Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

And you blindly believe a woman who says she guessed Kenya (actually she didn't say that, you are arguing it), then didn't make a particular note to check that.

The choice you're giving me is between her and you.

And you've already lied to me once, with your autobiography blurb nonsense. You've never worked for Acton and Dystel. You've never spoken with Obama. You've never prepared a pamphlet for Acton and Dystel.

Miriam Goderich did work for the company. She did speak with Obama. And she created the pamphlet. She's an eye witness and the world's leading expert. You're nobody.

So why would I ignore her and instead believe you?

You've never been able to explain why I or any other rational person would ever do so. Because there is no reason.

She said she didn't do her job, my "lie" is actually just your bull crap word parsing and gamesmanship.

Oh no- you out and out lied several times in this thread.

You have claimed that Obama said in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya- but Obama never said any such thing in his autobiography.

You just lied about it.

You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied
She said she didn't do her job, my "lie" is actually just your bull crap word parsing and gamesmanship.

She says she made an error. And she's the world's leading expert on that pamphlet.

You lied to me. And you're nobody. But you expect me to ignore her and believe you? You must be joking.

As for 'parsing and gamesmanship', why don't you resolve the issue for us. Tell us, Kaz....what autobiography were you referring to? Journey in Black and White that was never written? Or Dreams From My Father that hadn't been written yet.

If its just 'parsing' that keeps you from the truth, then this will be remarkably easy for you to resolve. If you're lying your ass off, you'll give us another excuse to ignore the question.

Gee, I wonder which it will be?

You're an eight year old

Insults rather than answers? How did I know that was coming?

As for 'parsing and gamesmanship', why don't you resolve the issue for us. Tell us, Kaz....what autobiography were you referring to? Journey in Black and White that was never written? Or Dreams From My Father that hadn't been written yet.

If its just 'parsing' that keeps you from the truth, then this will be remarkably easy for you to resolve. If you're lying your ass off, you'll give us another excuse to ignore the question.

Try again.
How would Meriam have known that?
Asking that question means you're lying when you claim Obama told her.

That makes no sense. The claim was that it was reasonable to assume he was born in Kenya because of a bunch of facts she would have had no way of knowing. I asked how that makes sense. That doesn't imply your idiotic statement.
More to the point- you blindly refuse to believe her.

Even though you have absolutely no evidence to support your conclusion that she is lying- you refuse to believe her

You mean like you blindly refuse to believe our closest ally? The British government and their intelligence community? While you do believe someone who has the word "kenya" magically appear on her computer screen and doesn't remember to check it, when she's writing a short blurb? herrings!

You can't explain why any rational person would ignore Miriam Goderich on the pamphlet she created....and instead believe you.

You're really not very good at this.
Trump wasn't the source of the information, Sparky.
As witnessed by the headline of what you linked to

Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate

Which of course has nothing to do with Redfish claims about lawyers being paid to seal his college records, Simpleton.

You're all over the place in this thread, from being caught lying again and again to making pointless connections to babbling about yellow cake in a pathetic attempt at distraction.

Right, that had nothing to do with my argument. Read the post I wrote, nothing I wrote was dependent on Trump as the source of any information.
More to the point- you blindly refuse to believe her.

Even though you have absolutely no evidence to support your conclusion that she is lying- you refuse to believe her

You mean like you blindly refuse to believe our closest ally? The British government and their intelligence community? While you do believe someone who has the word "kenya" magically appear on her computer screen and doesn't remember to check it, when she's writing a short blurb? herrings!

You can't explain why any rational person would ignore Miriam Goderich on the pamphlet she created....and instead believe you.

You're really not very good at this.

You are arguing who is believable. There is nothing red herring about bringing up good sources of information you don't believe, and other bad sources of information you do to show your agenda.
The choice you're giving me is between her and you.

And you've already lied to me once, with your autobiography blurb nonsense. You've never worked for Acton and Dystel. You've never spoken with Obama. You've never prepared a pamphlet for Acton and Dystel.

Miriam Goderich did work for the company. She did speak with Obama. And she created the pamphlet. She's an eye witness and the world's leading expert. You're nobody.

