Trump delivers the Bitch Slap the Republican Party has needed since Reagan left

thats nothing. Look here:


:badgrin: You can't think of everything!
yea good luck with might be doable in a area that has a thousand living try it in areas where you have a hundred thousand plus..
It is the UNICORN immigration policy.
these people that think you can round up a few million plus people are living in their own dream world....
Who said anything about rounding anyone up?
if you do what you are rounding them up....just not all at once....but the whole point of what you want is to "round" them all up and deport the illegal ones....
You are no more rounding them up than you are rounding up rapists....

When someone is caught breaking the law, they answer for it. If your particular crime is border jumping, then deportation is the penalty for breaking our laws on immigration.

By your consideration, we should never prosecute or arrest anyone for any crime because its rounding up to many of them....

What I want is for those who are here illegally to be sent back to their country of origin. AS per our laws.

Nothing more, nothing less.
and i am saying.....good luck with that.....this country has allowed this shit to go on for 50+ years and now people are crying about it,its a little late for the long timers.....the ones who have not got things going you might be able to boot them,but the long timers?....i dont think so.....besides you have to plug the leaks before you begin to bale the water....
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction

Frank, get a grip. No one is actually taking Donald seriously....except maybe you and his maid.
if so why are so many talking about the guy seriously?........buffoons generally get laughed at,i have seen lots of non-laughing stories about this.....Trump is saying what a lot of Americans believe,but wont say so publicly....and yes that includes lots of Democrat/liberals....especially out here...
Why not just registry them as guest workers and make sure they pay the taxes. More importantly make sure the companies hiring them pay their share of the taxes as well.
Why not just deport them as the law states...
yea good luck with might be doable in a area that has a thousand living try it in areas where you have a hundred thousand plus..
Its doable period. The problem with people who think it is not is that they think it all has to be done at once....However, the border jumpers who are in this country illegally did not all arrive at once, so who says we have to deport them all at once?

All that is required is:

a. Remove the incentive for them to come here
b. Secure the border so that when they are deported, they stay that way
c. Deport them without exception each and every time one of them is found...No exceptions.

So what if it takes 20 years. Let it take 20 years....but start doing it: TODAY.

So you support President Obama's deporting millions and his increase of Border Patrol to more than 18,500 - both of which the Repubs have fought.

Think about that for a moment.

Repubs fought against Obama putting18,500 Border Patrol for a 2000 mile border while they demand that our other borders remain wide open.

so 100 get deported and 100 more come across.....whats the point?....
Yahoo has a leftist slant, yet, whenever they post an article about Trump, 9 out of 10 responses to these articles favor Trump.
Raygun was the worst criminal in politics ever. Most of his administration were indicted and convicted of many crimes. He lied to Congress on the witness stand.

He should have lived his last years in prison. Trump would have to crawl on his belly like a snake to come close to Raygun.
Well good news is that Trump is already providing the principled opposition to Democrat Fascism we've long needed. To date, the Republican Party has been happy to goosestep over the Constitution along with the Dem Jihadists, but Trump is already making a difference
Well good news is that Trump is already providing the principled opposition to Democrat Fascism we've long needed. To date, the Republican Party has been happy to goosestep over the Constitution along with the Dem Jihadists, but Trump is already making a difference

He's a Captain Dunzel. A fascist like the rest of the GOP mange. Surprising how many lemmings are so willing to jump over the edge with him, but it will end soon enough.
Well good news is that Trump is already providing the principled opposition to Democrat Fascism we've long needed. To date, the Republican Party has been happy to goosestep over the Constitution along with the Dem Jihadists, but Trump is already making a difference

At first I was anti-Trump because he was a registered Democrat, donated to Hillary and was against GWB...
But remembering what Reagan said.."I didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Party left Me"... meaning it changed... Reagan didn't!
But Reagan saw more possibilities with the GOP just as Trump does and while Trump may not be quite as diplomatic as Reagan...he is still I believe as principled!
Principled in Reagan/Trump truly believe in America and Americans. Truly wanted/wants America to succeed and doesn't blame America first as Obama do thinking
that shows the world that Americans aren't all puff and pompous.
But by bending over backwards as Obama has America and the world are weakened.
Trump wants "legal immigrants" to come to this country as MOST of us Americans want...i.e. people that obey the law as we do!
So for that reason I truly think Trump is a fresh breath on the otherwise stale GOP stances!
but he's brought the illegal problem front and center.

