Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

Not to belabor the point, but until you can prove Obama said that, you are still lying by claiming he did. And whether you're capable of comprehending this or not .... not getting an answer to a question that no one here can answer (including you) does not in any way constitute proof.

LOL, the flaming hypocrisy, you have no shame. National Guard, Yellow Cake, Halliburton, the ridiculous allegations and assumption of guilt and suddenly this is a standard to you. And Democrats were the original birthers with McCain, Obama was AFTER that. And the McCain one was across your party. Only a few radical nuts say Obama's not legitimately President. I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he's a pretentious ass who liked the sound of being born in Kenya. And even if he were born in Kenya, his mother was American, he was born and American. I am not questioning the legitimacy of his Presidency, but yeah, Obama is responsible for the fiasco. Meriam gave no explanation other than she was too incompetent to fact check a blurb. And she did not say she made up the Kenya or who did. And no one explained why they used it for 16 years. Yeah, it's on Obama to explain that.
All the deflection in the world will not alter that fact that you are lying when you claim Obama said he was born in Kenya.

This is why liberals hate Christians so much, there can be only one God..

Wow you are all over the lies tonight.

"liberals' don't hate Christians.

Most 'liberals' in America are Christians.

You are just showing yourself to be another idiot Conservative.
There is no reason not to believe her.

Sure there is. Her employer paid her to fact check blurbs and she couldn't accurately fact check a paragraph. Also, if she said Obama said he was born in Kenya, the left would have ravaged herr.

You keep saying you are not a Birther- but like every Birther- you rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- not facts.

I will just call you a proto-Birther.

That's because you're an idiot and you don't know what words mean
kaz said:
Who wrote that he was born in Kenya?

How do you forget to check a fact like that in a ... wait for it ... blurb?
Meriam Goderich.

She did? When did she say that?
When she put it in print in this pamphlet ...


She said it was her job to fact check it, show where she said she wrote it

She also said she made a mistake.

And that Obama never told her that he was born in Kenya.

Why do you choose to believe one part of her statement- and not the other?

When your job is fact checking, how do you make a "mistake" by not fact checking a one paragraph blurb? That isn't a "mistake" that's just flat out not doing the job. What she didn't say was that she wrote it and she also didn't say who did. Obviously it was Obama. No one else would make that up.
But the truly funniest part of your post is your idiotic claim that Obama lied to her about being born in Kenya because he's pretentious ....


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are​

... what's pretentious about Kenya?

Well, for a leftist elitist anti-American intellectual snob like Obama, that it's not America is enough. His father was also from there, so he had good reason to idolize that country. And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.
LOL, the flaming hypocrisy, you have no shame. National Guard, Yellow Cake, Halliburton, the ridiculous allegations and assumption of guilt and suddenly this is a standard to you. And Democrats were the original birthers with McCain, Obama was AFTER that. And the McCain one was across your party. Only a few radical nuts say Obama's not legitimately President. I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he's a pretentious ass who liked the sound of being born in Kenya. And even if he were born in Kenya, his mother was American, he was born and American. I am not questioning the legitimacy of his Presidency, but yeah, Obama is responsible for the fiasco. Meriam gave no explanation other than she was too incompetent to fact check a blurb. And she did not say she made up the Kenya or who did. And no one explained why they used it for 16 years. Yeah, it's on Obama to explain that.
All the deflection in the world will not alter that fact that you are lying when you claim Obama said he was born in Kenya.

This is why liberals hate Christians so much, there can be only one God..

Wow you are all over the lies tonight.

"liberals' don't hate Christians.

Most 'liberals' in America are Christians.

You are just showing yourself to be another idiot Conservative.

Yes, conservatives oppose the wars and our presence in the middle east, are pro-choice and think drugs, prostitution euthanasia and gambling should be legal. Moron.

As for liberals and Christians, take the blindfold off and read the board.
But the truly funniest part of your post is your idiotic claim that Obama lied to her about being born in Kenya because he's pretentious ....


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are​

... what's pretentious about Kenya?

Well, for a leftist elitist anti-American intellectual snob like Obama, that it's not America is enough. His father was also from there, so he had good reason to idolize that country. And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.
You only prove yourself to be the imbecile you portray. There is nothing pretentious about Kenya. Especially for someone born in Hawaii.

