Trump Deal Offer To Re-open Government A Bad Deal For Democrats!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Deal that the Trump Administration is offering to end the government shutdown is a bad deal for the Democrats it shows that President Trump isn't interested in being fair to the Democrats. The flaw in the deal is that President Trump gets permanently one fifth of the amount of the Wall he wants and Democrats get zero percent of what they want green cards and a path to citizenship for the Childhood Arrivals and foreign born people Trump is trying to remove from Temporary Protected Status. A fair deal would be if Trump would offer a green card and a path to citizenship for twenty percent of the people in these classes they could use a lottery system to distribute these benefits. The majority of the American people would like to see both parties compromise and a deal reached so the innocent people here the 800,000 federal workers not getting paid by the shutdown can get their lives back. Senator James Lankford alluded to on ABC's This Week that this Whitehouse created bill could be subject to amendments; let us hope that Majority Leader McConnell would allow for amendment votes that would turn this bill into a fair bill and one which could pass the House! One thing I don't get is how in good conscience Trump can tweet and say giving green cards and a path to citizenship to Childhood arrivals is amnesty; amnesty is when authorities say we are not going to enforce the law to someone who "broke" the law to someone who is culpable in the breaking of the law to be legalistic about it there has to be a "mens rea" about it by the person in violation of the law these childhood arrivals have no such culpability they had no say in the decision that brought them to this country their parents because they were parents bare the full culpability in the crime!

Democrats are still no better than Trump their offer of an appropriation bill that has one billion dollars of additional spending for the immigration problem but nothing for a physical barrier is not only unfair but is insulting Democrats are demonstrating they are not yet willing to compromise. Democrats continually condemn Trump for holding Federal Workers as hostages so he can get a policy advanced they paint the picture like they are some guardians of American Democracy stopping a cataclysmic precedent being set. There is absolutely no bad precedent with a President refusing to sign an appropriation bill that doesn't fund a high priority policy thus using his signature as leverage to get the desired funding assuming his policy pursuit is just and good; responsible Americans would expect a Democrat President to do the same. This shutdown has gone on long enough, the truth of the matter is now both Democrats and Republicans are holding all these American families hostages unless they put together and pass appropriation bills that put all these workers back to work absent twenty to twenty-five billions of federal spending so President Trump will still have his leverage going into a separate immigration bill negotiation!
Too long; didn't read.

It's too fucking bad. The Demcrats will take the deal they are given and LIKE it or FUCK OFF.

FedZilla stays shut down for 50 years. I give ZERO fucks!
Fine....Leave the 15% of stupid gubmint shut down.....Let 'em eat fish heads.

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