Trump Defeated Them...Now They Want Revenge Outside Ballot Box

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Ray From Cleveland post: 17877670,
is if they dig back 10 years into a mans personal and business life that has nothing to do with him being President or the bogus accusations against him.

What's wrong with Trump's personal life ten years ago? Doesn't Trump take personal responsibility for what he has done in his silver spoon fed life. If he had crimes going back to when he was born then we deaserve to know about them.

Trump went all out the way back to Obama's birth certificate. Sure the entirety of Trump's financial ties to all foreign governments and money launderers is on the table.

Go for it all Mueller.

And did DumBama have an investigation into his questionable citizenship by the FBI director?

There was no money laundering. Trump has had repeated IRS audits like many who make his kind of money. It's routine. This BS collusion is supposed to be about last election--not what he did ten years ago. What he did ten years ago has nothing to do with the supposed investigation. This (and Mueller hiring all pro Hillary anti-Trump lawyers) is nothing more than a witch hunt.
Ray From Cleveland post: 17877670,
is if they dig back 10 years into a mans personal and business life that has nothing to do with him being President or the bogus accusations against him.

What's wrong with Trump's personal life ten years ago? Doesn't Trump take personal responsibility for what he has done in his silver spoon fed life. If he had crimes going back to when he was born then we deaserve to know about them.

Trump went all out the way back to Obama's birth certificate. Sure the entirety of Trump's financial ties to all foreign governments and money launderers is on the table.

Go for it all Mueller.
Go for it...stay germane to the Russian investigation...which goes nowhere except to Hillary campaign.
Trump defeated them and they want revenge "outside the ballot box" , indeed!

That's what's called a coup.

And a coup is exactly what's going on in America today.

There is not a coup d'etat going on in the US today. The government is not being suddenly overthrown. That's just hyperbole, or a misuse of the term.

If you choose to live in ignorance :dunno:.... it's up to you

That won't change reality.

Your ranting won't change the meaning of that word either.

All the crying by you lefties won't change that Hillary lost to someone you consider an idiot. If you can't beat someone you consider an idiots, that has to hurt.
I'm not at all comfortable with what's going on. How sure are we that this isn't a continuation of a scheme all planned by Putin? Take down Hillary before the election and then hit Trump afterwards.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17879844,
What he did ten years ago has nothing to do with the supposed investigation. This (and Mueller hiring all pro Hillary anti-Trump lawyers) is nothing more than a witch hunt.

What are you so worried about? Putin's been in power for seventeen years. Mueller should certainly go back that far.

And did DumBama have an investigation into his questionable citizenship by the FBI director?

There was no money laundering. Trump has had repeated IRS audits like many who make his kind of money. It's routine. This BS collusion is supposed to be about last election--not what he did ten years ago. What he did ten years ago has nothing to do with the supposed investigation. This (and Mueller hiring all pro Hillary anti-Trump lawyers) is nothing more than a witch hunt.

There was NOTHING questionable about his citizenship. Nothing.
Trump defeated them and they want revenge "outside the ballot box" , indeed!

That's what's called a coup.

And a coup is exactly what's going on in America today.

There is not a coup d'etat going on in the US today. The government is not being suddenly overthrown. That's just hyperbole, or a misuse of the term.

Actually, that is exactly what the leftwing radicals have in mind. Trump wants to stick to the constitution and decrease the size and control of government. The left was going in the opposite direction. Hillary and her fellow wannabe tyrants support open borders and one world government, which means our entire system of government has to be overturned because they want to shred our constitution and Bill of Rights.

So, yes, they want Trump out so they can take power and continue the destruction of this country.

It's a coup, though different than most. They are trying to be sneaky about it and aren't being honest with people about what they are really up to. They just need to have power back so people like Hillary can tell people one thing and then do another. Like Hillary admitted to Wall Street, she has two different views, one public and one true one. And she will say what she has to in order to keep people calm while she does the damage behind closed doors.

