Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.

No- that would be you lying again.

Obama never said that he was born in Kenya

You just lied about it.

No-that would be you lying again.

You don't know Obama never said he was born in Kenya

You just lied about it
Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.
Not to belabor the point, but until you can prove Obama said that, you are still lying by claiming he did. And whether you're capable of comprehending this or not .... not getting an answer to a question that no one here can answer (including you) does not in any way constitute proof.

You keep ignoring the really GLARING question.
Who was the first person to provide the statement "was born in Kenya"?
Surely Obama wouldn't say he was born in Kenya. Someone said that so the blurb was printed with that statement.

Just simply tell us who said it first?

Why do you think that any of us would know where that statement came from?

Why would we act like Birthers- and speculate or make innuendos or lie?

Here is what we know:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet

There is no reason to presume that Ms. Goderich is lying- other than the usual Birther style of assuming everyone is lying that doesn't say what they approve of. And Ms. Goderich said she made an error- and that Obama never said that he was born in Kenya.

I don't care how the error was made, and unlike a Birther- I don't need to speculate.

Someone jumped to the conclusion Obama was born in Kenya. Why is it so hard to find that person?
More importantly though this goes to premise Obama is a lazy ignorant idiot i.e. WHY didn't HE catch this glaring mistake?
To me Obama is so busy with the "BIG Picture" THE TRANSFORMATION of America he didn't care about the "details"!
No one expects Obama to be as President knowing all the details...BUT this goes to his philosophy that he hires people for their
ideology rather then competency! Obama depends on the teleprompter and in this guess he was again depending on sloppy work by sloppy people!
Case in point is Obama clearly stating family doctors amputate diabetic legs for the $50,000 fees!
Why wouldn't just simple common sense make Obama question that on his teleprompter? Well here we have again proof that Obama
doesn't pay attention to the people that should catch these details! "Born in Kenya"??? Why wouldn't Obama correct this??
Either because he was stupid or he WANTED that to be the perception at that time!

Exactly. Also, if the publisher actually thought someone not known was making up blurbs about authors, they would be having a cow. They aren't because they know exactly who made that up. The original birther, Obama.
Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.
Not to belabor the point, but until you can prove Obama said that, you are still lying by claiming he did. And whether you're capable of comprehending this or not .... not getting an answer to a question that no one here can answer (including you) does not in any way constitute proof.

You keep ignoring the really GLARING question.
Who was the first person to provide the statement "was born in Kenya"?
Surely Obama wouldn't say he was born in Kenya. Someone said that so the blurb was printed with that statement.

Just simply tell us who said it first?

Why do you think that any of us would know where that statement came from?

Why would we act like Birthers- and speculate or make innuendos or lie?

Here is what we know:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet

There is no reason to presume that Ms. Goderich is lying- other than the usual Birther style of assuming everyone is lying that doesn't say what they approve of. And Ms. Goderich said she made an error- and that Obama never said that he was born in Kenya.

I don't care how the error was made, and unlike a Birther- I don't need to speculate.

Someone jumped to the conclusion Obama was born in Kenya. Why is it so hard to find that person?
More importantly though this goes to premise Obama is a lazy ignorant idiot i.e. WHY didn't HE catch this glaring mistake?
To me Obama is so busy with the "BIG Picture" THE TRANSFORMATION of America he didn't care about the "details"!
No one expects Obama to be as President knowing all the details...BUT this goes to his philosophy that he hires people for their
ideology rather then competency! Obama depends on the teleprompter and in this guess he was again depending on sloppy work by sloppy people!
Case in point is Obama clearly stating family doctors amputate diabetic legs for the $50,000 fees!
Why wouldn't just simple common sense make Obama question that on his teleprompter? Well here we have again proof that Obama
doesn't pay attention to the people that should catch these details! "Born in Kenya"??? Why wouldn't Obama correct this??
Either because he was stupid or he WANTED that to be the perception at that time!

Exactly. Also, if the publisher actually thought someone not known was making up blurbs about authors, they would be having a cow. They aren't because they know exactly who made that up. The original birther, Obama.

Exactly- you just make this crap up.

You just lie.
Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.

No- that would be you lying again.

Obama never said that he was born in Kenya

You just lied about it.

No-that would be you lying again.

You don't know Obama never said he was born in Kenya

You just lied about it

Right here:

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet
Since neither of us has proof, either we are both stating our view or we are both liars. You can't have it both ways, Skippy.

