Trump corruption

I guess we can call Trump a child molester now. Turnabout is fair play.

Put Bill Cosby Clinton in their as well.

It is precisely because the rubes have called Clinton a pedophile just because he was an associate of a pedophile is why I said turnabout is fair play. They set the benchmark, and l have warned many times that partisan benchmarks always come back to smack you in the face.

By their own rule, Donald Trump is a child molester.

that'll fuck with their head.

Even assuming the article is valid, this alleged corruption pales in comparison to Hillary's corruption. The Clinton Foundation is basically a slush fund, and Hillary used her position as Sec State to solicit donations to it, in violation of the spirit--if not the letter--of State Department ethics policy.
Mob concrete built Trump Tower..

wonder how many bodies are in the foundation?

Careful what you ask for:

"7. Trump Tower was built by S&A Concrete, whose owners were 'Fat' Tony Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family, and Paul 'Big Paul' Castellano, head of the Gambinos, another well-known crime family.

"If you did not know of their ownership, what does that tell voters about your management skills?

"8. You later used S&A Concrete on other Manhattan buildings bearing your name.


"9. In demolishing the Bonwit Teller building to make way for Trump Tower, you had no labor troubles, even though only about 15 unionists worked at the site alongside 150 Polish men, most of whom entered the country illegally, lacked hard hats, and slept on the site.

"How did you manage to avoid labor troubles, like picketing and strikes, and job safety inspections while using mostly non-union labor at a union worksite — without hard hats for the Polish workers?"

21 Questions For Donald Trump
Mob concrete built Trump Tower..

wonder how many bodies are in the foundation?

Careful what you ask for:

"7. Trump Tower was built by S&A Concrete, whose owners were 'Fat' Tony Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family, and Paul 'Big Paul' Castellano, head of the Gambinos, another well-known crime family.

"If you did not know of their ownership, what does that tell voters about your management skills?

"8. You later used S&A Concrete on other Manhattan buildings bearing your name.


"9. In demolishing the Bonwit Teller building to make way for Trump Tower, you had no labor troubles, even though only about 15 unionists worked at the site alongside 150 Polish men, most of whom entered the country illegally, lacked hard hats, and slept on the site.

"How did you manage to avoid labor troubles, like picketing and strikes, and job safety inspections while using mostly non-union labor at a union worksite — without hard hats for the Polish workers?"

21 Questions For Donald Trump

I know. I read the article.
As one poster has already pointed out the city paid $1 plus 300k in back taxes.......How the hell did the city get screwed. If it's that much in taxes the property value was in the millions.

The city got it for virtually free, and Trump had to lose money on it.
By their own rule, Donald Trump is a child molester.


Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

Here's Donald Trump's dilemma: He is running for president on a platform of bringing jobs back to the U.S. and making America Great again.
But at his private club in south Florida, he has filled his staff almost exclusively with imported foreign workers. And he has been doing it for years.

The U.S. Department of Labor has confirmed to CNN that between 2013 and fall 2015, Trump's Mar-a-Lago club posted 250 seasonal job openings and filled just 4 of those jobs with American workers. The club requested the rest of the staff be temporarily imported through the Federal government's H-2B visa process. Basically, Mar-a-Lago brings in its seasonal staff from overseas.

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