The Post's Antonio Olivo talked to 15 of the workers — some of whom, he wrote Monday, "acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally."

"The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally," said a mason, Ivan Arellano, who reportedly obtained legal status through marriage. "And we're all here working very hard to build a better life for our families."

Immigrants reportedly help build Donald Trump DC hotel - Business Insider

The Trump should explain this and should be fined, like any other person who hires ILLEGALS

The problem goes away if the government decides to crack down on the companies, managers and owners who hire illegal immigrants. Start putting those people in jail, and the problem is solved. Who is proposing that?
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction

The only thing Trump and is supporters have bitch slapped is Ronald Reagan and the conservative movement.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

One thing that has always fascinated me about a Trump supporter. Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the Republican nominee to win the White House, but his supporters don't.

In 2012 Trump blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for the loss.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

TRUMP IS RIGHT. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block. Of course in 2012 the debate stage was full of immigration/amnesty/deportation, & Romney lost by only getting 27% of this block. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee must capture 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Trump is polling at a negative 80% with the Latino block. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago they would not support a Trump nominee.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a Question for Trump Supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather one that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap. Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office, to ponder what that phone call was about between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump just prior to him jumping in this race.



The award for the dumbest people on earth goes to: Trump supporters
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
Last edited:
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction

The only thing Trump and is supporters have bitch slapped is Ronald Reagan and the conservative movement.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

One thing that has always fascinated me about a Trump supporter. Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the Republican nominee to win the White House, but his supporters don't.

In 2012 Trump blasted Republicans for losing citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for the loss.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

TRUMP IS RIGHT. The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block. Of course in 2012 the debate stage was full of immigration/amnesty/deportation, & Romney lost by only getting 27% of this block. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee must capture 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Trump is polling at a negative 80% with the Latino block. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago they would not support a Trump nominee.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a Question for Trump Supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather one that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap. Don't worry you'll have the next 4 to 8 years of Hillary Clinton in the oval office, to ponder what that phone call was about between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump just prior to him jumping in this race.



The award for the dumbest people on earth goes to: Trump supporters
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Trump saw and took advantage of the ingrained hatred and fear of the right wing, so blame him instead of the ones who spent millions of dollars and lots of years conditioning the rubes to be susceptible to his rhetoric. Sure, that's the rational thing to do.
Trump saw and took advantage of the ingrained hatred and fear of the right wing, so blame him instead of the ones who spent millions of dollars and lots of years conditioning the rubes to be susceptible to his rhetoric. Sure, that's the rational thing to do.
You think like a child and probably really are one. Your claims of hate and fear don't make it a reality no matter how many times you repeat it. It's obvious you do not understand grown up issues. Why don't you go play with your Xbox?
Trump saw and took advantage of the ingrained hatred and fear of the right wing, so blame him instead of the ones who spent millions of dollars and lots of years conditioning the rubes to be susceptible to his rhetoric. Sure, that's the rational thing to do.
You think like a child and probably really are one. Your claims of hate and fear don't make it a reality no matter how many times you repeat it. It's obvious you do not understand grown up issues. Why don't you go play with your Xbox?

How else do you explain T-rump's appeal to the right if not for his playing on their hate and fear? He has no rational defined plans for anything.
Trump saw and took advantage of the ingrained hatred and fear of the right wing, so blame him instead of the ones who spent millions of dollars and lots of years conditioning the rubes to be susceptible to his rhetoric. Sure, that's the rational thing to do.
You think like a child and probably really are one. Your claims of hate and fear don't make it a reality no matter how many times you repeat it. It's obvious you do not understand grown up issues. Why don't you go play with your Xbox?
How else do you explain T-rump's appeal to the right if not for his playing on their hate and fear? He has no rational defined plans for anything.
Your hatred is apparent, I explain your disapproval as evidence that he's on to something.

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