Trump Cronyism Watch

In other words, she's a crony. She has no actual job to do.

So in other words, you're evadeing, being unable to tell us how Valerie Jarrett made money for Obama.

Every department head reports only to Trump, moron. Many presidents have created new positions. The example of the "energy czar" Jimmy Carter created.

So which ones were appointed to make money for the President, and had no official restrictions or controls on their positions?

None, you mean?

Huh. So this is totally unlike anything before.
So anyone who worked for Trump is a crony? That's an absurd definition.

In 1991, as deputy chief of staff to Mayor Richard Daley, Jarrett interviewed Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor's office, after which she immediately offered Robinson the job.[30] Michelle Robinson asked for time to think and also asked Jarrett to meet Robinson's fiancé, Barack Obama. The three ended up meeting for dinner. After the dinner, Michelle took the job with the mayor's office, and Valerie Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and "introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own." Jarrett later took Michelle with her when Jarrett left the mayor's office to head Chicago's Department of Planning and Development.
So she gave Michelle Obama a number of jobs and introduced Obama to "wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own." That is the essence of cronyism.
My God, i forgot that folks really can be this delusional and naive. My friend, 'Cronyism' is as American as the American flag and apple pie. It's all about paying back favors. The System fully encourages it. Trump did not invent it.

You didn't answer. Do I need to dumb it down further for you, or is your obtuseness a form of dishonesty?

It's not tough. A first grader could understand it.

Trump isn't enriching cronies. He's enriching himself. No president has done before. Hence, Trump's corruption is unprecedented.

What part of that don't you understand? What do you need help with? I live to educate the ignorant, so let me know which of those 17 words gives you so much trouble.
How is Trump enriching himself?
He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him.

You mean aside from the Russians, who own the loans he depends on? Trump is the most owned president ever, and he's owned by a hostile foreign power.

That's best case. Not being morons, the Russians filmed and recorded his every move and every word while he was in Russia. Trump, being a moron, ran his mouth on the phone and in email, and didn't encrypt a thing. It's likely they've really got the goods on him. And that's assuming he wasn't filmed molesting an underage girl.
You have a vivid imagination.
So anyone who worked for Trump is a crony? That's an absurd definition.

Then you shouldn't probably shouldn't hold it, being that nobody else does.

We liberals are totally consistent. For example, we never said Rove was a "crony". We said he was an ass, but we never questioned the legitimacy of his job as Senior Advisor.

In contrast, Bri says Jarret in the same position is a "crony". Go fig. Consistency points for liberals, inconsistency points for Bri.
He owes far less folks than Hillary Clinton did. He funded his own Campaign. No one owns him.

You mean aside from the Russians, who own the loans he depends on? Trump is the most owned president ever, and he's owned by a hostile foreign power.

That's best case. Not being morons, the Russians filmed and recorded his every move and every word while he was in Russia. Trump, being a moron, ran his mouth on the phone and in email, and didn't encrypt a thing. It's likely they've really got the goods on him. And that's assuming he wasn't filmed molesting an underage girl.
You have a vivid imagination.

You spelled delusions wrong.
So anyone who worked for Trump is a crony? That's an absurd definition.

Then you shouldn't probably shouldn't hold it, being that nobody else does.

We liberals are totally consistent. For example, we never said Rove was a "crony". We said he was an ass, but we never questioned the legitimacy of his job as Senior Advisor.

In contrast, Bri says Jarret in the same position is a "crony". Go fig. Consistency points for liberals, inconsistency points for Bri.
They're both cronies. Jerrett is more so since she clearly did a lot of favors for the Obamas before he got elected.
The list will no doubt grow, but let's start with this one ...

Trump corporate lawyer Jason Greenblatt was just handed the brand new position of "special representative for international negotiations"

Trump Names Jason Greenblatt Representative for International Negotiations

He has zero experience in international negotiations.

The position never existed before. Nobody is even sure exactly where he's supposed to be working. After all, in the previous history of the USA, there was this department called "State" that exists specifically to handle international negotiations, so one wonders why Trump needs his own personal freelancer.

Oh wait. Greenblatt does have experience in making money for Trump, and he will no doubt continue his employment here for that purpose.

Now awaiting the cries of "but ... but ... Democrats do it too!". Except they don't. The corruption of the Trump admin is unprecedented in US history. You didn't see any Democrats appointing their personal employees to high-paying made-up positions to negotiate foreign graft for their boss.

--- Hey Snowflake [emoji300]️ ever hear of Obozo's Czars? He created dozens of them. And you stood and cheered.
You hapless liberal assholes should learn to have some cheese with your Whine.

That and a top dollar Butt-Hurt cream...might help the next 4 years go by a little easier.

So, as expected, the Trump-cucks are all running to see who can excuse DearLeader's corruption the most fanatically. You'd think somewhere, even a single Trump-cuck could muster the courage to say "That's not right", but no, not even one Trump-cuck possesses even a vestige of morality. Without exception, every single one of them is completely corrupt and gutless.

It's so good to be a liberal, a free man. I don't have a party commanding me to suck Trump's ass, and then tell everyone how good it tastes. The poor Trump-cucks are doomed to 4 solid years on their knees, with everyone laughing at how pathetic they are.

--- Enjoy the next 8 years Snowflake [emoji300]️

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