Thanks for tryin' though. :thup:
But the truly funniest part of your post is your idiotic claim that Obama lied to her about being born in Kenya because he's pretentious ....


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are​

... what's pretentious about Kenya?

Well, for a leftist elitist anti-American intellectual snob like Obama, that it's not America is enough. His father was also from there, so he had good reason to idolize that country. And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.
You only prove yourself to be the imbecile you portray. There is nothing pretentious about Kenya. Especially for someone born in Hawaii.

Thanks for tryin' though. :thup:

Gotcha, Archie. Typical bigoted American unable to see the world through anyone's eyes but your own. Wow you know nothing of the world.
But the truly funniest part of your post is your idiotic claim that Obama lied to her about being born in Kenya because he's pretentious ....


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are​

... what's pretentious about Kenya?

Well, for a leftist elitist anti-American intellectual snob like Obama, that it's not America is enough. His father was also from there, so he had good reason to idolize that country. And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.
You only prove yourself to be the imbecile you portray. There is nothing pretentious about Kenya. Especially for someone born in Hawaii.

Thanks for tryin' though. :thup:

Gotcha, Archie. Typical bigoted American unable to see the world through anyone's eyes but your own. Wow you know nothing of the world.
It's not bigotry either. Words have meaning; even if you don'don't know them. Such as, you're an imbecile. There, did you catch that? That was an appropriate usage of the word, "imbecile."
But the truly funniest part of your post is your idiotic claim that Obama lied to her about being born in Kenya because he's pretentious ....


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are​

... what's pretentious about Kenya?

Well, for a leftist elitist anti-American intellectual snob like Obama, that it's not America is enough. His father was also from there, so he had good reason to idolize that country. And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.
You only prove yourself to be the imbecile you portray. There is nothing pretentious about Kenya. Especially for someone born in Hawaii.

Thanks for tryin' though. :thup:

Gotcha, Archie. Typical bigoted American unable to see the world through anyone's eyes but your own. Wow you know nothing of the world.
It's not bigotry either. Words have meaning; even if you don'don't know them. Such as, you're an imbecile. There, did you catch that? That was an appropriate usage of the word, "imbecile."

You're arguing no one would want to be from some African hell hole when they could say they are Hawaiian. Hell yeah that's bigotry. And it's also ignorance, Kenya is one of the most advanced countries in Africa. If I was going to pick an African country to be from, that would be at the top of my list.
But the truly funniest part of your post is your idiotic claim that Obama lied to her about being born in Kenya because he's pretentious ....


having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are​

... what's pretentious about Kenya?

Well, for a leftist elitist anti-American intellectual snob like Obama, that it's not America is enough. His father was also from there, so he had good reason to idolize that country. And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.
You only prove yourself to be the imbecile you portray. There is nothing pretentious about Kenya. Especially for someone born in Hawaii.

Thanks for tryin' though. :thup:

Gotcha, Archie. Typical bigoted American unable to see the world through anyone's eyes but your own. Wow you know nothing of the world.
It's not bigotry either. Words have meaning; even if you don'don't know them. Such as, you're an imbecile. There, did you catch that? That was an appropriate usage of the word, "imbecile."

You're arguing no one would want to be from some African hell hole when they could say they are Hawaiian. Hell yeah that's bigotry. And it's also ignorance, Kenya is one of the most advanced countries in Africa. If I was going to pick an African country to be from, that would be at the top of my list.
You still haven't answered my question... What's pretentious about Kenya?
You still haven't answered my question... What's pretentious about Kenya?

To you, a bunch of banana republic African darkies? Probably nothing. Kenya isn't a banana republic by the way, not that you care. For Obama, an elitist leftist snob? That isn't not America is enough and his father is from there. As for Kenya though, your ignorance of what a great African country that is profound. But I'm not interested in spoon feeding information you could Google for yourself. If you actually care, do some research.
[ And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.

Yeah - only in africa would kenya be considered an advanced country. In europe it would be considered a sewer.
, Kenya is one of the most advanced countries in Africa. If I was going to pick an African country to be from, that would be at the top of my list.

