Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

You protest too much , son. Pretty obvious you're paid by the DNC to go on the internet and defend obozo against the truth about his kenyan birth. HAHAHA! So in the wasteland of your imagination.....Obama's in on the conspiracy. Miriam Goderich is in on the conspiracy. And Harvard is in on the conspiracy. And now the DNC is in on the conspiracy. And I'm in on the conspiracy.

You're like the avatar for the batshit conspiracy axiom: anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

Back in reality, you've still got jack shit to back up anything you've said. Stock up on that tin foil, big guy.

Like i said - you protest too much. HAHAHA.. If the birther case was so weak, the DNC wouln't have to hire losers like you to go on the internet and fight the birthers.
You protest too much , son. Pretty obvious you're paid by the DNC to go on the internet and defend obozo against the truth about his kenyan birth. HAHAHA! So in the wasteland of your imagination.....Obama's in on the conspiracy. Miriam Goderich is in on the conspiracy. And Harvard is in on the conspiracy. And now the DNC is in on the conspiracy. And I'm in on the conspiracy.

You're like the avatar for the batshit conspiracy axiom: anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

Back in reality, you've still got jack shit to back up anything you've said. Stock up on that tin foil, big guy.

Like i said - you protest too much. HAHAHA.. If the birther case was so weak, the DNC wouln't have to hire losers like you to go on the internet and fight the birthers. can't back a fucking this you've said. So what do you do? Just expand your conspiracy!

Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it, is that it?

Get ready to keep expanding it. As Birthers are a national laughing stock.
For the mainstream media and devout Obama disciples to imply that the 1991 brochure is the “source” of the claim that Obama was born in Kenya is completely inaccurate. Not only was that brochure updated many times right up until 2007..

Evidence indicates:

- Despite claiming the passage about Obama’s birthplace being Kenya was a mistake, the listing still maintained that Obama’s birthplace was Kenya until after Obama became a U.S. Senator. “Goderich’s statement fails to explain why the “fact checking error” persisted for sixteen years, through at least three different versions of Jane Dystel’s website, and through at least four different versions of Obama’s biography,” reports

- The literary agency also updated the text in June 1998, but the part about Obama being born in Kenya was retained.

- The text was again updated in February 2005 to reflect the fact that Obama had become a Senator, but Kenya was still listed as his birthplace.

- After an April 2007 modification of the text, the passage still read Obama, “was born in Kenya.”

- As Steve Boman reveals, the Dystel & Goderich agency asks its clients to submit their own biography, meaning it’s virtually impossible the listing of Obama’s birthplace as Kenya could have been a “fact checking error” itself.
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Articles Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No Fact Checking Error

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

Read more: Articles Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No Fact Checking Error

Factchecking error my ass! Miriam Goderich has refused to take questions since her scripted response. She pulled a Brian Williams and went underground.
Right, that had nothing to do with my argument.
and yet you posted it, Simpleton

I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.
For the mainstream media and devout Obama disciples to imply that the 1991 brochure is the “source” of the claim that Obama was born in Kenya is completely inaccurate. Not only was that brochure updated many times right up until 2007..

For the mainstream media and devout Obama disciples to imply that the 1991 brochure is the “source” of the claim that Obama was born in Kenya is completely inaccurate. Not only was that brochure updated many times right up until 2007..

Actually, that would be Breitbart who claimed that the 1991 pamphlet was the source;

"Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel."

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii - Breitbart

Breitbart didn't 'imply' it. They straight up said it. Is Breitbart in on the conspiracy now too, Steven? Are do you just not have the slightest clue what you're talking about?


- Despite claiming the passage about Obama’s birthplace being Kenya was a mistake, the listing still maintained that Obama’s birthplace was Kenya until after Obama became a U.S. Senator. “Goderich’s statement fails to explain why the “fact checking error” persisted for sixteen years, through at least three different versions of Jane Dystel’s website, and through at least four different versions of Obama’s biography,” reports

- The literary agency also updated the text in June 1998, but the part about Obama being born in Kenya was retained.

- The text was again updated in February 2005 to reflect the fact that Obama had become a Senator, but Kenya was still listed as his birthplace.