But I do indeed have proof- and you have no proof to support your claim

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet

Her statement is "proof?" LOL. She said it so it's proven. Did she pinky swear? Is that why it's "proof?" British intelligence stated Hussein tried to buy yellow cake in Africa. When Wilson said he couldn't find that, they said they have the proof and stand behind it. But that's not proof? I guess they didn't pinky swear...
Right, that had nothing to do with my argument.
and yet you posted it, Simpleton

I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.

Um...thanks for the context, Poindexter.

You keep ragging on that Trump is in the title of the article.

However, I keep pointing out to you that Trump had nothing to do with the part I quoted. He wasn't the source of the information. Did you read the excerpt and the link? Obviously not. The Trump claim was investigated. And they found it to be partially true and partially unsupported. They didn't rubber stamp what he said.

And you call me the dumbest motherfucker? Not anymore, you clearly outdid me in that category.

Actually they called if false


Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

In an interview on NBC's Today show, for example, Trump said Obama "spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue." He repeated the figure in a CNN interview on April 10, 2011. "I just say very simply why doesn't he show his birth certificate?" Trump asked. "Why has he spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep this quiet and to keep this silent?"

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump's and Palin's claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits -- the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don't know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.

Actually if you read what they wrote and you read what I said, you didn't contradict me

So you agree that Trump's claim was bogus? You agree that Donald's claim:
Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

Was false?

Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

In an interview on NBC's Today show, for example, Trump said Obama "spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue." He repeated the figure in a CNN interview on April 10, 2011. "I just say very simply why doesn't he show his birth certificate?" Trump asked. "Why has he spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep this quiet and to keep this silent?"

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump's and Palin's claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits -- the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don't know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.
Since neither of us has proof, either we are both stating our view or we are both liars. You can't have it both ways, Skippy.

But I do indeed have proof- and you have no proof to support your claim

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet

Her statement is "proof?" LOL. She said it so it's proven. Did she pinky swear? Is that why it's "proof?" British intelligence stated Hussein tried to buy yellow cake in Africa. When Wilson said he couldn't find that, they said they have the proof and stand behind it. But that's not proof? I guess they didn't pinky swear...

Actually, as an eyewitness, her statement is 'proof'.

While all you have to support your claim is well- you- who have no first hand knowledge about anything.
Why do you think that any of us would know where that statement came from?

Hmm...who said Obama was born in Kenya ?

I am not a Birther- so I don't rely upon lies, speculation or innuendo.

What we know is that the editor of the article said it was her mistake- anything beyond that is speculation or a lie or an innuendo.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet
but yeah, Obama is responsible for the fiasco.
What 'fiasco'?

Other than being raised by Birthers, no one cares.

There is no there there.

Actually it was raised by Obama when he told his publisher he was born in Kenya and his publisher made the mistake a pompous liar wouldn't lie about what Continent they were born on.

So what's your theory? Who is the original birther who originally wrote he was born in Kenya if it wasn't Obama and it wasn't Meriam? Someone wrote it down before the self professed flaming incompetent Meriam got it and she wasn't able to do her job and fact check a blurb. Think it was the KGB? Was it Jack Ruby?
but yeah, Obama is responsible for the fiasco.
What 'fiasco'?

Other than being raised by Birthers, no one cares.

There is no there there.

Actually it was raised by Obama when he told his publisher he was born in Kenya and his publisher made the mistake

When did Obama did Obama tell his publisher he was born in Kenya?

Please feel free to show us something other than what you pull out of your ass.
The failed governor from Wisconsin couldn't even finish

I know you like to be snotty, but other than that is there a point to this? Bill Gates didn't finish either. A lot of successful people didn't.

Bill Gates formed a Fortune 500 company
Scott Walker never accomplished anything

You mean other than becoming Governor of Wisconsin, dramatically slashing their budget deficits and giving what fer to an out of control government union that wants to bankrupt the taxpayers? Not Bill Gates, but not too shabby.

That wasn't the question though, big guy. What does Scott Walker not finishing college matter? You didn't finish the seventh grade, are you calling yourself a loser?
but yeah, Obama is responsible for the fiasco.
What 'fiasco'?

Other than being raised by Birthers, no one cares.

There is no there there.

Actually it was raised by Obama when he told his publisher he was born in Kenya and his publisher made the mistake

When did Obama did Obama tell his publisher he was born in Kenya?

