Trump continues to lie about ‘election interference.’

Trump is very sick.


Its true Trump seems to be greedy and an egomaniac, but the truth is he was the first president in decades to not start any new and illegal wars.
Biden is supporting the illegal wars in Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, Palestine, Iran, etc.
No comparison.
Trump is a million times better.
How would you know about being a real American. You are a tRumptard !
Ahhh... name calling instead of agreeing with what I stated. I win that argument because you diverted to another debate.
Yes, I'm a real American as I believe we are as the Founding Fathers a Constitutional Republic. You believe we should be a communist socialist state with no freedom of speech or religion. And, I bet you believe that all Americans should give up their 700 million guns. You obviously don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. You believe all media should spew out only one side of any issue, the leftist Democrat side. You also believe in child mutilation supporting the DEI and the transgender mental illness farse going on. That's just to begin with.
Putin started his expansion drive in Chechnya and then Georgia. He also knows Benedict Donald is his man.
So, you have nothing to say Putin didn't do anything that would anger Trump for 4 years because Putin knew Trump would not allow it. Also, Putin knew if he would just be patient and help Biden win in 2020 that he would get his oil money and be able to continue his take over of the Ukraine. Obama and Biden gave Iran tons of money. They even flew out money in the dead of night and got caught. Since Biden has been in office, Iran has received tens of billions of dollars from Biden. Biden is Benedict Biden.
Trump lost last time because the Democrats stole the election.

Hopefully, the Republicans have a plan to stop them from doing it again this year.

The election was programmed results from the start and covered up at the finish.
You will NEVER convince me that the election was not rigged/manipulated/stolen.

Unfortunately, the Republicans were part of the plan in 2020 and in 2022. They aren't going to stop it in 2024 either. They fear Trump far more than they hate Biden.

There ought to be a statute of limitations on how long political idiots can believe in a conspiracy theory.
Ahhh... name calling instead of agreeing with what I stated. I win that argument because you diverted to another debate.
Yes, I'm a real American as I believe we are as the Founding Fathers a Constitutional Republic. You believe we should be a communist socialist state with no freedom of speech or religion. And, I bet you believe that all Americans should give up their 700 million guns. You obviously don't believe a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. You believe all media should spew out only one side of any issue, the leftist Democrat side. You also believe in child mutilation supporting the DEI and the transgender mental illness farse going on. That's just to begin with.
You can't win because you are full of shit tRumptard!
Not a big fan of innocent until proven guilty huh?

Trump is being afforded his comprehensive due process – no different than any other criminal defendant.

And his lawful and warranted criminal prosecution is in no manner ‘election interference.’
Leftists continue to lie when they deny Trump’s complaints about ongoing “election interference.”
Trump's crime was the election interference.

He committed the crime because he was trying to swing the election, by hiding his infidelity. Had that gotten out, he would have lost to Cinton.

And he's getting convicted for it, despite the tearful delusions of the Trump cultists here.

(We are truly blessed to have the great legal minds of the Trump cult among us. After all, they seem to know things that the entire US justice system has overlooked.)

You’re funny!

Trump is being afforded his comprehensive due process – no different than any other criminal defendant.

And his lawful and warranted criminal prosecution is in no manner ‘election interference.’
LOL Here's challenge for you or any of your loon buddies. Name another "no different than any other criminal defendant" in the history of our country that has face four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges.

Until you can do that you should STFU because you sound like an ignorant partisan moron.
LOL Here's challenge for you or any of your loon buddies. Name another "no different than any other criminal defendant" in the history of our country that has face four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges.
Why did you think that made any sense?

Because it didn't. It was crazy.

Criminals ... get charged with crimes. We didn't force you to tonguebathe a criminal, so we have no sympathy for you concerning the pain you feel. You can simply stop tonguebathing the criminal any time you want.
Why did you think that made any sense?

Because it didn't. It was crazy.

Criminals ... get charged with crimes. We didn't force you to tonguebathe a criminal, so we have no sympathy for you concerning the pain you feel. You can simply stop tonguebathing the criminal any time you want.
Can't do it, huh? The entire history of our country, 250 years, and you can't name another person being prosecuted like your cult is treating Trump.

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