- After an April 2007 modification of the text, the passage still read Obama, “was born in Kenya.”

First, prove it. You've already lied about this issue repeatedly, insisting that it was Miriam Goderich who reedited the the bio in 2007....when she didn't even work for Acton and Dystel in 2007, having left the company in 1995

So I wouldn't take your word that the sun was shining if it were noon. Show me the edits. Don't tell me about them.

Second, so what? What's your point? That they didn't catch the error until 2007?

- As Steve Boman reveals, the Dystel & Goderich agency asks its clients to submit their own biography, meaning it’s virtually impossible the listing of Obama’s birthplace as Kenya could have been a “fact checking error” itself.

Which might be relevant if ;

1) The company in question were Dystel and Goderich. It isn't. Dystel and Goderich didn't even exist in 1991. Making any reference to its procedures irrelevant.

2) The bio was written in 2011 when email was in use. It wasn't. It was written in 1991. Email was not in common use. And the authors didn't write their own bios. And as Acton explains;

Jay Acton, told "that while 'almost nobody' wrote his or her own biography, the non-athletes in the booklet, whom 'the agents deal with on a daily basis', were 'probably’ approached to approve the text as presented".

Born in Kenya - The Obama gaffe everyone missed

Almost nobody wrote their own bios. And you already know this as we've told you before. But as is so common with birthers, you run when debunked.....then come back later when you think no one is looking with the same debunked nonsense.

Try again, Steven.
Articles Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No Fact Checking Error

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The PJ Media blogger? This guy?

Obama Is a Martian PJ Media

Wow. A rabidly anti-Obama PJ media blogger saying Miriam Goderich must be lying.


The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

And as Jay Acton confirms, in Acton and Dystel, people almost never wrote their own bios.

Factchecking error my ass! Miriam Goderich has refused to take questions since her scripted response. She pulled a Brian Williams and went underground.

You've already ignored her account of the mistake she made in 1991. Hell, you've ignored Hawaii on its own vital documents. What would be the purpose in additional questions when you've already ignored everything she's said?

As for her 'going underground', and she's not a public figure. She's a partner in a literary agency. And she's still working at Dystel and Goderich as a partner. You can email her.

You're literally just making this shit up as you go along.

Almost nobody wrote their own bios. .

That may or may not be true but you can be sure the authors were asked to check the bios written for them. Printing false info about an author to boost sales is the crime of fraud. THINK

Almost nobody wrote their own bios. .

That may or may not be true but you can be sure the authors were asked to check the bios written for them. Printing false info about an author to boost sales is the crime of fraud. THINK

Says you. And you're a fucking idiot. Jay Acton is an infinitely better source on the topic than you are. Jay Acton in on your little batshit conspiracy now?

Remember the conspiracy theorist's credo: anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy must be part of it!
I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.

More namecalling. Thanks for admitting you're scared of me. HAHAHA

Laughing....says the poor, hapless soul that called me an 'ignorant asshole'....before I handed him his ass with his own source, reading the article he never bothered to.

Does 'fake news' ring any bells, hun? And was your name calling your admission that you 'fear me'?
I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.

More namecalling. Thanks for admitting you're scared of me. HAHAHA

Laughing....says the poor, hapless soul that called me an 'ignorant asshole'....before I handed him his ass with his own source, reading the article he never bothered to.

Does 'fake news' ring any bells, hun? And was your name calling your admission that you 'fear me'?
You are ignorant. You are also un-American. You do not hold the best interests of America and its Constitution at heart.
I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.

More namecalling. Thanks for admitting you're scared of me. HAHAHA

Laughing....says the poor, hapless soul that called me an 'ignorant asshole'....before I handed him his ass with his own source, reading the article he never bothered to.

Does 'fake news' ring any bells, hun? And was your name calling your admission that you 'fear me'?
You are ignorant. You are also un-American. You do not hold the best interests of America and its Constitution at heart.
Regarding blacks and Jews, how do you think the Constitution is best served?
The failed governor from Wisconsin couldn't even finish

I know you like to be snotty, but other than that is there a point to this? Bill Gates didn't finish either. A lot of successful people didn't.
How would Meriam have known that?
Asking that question means you're lying when you claim Obama told her.