Please feel free to show us something other than what you pull out of your ass.

You mean like you pulling it out of your ass and saying he didn't, even though no one can tell us who did or explain why anyone but Obama would claim he was?
Why do you think that any of us would know where that statement came from?

Hmm...who said Obama was born in Kenya ?

I am not a Birther- so I don't rely upon lies, speculation or innuendo.

What we know is that the editor of the article said it was her mistake- anything beyond that is speculation or a lie or an innuendo.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet

Just to remind you, I'm not responding to your idiotic birther posts since I think Obama was born in Hawaii and even if he was born in Kenya is eligible to be President. I just think he's a pretentious, pompous idiot who said he was born in Kenya. Though in fairness, he's a pretentious, pompous idiot even if he didn't say he was born in Kenya.
but yeah, Obama is responsible for the fiasco.
What 'fiasco'?

Other than being raised by Birthers, no one cares.

There is no there there.

Actually it was raised by Obama when he told his publisher he was born in Kenya and his publisher made the mistake

When did Obama did Obama tell his publisher he was born in Kenya?

Please feel free to show us something other than what you pull out of your ass.

You mean like you pulling it out of your ass and saying he didn't, even though no one can tell us who did or explain why anyone but Obama would claim he was?

I am not pulling it out of my ass- I am relying on the only known eyewitness- you just pull it sideways out of your ass.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
Why do you think that any of us would know where that statement came from?

Hmm...who said Obama was born in Kenya ?

I am not a Birther- so I don't rely upon lies, speculation or innuendo.

What we know is that the editor of the article said it was her mistake- anything beyond that is speculation or a lie or an innuendo.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet

Just to remind you, I'm not responding to your idiotic birther posts since I think Obama was born in Hawaii and even if he was born in Kenya is eligible to be President. I just think he's a pretentious, pompous idiot who said he was born in Kenya. Though in fairness, he's a pretentious, pompous idiot even if he didn't say he was born in Kenya.

Then you should stop acting like a Birther- and rely on facts, rather than Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.
Actually if you read what they wrote and you read what I said, you didn't contradict me

So you agree that Trump's claim was bogus? You agree that Donald's claim:
Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

Was false?

They said they couldn't prove it or disprove it and the onus is on Trump. The only one of us who is arguing what Trump said either way is you.

The problem with your argument is I wasn't defending Trump and his number, just supporting the point in the discussion that Obama did spend legal fees on keeping documents away from the public. The authors agreed with that. They just weren't certain of the amount.

Do you ever actually read posts you are responding to?
And just for fun:

Publications that mention Barack Obama's place of Birth

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
and yet you posted it, Simpleton

I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.

Um...thanks for the context, Poindexter.

You keep ragging on that Trump is in the title of the article.

However, I keep pointing out to you that Trump had nothing to do with the part I quoted. He wasn't the source of the information. Did you read the excerpt and the link? Obviously not. The Trump claim was investigated. And they found it to be partially true and partially unsupported. They didn't rubber stamp what he said.

And you call me the dumbest motherfucker? Not anymore, you clearly outdid me in that category.

Actually they called if false


Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

In an interview on NBC's Today show, for example, Trump said Obama "spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue." He repeated the figure in a CNN interview on April 10, 2011. "I just say very simply why doesn't he show his birth certificate?" Trump asked. "Why has he spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep this quiet and to keep this silent?"

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump's and Palin's claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits -- the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don't know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.

Actually if you read what they wrote and you read what I said, you didn't contradict me

So you agree that Trump's claim was bogus? You agree that Donald's claim:
Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

Was false?

Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

In an interview on NBC's Today show, for example, Trump said Obama "spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue." He repeated the figure in a CNN interview on April 10, 2011. "I just say very simply why doesn't he show his birth certificate?" Trump asked. "Why has he spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep this quiet and to keep this silent?"

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump's and Palin's claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits -- the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don't know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.

So you agree that Trump's claim was bogus? You agree that Donald's claim:
Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

Was false?

Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

In an interview on NBC's Today show, for example, Trump said Obama "spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue." He repeated the figure in a CNN interview on April 10, 2011. "I just say very simply why doesn't he show his birth certificate?" Trump asked. "Why has he spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep this quiet and to keep this silent?"

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump's and Palin's claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama's citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits -- the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don't know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.

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