Trump Cronyism Watch

The list will no doubt grow, but let's start with this one ...

Trump corporate lawyer Jason Greenblatt was just handed the brand new position of "special representative for international negotiations"

Trump Names Jason Greenblatt Representative for International Negotiations

He has zero experience in international negotiations.

The position never existed before. Nobody is even sure exactly where he's supposed to be working. After all, in the previous history of the USA, there was this department called "State" that exists specifically to handle international negotiations, so one wonders why Trump needs his own personal freelancer.

Oh wait. Greenblatt does have experience in making money for Trump, and he will no doubt continue his employment here for that purpose.

Now awaiting the cries of "but ... but ... Democrats do it too!". Except they don't. The corruption of the Trump admin is unprecedented in US history. You didn't see any Democrats appointing their personal employees to high-paying made-up positions to negotiate foreign graft for their boss.

"The corruption of the Trump admin is unprecedented in US history."

Wow, is that an amazing statement! The Trump Administration hasn't even been sworn in yet...but you think they are already the most corrupt in US history? There is silly, Mamooth and then there is hysterical.
Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different.

Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different,

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

is just disingenuous hypocrisy.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.

Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....
He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him.

You mean aside from the Russians, who own the loans he depends on? Trump is the most owned president ever, and he's owned by a hostile foreign power.

That's best case. Not being morons, the Russians filmed and recorded his every move and every word while he was in Russia. Trump, being a moron, ran his mouth on the phone and in email, and didn't encrypt a thing. It's likely they've really got the goods on him. And that's assuming he wasn't filmed molesting an underage girl.

Well if he decides he owes the Russians, he'll work something out i guess. But again, him rewarding his most important supporters, is certainly nothing new or original. Every incoming President does it.
He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him.

You mean aside from the Russians, who own the loans he depends on? Trump is the most owned president ever, and he's owned by a hostile foreign power.

That's best case. Not being morons, the Russians filmed and recorded his every move and every word while he was in Russia. Trump, being a moron, ran his mouth on the phone and in email, and didn't encrypt a thing. It's likely they've really got the goods on him. And that's assuming he wasn't filmed molesting an underage girl.

Well if he decides he owes the Russians, he'll work something out i guess. But again, him rewarding his most important supporters, is certainly nothing new or original. Every incoming President does it.
Can you name one he Rewarded? I mean, outside of his circle of trust, like Conway and sessions....

I was being nice by not commenting on how you faked a quote, supposedly by Jarrett.

Unraveling the Story Behind Valerie Jarrett’s Bogus ‘Payback’ Quote | Right Wing Watch

So, you just attempted to pass off a fraud. Did you do so intentionally?

I'm going to assume it was unintentional, and that you were merely parroting something your masters had fed you. If you had any pride, you'd call out those liars, demand to know why they lied to you like that, and publicly condemn them here.

However, if you don't have any pride, you'll get angry at me now for revealing the truth to you, and then crawl back to your masters and beg for more lies.

I was being nice by not commenting on how you faked a quote, supposedly by Jarrett.

Unraveling the Story Behind Valerie Jarrett’s Bogus ‘Payback’ Quote | Right Wing Watch

So, you just attempted to pass off a fraud. Did you do so intentionally?

I'm going to assume it was unintentional, and that you were merely parroting something your masters had fed you. If you had any pride, you'd call out those liars, demand to know why they lied to you like that, and publicly condemn them here.

However, if you don't have any pride, you'll get angry at me now for revealing the truth to you, and then crawl back to your masters and beg for more lies.
Oh, you're one of them.....
Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different.

Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different,

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

is just disingenuous hypocrisy.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.

Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....

Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
You hapless liberal assholes should learn to have some cheese with your Whine.

That and a top dollar Butt-Hurt cream...might help the next 4 years go by a little easier.

Bigot, you are going to need your butt cream so keep it. In two years if he is still in office he will be a lame duck. Deal with that. All of Mi turns over in 2 years and I'm sure some other states do as well.

As bad as Hillary was in campaigning (dull compared to the lying boisterous rude insulting Trump) , she still won the maj vote. and don't forget it. He won by about 80,000 votes, very few in 3 different states, so don't get too bloated up.

Ah...hate to point out the painfully inconvenient, Penelope...but the next mid term election will have far more Democrats trying to keep their seats than Republicans. That wasn't the case this election...which is why so many political science pundits were predicting that the Dems had a good chance at taking back control of at least the Senate. Republicans defended their seats in Congress and also picked up more Governor's at the State level. This was a resounding defeat for the far left to the Democratic Party. What's idiots just put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of your troops in the Congress and she's as ditsy as your crazy great aunt!
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Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different.

Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different,

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

is just disingenuous hypocrisy.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.

Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....

Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....
Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs.

You keep trying to deflect from the very simple point I keep making with very small words.

Trump isn't rewarding his supporters. He's rewarding _himself_.