That makes no sense. The claim was that it was reasonable to assume he was born in Kenya because of a bunch of facts she would have had no way of knowing. I asked how that makes sense. That doesn't imply your idiotic statement.
You're still lying. It would be nice if you'd stop. The reality is, you don't know where she got that information from. So for you to maintain she got it from Obama is simply a flat out lie.

Um...I asked a question. There isn't a single statement in that post. You may want to google what the word "lie" means. And I didn't say where she got it, Einstein, I asked. Where did it come from? She didn't say.

And still no answer to the question. How did the word "Kenya" appear? All of you liberals keep skating around that. She wasn't handed a blurb that appeared from nowhere. Somehow the word "Kenya" appeared. And seriously, she couldn't fact check a blurb when that was her job? A blurb? It makes no sense.
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She said she didn't do her job, my "lie" is actually just your bull crap word parsing and gamesmanship.

Oh no- you out and out lied several times in this thread.

You have claimed that Obama said in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya- but Obama never said any such thing in his autobiography.

You just lied about it.

You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.
Right, that had nothing to do with my argument.
and yet you posted it, Simpleton

I never thought I'd see a thread ShootSpeedos participated in where he wasn't the dumbest motherfucker posting, but you've changed my mind.

Um...thanks for the context, Poindexter.

You keep ragging on that Trump is in the title of the article.

However, I keep pointing out to you that Trump had nothing to do with the part I quoted. He wasn't the source of the information. Did you read the excerpt and the link? Obviously not. The Trump claim was investigated. And they found it to be partially true and partially unsupported. They didn't rubber stamp what he said.

And you call me the dumbest motherfucker? Not anymore, you clearly outdid me in that category.
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How would Meriam have known that?
Asking that question means you're lying when you claim Obama told her.

That makes no sense. The claim was that it was reasonable to assume he was born in Kenya because of a bunch of facts she would have had no way of knowing. I asked how that makes sense. That doesn't imply your idiotic statement.
You're still lying. It would be nice if you'd stop. The reality is, you don't know where she got that information from. So for you to maintain she got it from Obama is simply a flat out lie.

Um...I asked a question. There isn't a single statement in that post. You may want to google what the word "lie" means. And I didn't say where she got it, Einstein, I asked. Where did it come from? She didn't say.

And still no answer to the question. How did the word "Kenya" appear? All of you liberals keep skating around that. She wasn't handed a blurb that appeared from nowhere. Somehow the word "Kenya" appeared. And seriously, she couldn't fact check a blurb when that was her job? A blurb? It makes no sense.
You can't stop lying, can you? You're asking a question you know no one can answer as though the only reasonable answer is the answer is the one you're making up. Now you think you can pretend like you're just innocently asking a question and not lying about the fact you have no idea at all where she got that info from. And while no one here can say for certain where it came from, you've been given an example of where it was written about Barack Obama coming from Kenya, only it was about the president's father. That's not to say that's where she got it from but it is to show how someone piecing together a bio on Obama without input from him could have easily made that mistake.
Oh no- you out and out lied several times in this thread.

You have claimed that Obama said in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya- but Obama never said any such thing in his autobiography.

You just lied about it.

You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.
Not to belabor the point, but until you can prove Obama said that, you are still lying by claiming he did. And whether you're capable of comprehending this or not .... not getting an answer to a question that no one here can answer (including you) does not in any way constitute proof.
You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Exactly, Obama was the original Birther. And he lied when he said it. He was born in Hawaii. He's a pretentious liar and a moron and if a Republican did that you people would never shut up about it.
Not to belabor the point, but until you can prove Obama said that, you are still lying by claiming he did. And whether you're capable of comprehending this or not .... not getting an answer to a question that no one here can answer (including you) does not in any way constitute proof.

You keep ignoring the really GLARING question.
Who was the first person to provide the statement "was born in Kenya"?
Surely Obama wouldn't say he was born in Kenya. Someone said that so the blurb was printed with that statement.
Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 7.40.35 AM.png

Just simply tell us who said it first?

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