Like previous countries that went to shit, it was because the leaders were lying to them while they changed the countries to socialism, then communism. Once people realized they had been duped, it was too late. They no longer had the means to fight because they didn't have freedom or liberty and were nothing more than property of the state.
Trump defeated them and they want revenge "outside the ballot box" , indeed!

That's what's called a coup.

And a coup is exactly what's going on in America today.

There is not a coup d'etat going on in the US today. The government is not being suddenly overthrown. That's just hyperbole, or a misuse of the term.

Actually, that is exactly what the leftwing radicals have in mind. Trump wants to stick to the constitution and decrease the size and control of government. The left was going in the opposite direction. Hillary and her fellow wannabe tyrants support open borders and one world government, which means our entire system of government has to be overturned because they want to shred our constitution and Bill of Rights.

So, yes, they want Trump out so they can take power and continue the destruction of this country.

It's a coup, though different than most. They are trying to be sneaky about it and aren't being honest with people about what they are really up to. They just need to have power back so people like Hillary can tell people one thing and then do another. Like Hillary admitted to Wall Street, she has two different views, one public and one true one. And she will say what she has to in order to keep people calm while she does the damage behind closed doors.

Like previous countries that went to shit, it was because the leaders were lying to them while they changed the countries to socialism, then communism. Once people realized they had been duped, it was too late. They no longer had the means to fight because they didn't have freedom or liberty and were nothing more than property of the state.

1. The "left" and "right" have both gone in the direction of increasing the size and control of the federal government probably since that government formed. It's pretty much the nature of government.

2. The idea that the left is actively attempting to destroy this country sounds like paranoid conspiracy nonsense.

3. Getting Trump out of office would not put the left in power. There are a long list of people in the order of succession for president who are not on the political left. Even if, by some strange circumstance, the left were able to get someone in the presidency, Congress is still majority Republican.

4. I start under the assumption that all politicians at the federal level have different public and private faces.
Hillary lost and there is no way that could have happened with the fix in at all levels. So, must have been Boris and Natasha getting ballots marked for Trump instead of Hillary
1. The "left" and "right" have both gone in the direction of increasing the size and control of the federal government probably since that government formed. It's pretty much the nature of government.

2. The idea that the left is actively attempting to destroy this country sounds like paranoid conspiracy nonsense.

3. Getting Trump out of office would not put the left in power. There are a long list of people in the order of succession for president who are not on the political left. Even if, by some strange circumstance, the left were able to get someone in the presidency, Congress is still majority Republican.

4. I start under the assumption that all politicians at the federal level have different public and private faces.

Hillary talked about one world government and no borders. It doesn't get any more radical than that. And she has enough people willing to give her power.

Also, the current witch hunt, which nut jobs like Maxine Waters will extend to Pence, is all about discrediting Trump and Republicans. They are looking toward midterms. Yes, they think they can go after Republicans and eliminate them one by one. It is all about eventually regaining power. It's all they are focused on. For now, they need to stop Trump from undoing Obama's policies that had set the stage for future extremists, like Hillary.
1. The "left" and "right" have both gone in the direction of increasing the size and control of the federal government probably since that government formed. It's pretty much the nature of government.

2. The idea that the left is actively attempting to destroy this country sounds like paranoid conspiracy nonsense.

3. Getting Trump out of office would not put the left in power. There are a long list of people in the order of succession for president who are not on the political left. Even if, by some strange circumstance, the left were able to get someone in the presidency, Congress is still majority Republican.

4. I start under the assumption that all politicians at the federal level have different public and private faces.

Hillary talked about one world government and no borders. It doesn't get any more radical than that. And she has enough people willing to give her power.

Also, the current witch hunt, which nut jobs like Maxine Waters will extend to Pence, is all about discrediting Trump and Republicans. They are looking toward midterms. Yes, they think they can go after Republicans and eliminate them one by one. It is all about eventually regaining power. It's all they are focused on. For now, they need to stop Trump from undoing Obama's policies that had set the stage for future extremists, like Hillary.

It's not about discrediting anyone. It's about finding how Russia hacked our election, and how we can prevent it from happening again. If anyone gets discredited, they earned it.
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