So why would I ignore her and instead believe you?

You've never been able to explain why I or any other rational person would ever do so. Because there is no reason.

She said she didn't do her job, my "lie" is actually just your bull crap word parsing and gamesmanship.

Oh no- you out and out lied several times in this thread.

You have claimed that Obama said in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya- but Obama never said any such thing in his autobiography.

You just lied about it.

You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

And which 'autobiography' where you referring to? The 'blurb' was from 1991.

Your 'autobiography' would have to match that date.

Show us, don't tell us.
More to the point- you blindly refuse to believe her.

Even though you have absolutely no evidence to support your conclusion that she is lying- you refuse to believe her

You mean like you blindly refuse to believe our closest ally? The British government and their intelligence community? While you do believe someone who has the word "kenya" magically appear on her computer screen and doesn't remember to check it, when she's writing a short blurb? herrings!

You can't explain why any rational person would ignore Miriam Goderich on the pamphlet she created....and instead believe you.

You're really not very good at this.

You are arguing who is believable.

I'm arguing who is more credible on the content of the pamphlet made by Miriam Goderich. You or Miriam Goderich.

You know the answer. Which is why you won't discuss it. So you run, babbling about 'yellow cake' and 'british intelligence'.

Sigh.....I feel a grown man kicking a puppy here.
I'm arguing who is more credible on the content of the pamphlet made by Miriam Goderich. You or Miriam Goderich

And I am arguing who is more credible, a woman who has countries of birth magically appear and admits she screwed the pooch in doing her job and doesn't want to be the target of the left hate machine she would have been if she didn't say what she did.


The British government citing British intelligence and then confirming they stand behind what they said?

You believe the woman with clear motivation to lie who admitted she sucked at her job checking a short blurb yet you don't believe the British. Then you believe Joe Wilson who was caught in lie after lie, and they were stupid, shallow ones. You are clearly just biased, you believe what you want.
Harvard University acknowlegedges President Obama as a distinguished graduate

Who acknowledges Walker?

LOL, from the sixth grade graduate...

I have more degrees than the dropout from Wisconsin

Most people don't count their kindergarten, third grade and sixth grade deplomas as "degrees" but OK.

What about the plagiarizer from Delaware, the mediocrity from Massachusetts who got worse grades than W at Yale or the Harvard law graduate too embarrassed to release his grades? Do you have more degrees than them? Do you have to dig deep back to your pre-school degree to pass them?
All have more academic credentials than the failed governor from Wisconsin

Who doesn't?
I do, BS, MS, MBA. What difference does it make? Obama cruised through on his skin color and learned nothing along the way. What difference do "degrees" make?

Harvard law acknowledges Obama graduated at the top of his class

The failed governor from Wisconsin couldn't even finish
I'm arguing who is more credible on the content of the pamphlet made by Miriam Goderich. You or Miriam Goderich

And I am arguing who is more credible, a woman who has countries of birth magically appear and admits she screwed the pooch in doing her job and doesn't want to be the target of the left hate machine she would have been if she didn't say what she did.

But your underlying assumptions are just ignorant twaddle.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Feb 6th 1990
First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
There's 'Barack Obama' and 'Kenya' in the same sentence. Before the creation of the pamphlet.

You say it any mention of kenya just 'magically appeared'. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You just demonstrated my point for me. You're unreliable, you lie, you're evasive, your argument is steeped in logical fallacies, and you have no direct knowledge of anything that happened at Acton and Dystel.

Why would anyone believe you?

Miriam Goderich worked at Acton and Dystel. She's an eye witness. She created the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authorty on the creation of that pamphlet.

Why would I ignore her?

You can't give me a rational answer to either question. And you're still unable to tell me what 'autobiography' you were referring to. Was it Journey to Black and White, which was never written? Or Dreams of My Father, which hadn't been written in 1991?

Laughing.....and you expect me to believe anything you tell me? You must be joking
Last edited: have to realize that every time you run from your babble about 'autobiographies', you just erode your credibility a bit more. You can ignore it. But I'll just keep chopping down your credibility with your own evasiveness and inability to answer cartoon simple questions about your own claims.

