Trump Cuts Bait and Goes to Democrats to Make Deals, Skipping Congressional GOP


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is about time.

Fuck Ryan and McConnel.

Trump Bypasses Republicans to Strike Deal on Debt Limit and Harvey Aid

Assuming that he had the support of Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan responded Wednesday morning by calling the Democrats’ proposal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” saying “it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.”

“To play politics with the debt ceiling, like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea,” Mr. Ryan said.

Once they arrived at the White House, however, Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Ryan. Congressional aides said privately that Republicans went into the meeting at the White House proposing an 18-month deal on government spending and the debt limit, only to run into resistance from the Democrats. They then proposed a six-month deal as a compromise, but Democrats insisted on a three-month agreement. Mr. Trump then surprised the Republicans by agreeing to the Democratic formulation.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Mr. Trump said afterward. “We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.”​

‘The New Washington’: How Schumer’s Power Play Led to a Deal With Trump

Mr. Schumer said he hoped the latest agreement represented a course correction by Mr. Trump.

“Maybe this was an aberration,” Mr. Schumer said. “But maybe they’re learning, either instinctively or intellectually, that just embracing the hard right isn’t going to get them very far.”

Mr. Trump certainly relished the news media coverage generated by the across-the-aisle engagement — a crucial marker with him — calling Mr. Schumer on Thursday to exult in it.

“I got a call early this morning,” Mr. Schumer said. “He said, ‘This was so great!’ Here’s what he said: ‘Do you watch Fox News?’ I said, ‘Not really.’ ‘They’re praising you!’ Meaning me. But he said, ‘And your stations’ — I guess meaning MSNBC and CNN — ‘are praising me! This is great!’”

Mr. Schumer said the president also showed a sincere soft spot for the Dreamers, reiterating in a second meeting with Mr. Schumer the “great sympathy he has for the Dreamer kids, that they are good Americans, they work hard and they don’t deserve to be kicked out of the country.”

“I said, ‘Well, you have to act on it,’” Mr. Schumer added.

Mr. Schumer said he and Mr. Trump had agreed to explore eliminating the debt limit increase as a legislative pressure point, allowing it to rise automatically in some way without a vote. Mr. Schumer admitted that such a move could deny Democrats future leverage.

“If it’s the right thing to do, I think we can do it,” said Mr. Schumer, who carefully noted that he would not be sacrificing any clout in the coming talks. “We’ll have leverage in this situation.”​
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.
Oh, calm down. It couldn't have been a more direct, respectful question.

I'll take that as a "yes". Thanks.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.
Oh, calm down. It couldn't have been a more direct, respectful question.

I'll take that as a "yes". Thanks.
Clearly you are against helping the people, which is a politicians job.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.
Oh, calm down. It couldn't have been a more direct, respectful question.

I'll take that as a "yes". Thanks.
Clearly you are against helping the people, which is a politicians job.
What in the world are you talking about?
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.

Stop lying Mike, we all know your position is The American people should be put before any partisan shit Trump is sorta like god that works in mysterious ways, so I'm sure whatever he does is awesome.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.

Stop lying Mike, we all know your position is The American people should be put before any partisan shit Trump is sorta like god that works in mysterious ways, so I'm sure whatever he does is awesome.
Your and others hatred of Americans could not be more clear. The people should come first!
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
------------------------------------------------ i have no use for the top ranking 'rinos' that Trump skipped over ----------- so , I'm thinking that i agree with MikeTX !!
GOP leadership in Congress has to change. They're miserably feckless. Ryan and McConnell need to be removed as soon as possible. I mean, both have recently stated they're 'not sure they can even get Tax Cuts done anytime soon.' HUH, WHAAT!? Their Party controls the White House and Congress for God sake. But they can't even get Tax Cuts done? They need to go. They're so feckless, Trump was forced to go around them and work with the other side. The GOP is blowing a golden opportunity. It's flushing all those recent historic wins right down the toilet.
i only voted 'repub' in the past because thats all there is . But seeing their leaders for the future like jebito , roobio , kasich , fiorina and the other immigration supporters that i know i'll never vote for i can only go for this new type [MAGA] Trump Party and take my chances . [or Ted Cruz of course] ----------- i think that i have been a registered 'independent' or 'libertarian' these last couple of elections but was registered 'repub' from 18 to about 50 years of age . I am 68 currently .
GOP leadership in Congress has to change. They're miserably feckless. Ryan and McConnell need to be removed as soon as possible. I mean, both have recently stated they're 'not sure they can even get Tax Cuts done anytime soon.' HUH, WHAAT!? Their Party controls the White House and Congress for God sake. But they can't even get Tax Cuts done? They need to go. They're so feckless, Trump was forced to go around them and work with the other side. The GOP is blowing a golden opportunity. It's flushing all those recent historic wins right down the toilet.
How do you expect Ryan or McConnell to force every Republican to agree on a particular bill? Waterboard them? Blackmail them? What?
Republicans no longer have a cohesive core. The hard right is a minority that has stymied the Republicans from working together and achieving needed compromise with the Democrats. Ryan and McConnell don't have any control over that.
GOP leadership in Congress has to change. They're miserably feckless. Ryan and McConnell need to be removed as soon as possible. I mean, both have recently stated they're 'not sure they can even get Tax Cuts done anytime soon.' HUH, WHAAT!? Their Party controls the White House and Congress for God sake. But they can't even get Tax Cuts done? They need to go. They're so feckless, Trump was forced to go around them and work with the other side. The GOP is blowing a golden opportunity. It's flushing all those recent historic wins right down the toilet.
How do you expect Ryan or McConnell to force every Republican to agree on a particular bill? Waterboard them? Blackmail them? What?
Republicans no longer have a cohesive core. The hard right is a minority that has stymied the Republicans from working together and achieving needed compromise with the Democrats. Ryan and McConnell don't have any control over that.
--------------------------------------------------------- so WE the hard RIGHT have been doing our job OldLady .
Trump doesn't have to cross the aisle to be surrounded by Dems; so this move is much ado about nothing but getting shit done.
MAGA its not rocket science for Christ sakes. Hello earth to the establishment, Trump ran against the establishment in BOTH parties GOP and DEM.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.

Stop lying Mike, we all know your position is The American people should be put before any partisan shit Trump is sorta like god that works in mysterious ways, so I'm sure whatever he does is awesome.
Your and others hatred of Americans could not be more clear. The people should come first!

Nonsense. Calling out emperor without clothes is as American as apple pie.

Love the way you didn't deny the charge.
As stated Trump has put the American people before politics. Well done. Shows just how worthless republicans are.
So you're okay with him crossing the aisle as he feels appropriate?
Ahh, trolling for a response huh? The American people should be put before any partisan shit, and if you don't like it perhaps you don't have any real interest in this country surviving the scum politicians we have had for decades.

Stop lying Mike, we all know your position is The American people should be put before any partisan shit Trump is sorta like god that works in mysterious ways, so I'm sure whatever he does is awesome.
Your and others hatred of Americans could not be more clear. The people should come first!

Was that what you were doing when you wanted the ACA repealed? Putting the 20 million Americans who received health insurance coverage under the ACA first?

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