Trump continues to lie about ‘election interference.’

The trial in New York by Bragg is vindictive bullshit. The only possible reason for it is election interference and political persecution. If you can't see that and the circumstances surrounding it you are just a pawn and an empty headed fascist. It's a show trial similar to what Stalin did in Russia, designed to win an election.
No, its isn't. It's a legal proceeding that would have occurred n 2017 had the DOJ not have the rule about not indicting a sitting president. I have 20/20 vison on this, you are wrapped up in the clown car belief that this is election intereference against trump. The ONLY reason trump is running is to hope he can get out of prison by getting elected. His con is his claim of persecution and election interference.

Stop being a mark.
No, its isn't. It's a legal proceeding that would have occurred n 2017 had the DOJ not have the rule about not indicting a sitting president. I have 20/20 vison on this, you are wrapped up in the clown car belief that this is election intereference against trump. The ONLY reason trump is running is to hope he can get out of prison by getting elected. His con is his claim of persecution and election interference.

Stop being a mark.
Stop being so dumb, these are misdemeanor charges that Bragg contrived into felonies. Obama and Clinton paid fines for Worse offenses. Did you ever think that maybe he paid off Stormy Daniels because he didn't want his wife to find out? That's not against the law. This is lawfare plain and simple ,designed for the gullible like you to spout your hate. I bet you fall for all kinds of hoaxes.
You all say you hate Russia but yet you use their tactics to win and keep power. Hypocrites
in this country, we have a justice system with a jury of peers, defense lawyers, with every opportunity to appeal.
In Russia there have no such juries. They have nebulous laws like "extremism", and they make up new laws as they go along.
Trump alone is responsible for the crimes he committed; Trump alone is responsible for time taken from campaigning; Trump has only himself to blame.
Let's wait until the "trial" is over and then hang him. The democrats showed how fair they are by not heading the investigation with Elizabeth Warren and calling it the Warren Commission, but apparently it is still a lone nut republican that is being handed some beltway style justice. Some things never change.
250 years of our country's history and you can't name a A SINGLE person other than Trump that has ever face four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges.

And you actually have the balls to say that in the 250 years of our country , there has never been such an egregious criminal as Donald Trump. 250 years, 545 million people, and Trump is the worst criminal in the history of our country.

Try saying that out loud next time before you actually type that and put it out for he world to see.

And your cult wonders why we say you are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The fact I can’t, really doesn’t do Trump any favors. It just proves his crimes are beyond the pale.
Putin attacks Ukraine during Obama’s term and Biden’s term. But not Trumps. No attacks like we are seeing during Trumps term. Only during Obama’s and Biden’s. Has nothing to do with Fox News.
Because tRump gave Vlad, tRump's dad, everything he wanted. No need to do anything!
Stop being so dumb, these are misdemeanor charges that Bragg contrived into felonies.
Do you have documentation that the Grand Jury in Trump’s 2016 election interference case against the people of New York were not presented with actual laws on the books that Trump criminally is accused of violating?
It’s also a lie claim that the warranted, lawful, appropriate criminal prosecution of Trump is ‘election interference’

The reason the election is being interfered with is that Trump CHOSE TO run for President while facing multiple felony indictments.

We don’t allow accused Criminals to set the rules on when they can be tried
Trump is being afforded his comprehensive due process – no different than any other criminal defendant; to claim otherwise is a lie.

It’s also a lie claim that the warranted, lawful, appropriate criminal prosecution of Trump is ‘election interference’ – it’s not, it’s just another one of Trump’s idiotic lies.
Can't do it CCJ, huh? You cannot name a single single person in 250 years of our country, 550 million Americans, that has faced four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges. Other than your cult's political jihad against Trump
The reason the election is being interfered with is that Trump CHOSE TO run for President while facing multiple felony indictments.

We don’t allow accused Criminals to set the rules on when they can be tried
Hey Einstein - your cult didn't indict the former President until AFTER he announced his candidacy.
Another NY conviction, more comedy, isn’t this the place that fails to prosecute???
NY is the place that's prosecuted hundreds for the same crime as Trump.

Your chinamasters are disappointed. They don't pay you to be such an inept liar. You're embarrassing them with the poor quality of your lies.
Can't do it CCJ, huh? You cannot name a single single person
And that demonstrates just how corrupt Trump is.

And you suck his ass.

Just making it clear where we all stand.

You suckle at the anus of corruption, tell everyone how good it tastes, and then rage at anyone who isn't tonguing criminal rectums along with you.

We prosecute criminals, impartially, no matter what party they belong to.

As is the case every time, moral high ground to the liberals, and a sentence of eternal hellfire to the conservaitves.

Repent, Trump cultists, before you burn for eternity.
You try to spin his words but it isn’t working. People can read and know what the leftwing devil media are lying about.

But, as Monday's trial opening suggested, this trial is set to put Trump's fragile ego through a lengthy battering. It's hard to believe it — considering his ridiculous hair, hideous makeup and comically oversized suits — but by all accounts, Trump seems to actually believe he cuts an impressive figure.

He famously spent decades longing to be included in the ranks of Manhattan's social elite, imagining he had a "classiness" they were simply failing to see. As Elizabeth Spiers of the New York Times wrote last week, "The rich and powerful sometimes invited him to their parties, but behind his back they laughed at his coarse methods and his tacky aesthetic."
The Taliban were created by the CIA in 1979 as part of the Mujahideen against Russia.
They never committed a single act of "terrorism" and it was the US unprovoked attack against Afghanistan that was totally illegal.
The Taliban had offered to extradite Osama bin Laden to Saudi Arabia, and it was the US that refused.
We were the traitors.

Afghanistan did offer to turn OBL over if they could provide proof.

There was no Taliban in 1979. They were children... War orphans.

The Taliban was founded in 1994.

Because tRump gave Vlad, tRump's dad, everything he wanted. No need to do anything!
What did he give him? Go ahead and tell us. He would not allow Putin to sell oil to NATO countries. He kept the pipeline from Russia to Germany shut down. Trump drew a red line with Syria and unlike Obama-Biden, blew up Syria and Russian troops. He also shut down Iran's ability to sell their oil to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and their factions like Hamas and Hezbollah. Neither Russia nor Iran had the funds to wage these wars we saw during Obummer's reign and Bidendork's reign. Now, we see Hamas on college campuses in the U.S., in New York City and other liberal blue cities crying death to Israel and death to the U.S. Why? Because Bidendork has let these crazy foreign radicals into the U.S. southern boarder and now we have potential terrorist cells exploding inside the U.S. Way to go Democrats. And all this because you people (animals more like it) want to kill as many babies born and unborn as you can and call it women's choice. Liars!

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