Trump Defeated Them...Now They Want Revenge Outside Ballot Box

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...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...
View attachment 142440
Trump has never gotten over Obama was a beloved president whereas he is not. Actually Trump is the most hated and laughed at leader in the world.
His followers are starting to finally smarten up which is why they've atrophied down to 33%.
Obama "beloved." Lmfao!
Shows how out of touch you are with reality..
Except for you racists, he is/ was beloved.
He's beloved by goose-stepping Nazi assholes. He is the worst president we have had since LBJ.
So says no historian or anyone of note.
Obama was a great president.
Trump is at 33%.
Nuff said..
Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Well, I do agree that, as George Bernard Shaw famously wrote in The Devil's Disciple, "history, sir, will tell lies as usual." However, I do not agree that historians are "paid propagandists." It is true that the winners write history, not the losers. Thus, if Native Americans had a written language rather than solely verbal histories, there would be less complacency about the genocide that took place in the late 18th and early 19th century. But with no written language to pass on, their story was not as front and center as it could've been.

"Paid propagandists." A bridge too far.

And again I applaud you for making a post without a personal insult! Well done again!
...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?
View attachment 142440
Obama "beloved." Lmfao!
Shows how out of touch you are with reality..
Except for you racists, he is/ was beloved.
He's beloved by goose-stepping Nazi assholes. He is the worst president we have had since LBJ.
So says no historian or anyone of note.
Obama was a great president.
Trump is at 33%.
Nuff said..
Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Well, I do agree that, as George Bernard Shaw famously wrote in The Devil's Disciple, "history, sir, will tell lies as usual." However, I do not agree that historians are "paid propagandists." It is true that the winners write history, not the losers. Thus, if Native Americans had a written language rather than solely verbal histories, there would be less complacency about the genocide that took place in the late 18th and early 19th century. But with no written language to pass on, their story was not as front and center as it could've been.

"Paid propagandists." A bridge too far.

And again I applaud you for making a post without a personal insult! Well done again!

It's not "a bridge too far." Professional historians are all sucking on the government tit. They don't get the job if they write stuff critical of government or its minions.
...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?

Not sure Goldberg and Schweizer can fairly be characterized as "historians." McCullough, Bullock, Goodwin. Those are historians. Not "paid propagandists" either! :)
View attachment 142440 Shows how out of touch you are with reality..
Except for you racists, he is/ was beloved.
He's beloved by goose-stepping Nazi assholes. He is the worst president we have had since LBJ.
So says no historian or anyone of note.
Obama was a great president.
Trump is at 33%.
Nuff said..
Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Well, I do agree that, as George Bernard Shaw famously wrote in The Devil's Disciple, "history, sir, will tell lies as usual." However, I do not agree that historians are "paid propagandists." It is true that the winners write history, not the losers. Thus, if Native Americans had a written language rather than solely verbal histories, there would be less complacency about the genocide that took place in the late 18th and early 19th century. But with no written language to pass on, their story was not as front and center as it could've been.

"Paid propagandists." A bridge too far.

And again I applaud you for making a post without a personal insult! Well done again!

It's not "a bridge too far." Professional historians are all sucking on the government tit. They don't get the job if they write stuff critical of government or its minions.

Sounds like we disagree. Thanks once again for no personal attacks in this post! You are far more interesting when you don't punctuate every post with a slur! Thanks !
...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?

Not sure Goldberg and Schweizer can fairly be characterized as "historians." McCullough, Bullock, Goodwin. Those are historians. Not "paid propagandists" either! :)

I didn't claim they were historians. However, my respondent scoffed at the idea that not everything in a book is factual.

Goodwin is a proven fraud and plagiarist.

David McCullough is exactly the kind of boot licking toady I'm referring to.

I don't know much about Bullock. I haven't read his stuff, but he appears to be one of the old school historians, before they were corrupted with government cash.
Donald J. Trump made Barack Hussein Obama eat his words. Great moment in American history last November. You underestimate this man. Two term POTUS because Democrats out of touch with reality.

I've been meaning to ask... what's up with using the middle names and middle initials? I hear people do it all the time and it just sounds silly

Hey, at least some of them can spell it now.

OP - thanks for that video. Seeing Obama tweak trumps butt never gets hold.

It also shows why trump lies about Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using
Donald J. Trump made Barack Hussein Obama eat his words. Great moment in American history last November. You underestimate this man. Two term POTUS because Democrats out of touch with reality.

I've been meaning to ask... what's up with using the middle names and middle initials? I hear people do it all the time and it just sounds silly

Hussein speaks volumes.

I agree. He always does. Little did we know that his jokes were true. Read trumps tweets - mostly lies and whining.

Sent from my iPhone using
...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?

