Trump Cronyism Watch

The list will no doubt grow, but let's start with this one ...

Trump corporate lawyer Jason Greenblatt was just handed the brand new position of "special representative for international negotiations"

Trump Names Jason Greenblatt Representative for International Negotiations

He has zero experience in international negotiations.

The position never existed before. Nobody is even sure exactly where he's supposed to be working. After all, in the previous history of the USA, there was this department called "State" that exists specifically to handle international negotiations, so one wonders why Trump needs his own personal freelancer.

Oh wait. Greenblatt does have experience in making money for Trump, and he will no doubt continue his employment here for that purpose.

Now awaiting the cries of "but ... but ... Democrats do it too!". Except they don't. The corruption of the Trump admin is unprecedented in US history. You didn't see any Democrats appointing their personal employees to high-paying made-up positions to negotiate foreign graft for their boss.
So you really believe that Obama doesn't have any "cronies" working in his administration? Who is Valerie Jarrett and what's her job?
However, i will say that Trump owes less

Irrelevant, as he's not being corrupt because he "owes" someone. He's doing it to enrich himself.

It's payback time. All incoming Presidents do it. Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different. But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime.

Clinton received massive cash from Corporate entities and foreigners like the Saudis. They would have all expected their paybacks too. Hating Trump is fine. But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different, is just disingenuous hypocrisy.
However, i will say that Trump owes less

Irrelevant, as he's not being corrupt because he "owes" someone. He's doing it to enrich himself.

It's payback time. All incoming Presidents do it. Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different. But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime.

Clinton received massive cash from Corporate entities and foreigners like the Saudis. They would have all expected their paybacks too. Hating Trump is fine. But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different, is just disingenuous hypocrisy.
Who does Trump owe?
On one hand liberals complain Trump hasn't drained the swamp. On the other they complain his choices lack experience.

This is what happens when emotions TRUMP critical thought.
So you really believe that Obama doesn't have any "cronies" working in his administration? Who is Valerie Jarrett and what's her job?

She's a Senior Advisor to the president. That is, a position where she can advise, and has no other powers.

Now, can you explain to us how Valerie Jarrett lines Obama's pockets?

Are you claiming no president has had advisors before?

Then it would appear the situations are entirely different, and you're running cover for corruption.
On one hand liberals complain Trump hasn't drained the swamp. On the other they complain his choices lack experience.

This is what happens when emotions TRUMP critical thought.

What liberals don't want to admit is that they are the swamp.
So you really believe that Obama doesn't have any "cronies" working in his administration? Who is Valerie Jarrett and what's her job?

She's a Senior Advisor to the president. That is, a position where she can advise, and has no other powers.

Now, can you explain to us how Valerie Jarrett lines Obama's pockets?

Are you claiming no president has had advisors before?

Then it would appear the situations are entirely different, and you're running cover for corruption.
So you really believe that Obama doesn't have any "cronies" working in his administration? Who is Valerie Jarrett and what's her job?

She's a Senior Advisor to the president. That is, a position where she can advise, and has no other powers.

Now, can you explain to us how Valerie Jarrett lines Obama's pockets?

Are you claiming no president has had advisors before?

Then it would appear the situations are entirely different, and you're running cover for corruption.

In other words, she's a crony. She has no actual job to do.

By setting up a special "negotiate giving foreign countries favors in return for enriching Trump" liason. Someone not in State, someone who reports only to Trump.

Every department head reports only to Trump, moron. Many presidents have created new positions. The example of the "energy czar" Jimmy Carter created.
Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different.

Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different,

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

is just disingenuous hypocrisy.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.
However, i will say that Trump owes less

Irrelevant, as he's not being corrupt because he "owes" someone. He's doing it to enrich himself.

It's payback time. All incoming Presidents do it. Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different. But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime.

Clinton received massive cash from Corporate entities and foreigners like the Saudis. They would have all expected their paybacks too. Hating Trump is fine. But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different, is just disingenuous hypocrisy.
Who does Trump owe?