No other president has ever done this.

Hence, your "both sides do it!" crap is crap, and it looks like an attempt to excuse inexcusable corruption.

So, do I need to dumb it down further for you, or is your obtuseness a from of deliberate dishonesty?
Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs.

You keep trying to deflect from the very simple point I keep making with very small words.

Trump isn't rewarding his supporters. He's rewarding _himself_.

No other president has ever done this.

Hence, your "both sides do it!" crap is crap, and it's an attempt to excuse inexcusable corruption.

Do I need to dumb it down further for you, or is your obtuseness a from of deliberate dishonesty?
How so?
Big donors and supporters will receive their paybacks. Trump's not doing anything new or different.

Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

But like i said, he owes less. Compared to Hillary Clinton anyway. She owed bigtime

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

But claiming he's doing something so outrageous and different,

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

is just disingenuous hypocrisy.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.

Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....

Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....

It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Bullshit. When you manage to stop evading, tell us which previous president created his own special guy for foreign negotiation, bypassing the agency specifically tasked with doing that. That's totally different from any previous president.

Not interested in rehashing kook fake news.

Is telling the truth, something that's causing the snowflakes here to melt down.

When you can point to a Democrat doing the same, you won't look like such a shill for corruption. Go on, tell us which Democrat appointed his former employee to be his own personal foreign negotiator for trade deals.

Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....

Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....

It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Then just name one.....

Resist the propaganda.....
Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs.

You keep trying to deflect from the very simple point I keep making with very small words.

Trump isn't rewarding his supporters. He's rewarding _himself_.

No other president has ever done this.

Hence, your "both sides do it!" crap is crap, and it looks like an attempt to excuse inexcusable corruption.

So, do I need to dumb it down further for you, or is your obtuseness a from of deliberate dishonesty?

My God, i forgot that folks really can be this delusional and naive. My friend, 'Cronyism' is as American as the American flag and apple pie. It's all about paying back favors. The System fully encourages it. Trump did not invent it.
Stop being delusional and naive, kid. All incoming Presidents reward their biggest donors and supporters with jobs. Just because you ignored Obama doing it, doesn't mean he didn't do it. And like i said, Hillary Clinton owed a lot more.

In a big contrast, Trump funded his own Campaign. He owes a lot less favors. No one owns him. But he is gonna reward some of his important supporters. That's just how the game is played. You just need to grow up and accept that.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....

Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....

It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Then just name one.....

Resist the propaganda.....

Mostly all of his current and future selections.
It's not reward...Trump is creating a circle of trust in order to get his agenda done....

Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....

It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Then just name one.....

Resist the propaganda.....

Mostly all of his current and future selections.
Like who? Name one.....
Ah, it's a little payback too. His most loyal supporters will be rewarded. That's how it works. All incoming Presidents have to do it. 'Cronyism' is as American as apple pie. The System fully encourages it.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....

It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Then just name one.....

Resist the propaganda.....

Mostly all of his current and future selections.
Like who? Name one.....

I think i covered that. Most of his current and future selections are a form of payback. It's how the process works. But Trump didn't invent the process. It's human nature to wanna reward those who've supported you. And when Trump's done, the next President will do the same thing.
So you can't name any...

It's not how it works with Trump.....

It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Then just name one.....

Resist the propaganda.....

Mostly all of his current and future selections.
Like who? Name one.....

I think i covered that. Most of his current and future selections are a form of payback. It's how the process works. But Trump didn't invent the process. It's human nature to wanna reward those who've supported you. And when Trump's done, the next President will do the same thing.
You keep parroting that...

So name just one....
It works that way with all incoming Presidents. Trump, a little less so though. I'll acknowledge that. He did fund his own Campaign.
Then just name one.....

Resist the propaganda.....

Mostly all of his current and future selections.
Like who? Name one.....

I think i covered that. Most of his current and future selections are a form of payback. It's how the process works. But Trump didn't invent the process. It's human nature to wanna reward those who've supported you. And when Trump's done, the next President will do the same thing.
You keep parroting that...

So name just one....

Most of his selections are, and will be a form of payback. The list of names would be too long to list. I'm just not interested in putting so much energy into showing something that should be so obvious. Like i said, 'Cronyism' is as American as the American Flag and apple pie. I'm not condemning Trump in any way. It's how the game is played.
My God, i forgot that folks really can be this delusional and naive. My friend, 'Cronyism' is as American as the American flag and apple pie. It's all about paying back favors. The System fully encourages it. Trump did not invent it.

You didn't answer. Do I need to dumb it down further for you, or is your obtuseness a form of dishonesty?

It's not tough. A first grader could understand it.

Trump isn't enriching cronies. He's enriching himself. No president has done before. Hence, Trump's corruption is unprecedented.

What part of that don't you understand? What do you need help with? I live to educate the ignorant, so let me know which of those 17 words gives you so much trouble.

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