That shows how ignorant you are. South Africa is falling apart because of black rule, but it's still far more advanced than kenya. But in 20 more years SA will be third world too.
You still haven't answered my question... What's pretentious about Kenya?

To you, a bunch of banana republic African darkies? Probably nothing. Kenya isn't a banana republic by the way, not that you care. For Obama, an elitist leftist snob? That isn't not America is enough and his father is from there. As for Kenya though, your ignorance of what a great African country that is profound. But I'm not interested in spoon feeding information you could Google for yourself. If you actually care, do some research.
Ahh, the race card. Sweet. :thup:

No, you bigot, it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with Kenya being a third world nation. As far as your idiocy about it being such a great country in Africa, thereby qualifying it as pretentious to be one's place of birth, neither your bigotry nor your feigned hysterics aid your idiocy. In reality, it's a third world nation on a continent of 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries. Certainly, if you weren't nuts and wanted to pluck an African nation as a "pretentious" place of birth, there are a half dozen first world nations one might select from. Oh, and get this, you fucking bigot ... some of them have "darkies" (your word, not mine).

Furthermore, you don't speak for Obama, so your idiotic hallucination that he finds it pretentious to claim he was born in Kenya is nothing but you trying to bluff your way out of being caught as the lying imbecile this thread has exposed you to be.

And lastly, you still haven't answered the question, what's pretentious about Kenya? Sure, you offered up your worthless opinion about what you think I think; and what you think Obama thinks; and your nonsense about what a great country a third world nation is :rolleyes:, but you can't actually answer the question since in reality, there is nothing "pretentious" about Kenya. It's clear to all here you stuck your foot in your mouth and rather than own up to it, you're desperately trying to weasel your way out. Your weaseling aside, had Obama wanted to sound pretentious .... listing Hawaii, his actual place of birth, could be considered pretentious.
, Kenya is one of the most advanced countries in Africa. If I was going to pick an African country to be from, that would be at the top of my list.

That shows how ignorant you are. South Africa is falling apart because of black rule, but it's still far more advanced than kenya. But in 20 more years SA will be third world too.
Holyfuckingshit! :eek: Even racist stevie is calling kaz out on her idiocy!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

kaz, if that isn't a wake up call to how retarded you are for describing Kenya as a pretentious country to lie about being born in, nothing will. :mm:
[ And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.

Yeah - only in africa would kenya be considered an advanced country. In europe it would be considered a sewer.

I just want to remind people everytime I see Stevie the racist post Birther bullshit and Shootspeeder the racist post Birther bullshit-

The whining that Birthers are not driven by racism gets a little thin when two of the biggest racists on USMB just also happen to be Birthers.
[ And obviously you know nothing of Africa, Kenya is a very positive country by African standards to be from.

Yeah - only in africa would kenya be considered an advanced country. In europe it would be considered a sewer.

I just want to remind people everytime I see Stevie the racist post Birther bullshit and Shootspeeder the racist post Birther bullshit-

The whining that Birthers are not driven by racism gets a little thin when two of the biggest racists on USMB just also happen to be Birthers.
My question is: How stupid would you have to be to believe any part of these birther conspiracy theories? Is it even possible to be that stupid?

No one actually believes he was born in Kenya, some people just like the way it sounds.

Lots of people believe it as the evidence is very strong if not ironclad. What is 100% true is that obama has claimed in the past that he was born in kenya. That's how he got into harvard and got a scholarship. That and affirmative action.

No, you simply lie, you don't believe it, and neither does anyone else. No one could be that stupid.
Um...thanks for the context, Poindexter.
Your welcome, Simpleton. Seems you need all the help you can get.

Did you read the excerpt and the link? Obviously not.
I read it enough to see you are such a simpleton you think bringing up a Trump claim about lawyers related to a birth certificate in any way disputes a post about lawyers hired to protect college records.

QUOTE="kaz, post: 10773436, member: 26616"] And you call me the dumbest motherfucker? [/QUOTE]
By far, this thread is hilarious in that you've managed to prove yourself a liar and an idiot over and over. It just keeps on giving.

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