He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him. In fact , i would say his position is the most unique in Presidential history. He's one of the very few who genuinely doesn't owe anyone. But that being said, he is gonna reward his supporters. That's just how the game is played. But for Democrats to whine about 'Cronyism', that's just comically hypocritical.
However, i will say that Trump owes less

Irrelevant, as he's not being corrupt because he "owes" someone. He's doing it to enrich himself.

It's payback time. All incoming Presidents do it. Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different. But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime.

Clinton received massive cash from Corporate entities and foreigners like the Saudis. They would have all expected their paybacks too. Hating Trump is fine. But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different, is just disingenuous hypocrisy.
Who does Trump owe?

He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him. In fact , i would say his position is the most unique in Presidential history. He's one of the very few who genuinely doesn't owe anyone. But that being said, he is gonna reward his supporters. That's just how the game is played. For Democrats to whine about 'Cronyism', is just comically hypocritical.
So, Trump owes no one.....

And we've already seen him reward his supporters....16 hour days, 7 days a week, for free.....

So, there is no payback to anyone but we the people.....
Without question, if Trump and the GOP overplay their hand, they will be a four year and out administration. He should be more aware of this than anyone as he is a non-politician who won by fighting the status quo and Establishment.

He isn't president yet so there will be plenty of time to judge his decisions. I am hoping he does well for the U.S, there is a lot at stake. If he falls into the trap of cronyism and broken promises, it will be a scary left wing socialist who will rise to the occasion to appease those wanting change and something different, and America as we know it will be damaged for a long time.
In other words, she's a crony. She has no actual job to do.

So in other words, you're evadeing, being unable to tell us how Valerie Jarrett made money for Obama.

Every department head reports only to Trump, moron. Many presidents have created new positions. The example of the "energy czar" Jimmy Carter created.

So which ones were appointed to make money for the President, and had no official restrictions or controls on their positions?

None, you mean?

Huh. So this is totally unlike anything before.
Without question, if Trump and the GOP overplay their hand, they will be a four year and out administration. He should be more aware of this than anyone as he is a non-politician who won by fighting the status quo and Establishment.

He isn't president yet so there will be plenty of time to judge his decisions. I am hoping he does well for the U.S, there is a lot at stake. If he falls into the trap of cronyism and broken promises, it will be a scary left wing socialist who will rise to the occasion to appease those wanting change and something different, and America as we know it will be damaged for a long time.
You seem to think Trump gives a shit....

He is a one man wrecking ball, and he will relentlessly destroy DC and democrats until such time we the people tell him to go.....
In other words, she's a crony. She has no actual job to do.

So in other words, you're evadeing, being unable to tell us how Valerie Jarrett made money for Obama.

Every department head reports only to Trump, moron. Many presidents have created new positions. The example of the "energy czar" Jimmy Carter created.

So which ones were appointed to make money for the President, and had no official restrictions or controls on their positions?

None, you mean?

Huh. So this is totally unlike anything before.
Post #29
He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him.

You mean aside from the Russians, who own the loans he depends on? Trump is the most owned president ever, and he's owned by a hostile foreign power.

That's best case. Not being morons, the Russians filmed and recorded his every move and every word while he was in Russia. Trump, being a moron, ran his mouth on the phone and in email, and didn't encrypt a thing. It's likely they've really got the goods on him. And that's assuming he wasn't filmed molesting an underage girl.
He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him.

You mean aside from the Russians, who own the loans he depends on? Trump is the most owned president ever, and he's owned by a hostile foreign power.

That's best case. Not being morons, the Russians filmed and recorded his every move and every word while he was in Russia. Trump, being a moron, ran his mouth on the phone and in email, and didn't encrypt a thing. It's likely they've really got the goods on him. And that's assuming he wasn't filmed molesting an underage girl.
Um....they are loans, from a bank....

You don't have any loans? Never had one?
Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different.

Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different,

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

is just disingenuous hypocrisy.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.

Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.

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