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Sy: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Sy: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Which autobiography are you referring to? Specifically. You can't claim to be a credible source when you can't offer the most basic information on your own claims.
Last edited:
How would Meriam have known that?
Asking that question means you're lying when you claim Obama told her.

That makes no sense. The claim was that it was reasonable to assume he was born in Kenya because of a bunch of facts she would have had no way of knowing. I asked how that makes sense. That doesn't imply your idiotic statement.
You're still lying. It would be nice if you'd stop. The reality is, you don't know where she got that information from. So for you to maintain she got it from Obama is simply a flat out lie.
More to the point- you blindly refuse to believe her.

Even though you have absolutely no evidence to support your conclusion that she is lying- you refuse to believe her
While you do believe someone who has the word "kenya" magically appear on her computer screen and doesn't remember to check it, when she's writing a short blurb?

More to the point- you blindly refuse to believe her.

Even though you have absolutely no evidence to support your conclusion that she is lying- you refuse to believe her

You presume she is lying.

Because- well thats what Birthers do.
I'm arguing who is more credible on the content of the pamphlet made by Miriam Goderich. You or Miriam Goderich

And I am arguing who is more credible, a woman who has countries of birth magically appear and admits she screwed the pooch in doing her job and doesn't want to be the target of the left hate machine she would have been if she didn't say what she did.

Like I said- all Birthers have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

And you keep proving it.
The choice you're giving me is between her and you.

And you've already lied to me once, with your autobiography blurb nonsense. You've never worked for Acton and Dystel. You've never spoken with Obama. You've never prepared a pamphlet for Acton and Dystel.

Miriam Goderich did work for the company. She did speak with Obama. And she created the pamphlet. She's an eye witness and the world's leading expert. You're nobody.

So why would I ignore her and instead believe you?

You've never been able to explain why I or any other rational person would ever do so. Because there is no reason.

She said she didn't do her job, my "lie" is actually just your bull crap word parsing and gamesmanship.

Oh no- you out and out lied several times in this thread.

You have claimed that Obama said in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya- but Obama never said any such thing in his autobiography.

You just lied about it.

You keep adding the word "in" because you are a liar and you know what "in" means. I didn't say it, but you need it to make the point, so you added it to what I said and changed it.

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

You just lied.

I never said he said it "in" his autobiography, you just lied

Going back to the beginning:

KAZ: Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy,

Me: You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

KAZ: It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Me: His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Like I said- Obama never said he was born in Kenya in any autobiography.

Here let me break this down even further for you

None of us said Obama was born in Kenya,
we said Obama was the first to say he was...It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.
Do you have a shred of evidence for that claim.?

I have eye witness testimony of the woman who created the pamphlet that it was simply an error on her part. And Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Its you that has jackshit to back anything you've claimed.

Try again.

You protest too much , son. Pretty obvious you're paid by the DNC to go on the internet and defend obozo against the truth about his kenyan birth. HAHAHA
Do you have a shred of evidence for that claim.?

I have eye witness testimony of the woman who created the pamphlet that it was simply an error on her part. And Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Its you that has jackshit to back anything you've claimed.

Try again.

You protest too much , son. Pretty obvious you're paid by the DNC to go on the internet and defend obozo against the truth about his kenyan birth. HAHAHA! So in the wasteland of your imagination.....Obama's in on the conspiracy. Miriam Goderich is in on the conspiracy. And Harvard is in on the conspiracy. And now the DNC is in on the conspiracy. And I'm in on the conspiracy.

You're like the avatar for the batshit conspiracy axiom: anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

Back in reality, you've still got jack shit to back up anything you've said. Stock up on that tin foil, big guy.
Like I said- all Birthers have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

And you keep proving it.

No - we have a brouchure from obozo's own literary agency that says he was born in kenya. That's a smoking gun. THINK
Like I said- all Birthers have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

And you keep proving it.

No - we have a brouchure from obozo's own literary agency that says he was born in kenya. That's a smoking gun. THINK

Says you. And you're an idiot.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Born in Kenya Obama s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Now why would I ignore Miriam Goderich and instead believe you? And make your explanation as pointlessly elaborate and fantastically complicated as possible, please.

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