Not sure Goldberg and Schweizer can fairly be characterized as "historians." McCullough, Bullock, Goodwin. Those are historians. Not "paid propagandists" either! :)

I didn't claim they were historians. However, my respondent scoffed at the idea that not everything in a book is factual.

Goodwin is a proven fraud and plagiarist.

David McCullough is exactly the kind of boot licking toady I'm referring to.

I don't know much about Bullock. I haven't read his stuff, but he appears to be one of the old school historians, before they were corrupted with government cash.

Yup, we most definitely disagree. Not sure what you'd say about Rosenstein and Huntington, so I won't ask...
...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?

Not sure Goldberg and Schweizer can fairly be characterized as "historians." McCullough, Bullock, Goodwin. Those are historians. Not "paid propagandists" either! :)

I didn't claim they were historians. However, my respondent scoffed at the idea that not everything in a book is factual.

Goodwin is a proven fraud and plagiarist.

David McCullough is exactly the kind of boot licking toady I'm referring to.

I don't know much about Bullock. I haven't read his stuff, but he appears to be one of the old school historians, before they were corrupted with government cash.

Yup, we most definitely disagree. Not sure what you'd say about Rosenstein and Huntington, so I won't ask...

Doris Kearns Goodwin, liar.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?

Not sure Goldberg and Schweizer can fairly be characterized as "historians." McCullough, Bullock, Goodwin. Those are historians. Not "paid propagandists" either! :)

I didn't claim they were historians. However, my respondent scoffed at the idea that not everything in a book is factual.

Goodwin is a proven fraud and plagiarist.

David McCullough is exactly the kind of boot licking toady I'm referring to.

I don't know much about Bullock. I haven't read his stuff, but he appears to be one of the old school historians, before they were corrupted with government cash.

Yup, we most definitely disagree. Not sure what you'd say about Rosenstein and Huntington, so I won't ask...

Doris Kearns Goodwin, liar.

I don't disagree. Plagiarism is bad. But why does being a plagiarist mean that she is lying about history? The substance of this particular claim of plagiarism doesn't change the substance of what she was saying, does it? I am not condoning plagiarism, just asking how being a plagiarist bolsters your original point that she is a paid propagandist?
...Historians are paid propagandists for the government. They are just another form of fake news. They collect fake news and put it into books.
Ya'll payin' attention to this $hit, folks?

Now it's historians...

Now it's

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... had enough yet, America?

Amazing, how all these little fascist princesses start oozing out from under their rocks, given the proper stimuli...

So you think books only have facts in them? How about these books?

Not sure Goldberg and Schweizer can fairly be characterized as "historians." McCullough, Bullock, Goodwin. Those are historians. Not "paid propagandists" either! :)

Paranoids... individuals and cult-followings... sometimes experience great difficulties in discerning anything that lies beyond their propaganda and dogma...
...So you think books only have facts in them?...
Never said any such thing.

You, on the other hand, have been immensely entertaining, with your dumbass retarded claim that legitimate historians are all paid government propagandists.
...So you think books only have facts in them?...
Never said any such thing.

You, on the other hand, have been immensely entertaining, with your dumbass retarded claim that legitimate historians are all paid government propagandists.

There's nothing "legitimate" about them. You claimed that books contain only facts. Now you seem to be admitting that so-called "historians" can lie. We know for a fact that many of them do lie.
What does outside the ballot box mean exactly?

It means trying to change administrations and positions outside of the elections process.

Oh you mean like impeachment?

Is that unconstitutional?

It is if they dig back 10 years into a mans personal and business life that has nothing to do with him being President or the bogus accusations against him.
Yeah, we would never do that to Bill Clinton or Obama, so why on earth would they want to do that to President Trump?
...So you think books only have facts in them?...
Never said any such thing.

You, on the other hand, have been immensely entertaining, with your dumbass retarded claim that legitimate historians are all paid government propagandists.

There's nothing "legitimate" about them. You claimed that books contain only facts. Now you seem to be admitting that so-called "historians" can lie. We know for a fact that many of them do lie.
Your doctor called. He thinks you need to "up" your meds again, little TrumpBot. God, it's fun, watching you TrumpBots twist and squirm - and sweat.
Ray From Cleveland post: 17877670,
is if they dig back 10 years into a mans personal and business life that has nothing to do with him being President or the bogus accusations against him.

What's wrong with Trump's personal life ten years ago? Doesn't Trump take personal responsibility for what he has done in his silver spoon fed life. If he had crimes going back to when he was born then we deaserve to know about them.

Trump went all out the way back to Obama's birth certificate. Sure the entirety of Trump's financial ties to all foreign governments and money launderers is on the table.

Go for it all Mueller.
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