious as i am supportive. i'm thinking about the good of our nice country.

the thing i want to see is the mainstream media industrial political complex dead and burried.
i think that's beginning to happen, makes me happy. citizen journalism is the new accountability factor.
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Donald Trump Goes Off on Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'

TRUMP: He said he's got pathological disease. He actually said "pathological temper" and then he defined it as disease, so he said he has pathological disease. Now, if you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. Okay? There's no cure for that. And I did one of the shows today. And I don't want to say what I said, but I'll tell you anyway. I said that if you're a child molester, a sick puppy, you're a child molester, there's no cure for that. There's only one cure, but we don't want to talk about that cure. That's the ultimate cure. Well, there's two. There's death, and the other thing. But if you're a child molester, there's no cure. They can't stop you. Pathological, there's no cure. He said he's pathological. Okay.

There is no mistaking the fact Trump linked Carson and pedophiles. It was deliberate.

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